Why there is no first world country where a rus can easily claim asylum?

Why there is no first world country where a rus can easily claim asylum?

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go to moscow

Just learn to hammer nail in board and apply to work here Rus friend.

Because the world hates you.

I think your accent is sexy besides the Belorussian accent which is a bit better.

What's wrong with Russia?

Can a real Russian give me the lowdown. Looking on VK.com, it looks ideal - hot women everywhere dressing nicely.

> implying I am not it Moscow

You are just horny

Live is shit.
> tfw looks white but hated mote than blacks

Why would you wanna live with niggers, refugees and other subhumans? Why would you wanna be blasted 24/7 with tolerance propaganda and LGBT bullshit? Why would you want to live out your life controlled by Jews on a daily basis, from the moment you turn on Talmudvision to watch another kike comedian talk about how white people are bad, to the minute you pick up a pencil in one of our Marxist universities and write about how you benefit from white privilege?

Why do all of that, when you can live in a pure, white land such as Russia, with Christian values and no Jewry, no LGBT, no niggers, no SJW indoctrination?

I'm honestly jealous that Russians get to live out their lives free from this bullshit. Every day I just want to say fuck you to society and go live in the middle of the woods somewhere in Siberia.

Well fuck, I'm willing to believe you but tell me HOW and WHY it's shit in Russia.

Give me some details, you autist.

then what's the problem ivan

Belrussia is even more crazy with women
>look at contacts friend list
>hundreds of perfect ten women.

This. Count your blessings, Rusbro.

Obviously because life is way better.
More money, safer streets, working laws, seems enough.

Why is that obviously Polish Pepe squatting in front of a bottle of Tyskie wearing a Russian styled tracksuit?

>Obviously because life is way better.

Oh, you mean the material things.

Yeah, sure, you'll get to buy a bigger house, a newer car, make more money. You'll start thinking this is paradise, I'm glad I left Russia. But sooner or later, it will come to you. Sooner or later you'll realize how bad it is over here.

Give it time. Maybe 5 years. You'll start wondering what do I do with this extra money, what do I buy, do I save up? But none of it makes you happy. Then you want to go find a woman, but the white ones all hate you because of your skin color, or because you don't love Muslims enough. You start seeing women with babies in their strollers wearing short skirts and slutty tops. You check on Tinder and every decent white woman is a single mother or fucked a nigger.

But that's not even the worse part. Soon it will crawl up to you and never let you go. The idea that you're living in a society where you have no control. Oh sure, you can go up and buy groceries. You can jerk off however many times you want. But you can't escape the Jewish control. He is everywhere, and his boot is constantly pushing you down. You are a slave, and you are being pushed to follow your own demise, slowly but surely.

It will come to you. I promise. Then you'll wish you never left Russia.


> imblying Russia is different

How hard is it for a foreigner to pick up Russian girls?

One of the easiest thing in the world.

Hi Russia Bro!
I would like to meet, marry, and mate with one of your finest women.

Believe me, you have it good.

Seriously, I love Russian babes.

Get over it Russian faggot. You have it good compared to starving kids in Africa.

Is Russia gynocentric?


At the same level at which western countries are.

But it is different.

Your genitals probably weren't sliced up and mutilated shortly after your birth.

You probably haven't been jumped and robbed by niggers or experienced how vile their culture is firsthand.

You probably have very few coal burners, single moms and feminists and could find a woman if you tried.

You probably haven't been exposed to the filth that is a LGBT pride parade.

You probably have a job and a safe and affordable place to live, even if it's in a commieblock apartment building, a lot of us here don't even have that.

>safe and affordable place to live
Your delusion is insane.

Your skin color bud.
Its too white.

You can't claim asylum since you are property of Russia. It is your duty to live and die for the Tsar & State.

Anyone emmigrating from Russia should be hunted down and brought back or your remaining family gets gulag'd.

You have Serbia


Cлышь пидap, yчиcь хopoшo, и cъeбeшь бeз пpoблeм

Northern Norwegians love Russia, our intelligence agency was actually concerned they'd all defect to Russia in a potential war


Come to CypRUS. We love Russians here, especially your women and your money!
Also this


you are a cuck...give US that money and shit if you on't know how to be happy...

Just shoot yourself you depressed cuck. Don't try to infect the russian bro with your senile depression.


You understand that it is because most people are shit, but not all.

Come to australia. I would gladly welcome you into my town and into my girlfriends vagina

Serbia is gr8 man.
Amazing food, amazing women and don't get me started on the night life.
The only bad thing is that we have a corrupt government.

> /r9kpol/
> girlfriend

Get the fuck out of here,

do you have a younger sister? after she marries me and gets citizenship we'll sponsor you.

Because you're white

No. I tried to convince my mom to marry an american dude, but she disagrees.

Not you Serbia! I love the Balkans, aside from the dirty muslims
I meant that Russia image was from Siberia.

I don't know why you faggots think we have all this money here, most people I know barely get by.

Cherry picking. Russia and Serbia are around the same level when it comes to living standards.


It's easy to compare wages (where Americans blow the rest of the world out in comparison) but not so easy to compare cost of living.

A lot of people just assume that because American food is cheap AF that living in the USA is cheap.

t. poorfag Malteser

I see.

hory shit is it really like that or you are just shitposting?

redpill me on kosovo

> europa tits finest


If your prosecuted for your political views you can apply for asylum. Except your a nazi then go and fuck your self. We have more then enaugth of them here.

Policemen came to my uni after recent anti corruption meeting and took one guy with him.
Wanna photo?

>does not exist

> Nazi

Is there a Kraut who isn't a faggot? I am starting to think that there's something to the idea that all the good men died in WWII

Fake some dics claiming you have a jew grandfather, come here and join millions of ex-USSR immugrants


You understand that if you start being prosecuted you wont probably leave russia.

Yes please. So you're saying the police disappeared him??

I've been recently talking to girls in Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, and Chelyabinsk, oh and Krasnodar in the south.

Spierdalaj, ja lubię TURBOFOLK.


that was on purpose

you move to Kalingrad and apply for an asylum in balts or Poland. Yes it happens. If you have good papers you can get the status in 6 months

wow nice wallpaper for my phone, going to eat my sandwich now

>croatia doesn't even hold mainland croatia

Which papers are good?

inform the DNC that you had a dream with trump in it and you'll be in america within a day

if one of your dedushka or babushkas was a kike you can come to Israel, we're sortoff a 1st world country

progressive countries are losing their culture and identity at such a rate that you are morbidly depressed unless you are a teeny bopper SJW or someone with their head in the sand.

If you mean some being an opposition - any document proving membership in illegal/persecuted organisations, photos of you taking part in a rallies, medical documents proving that you were beaten or abused. Also tickets or court verdicts are good. Just anything that can prove that its not a bullshit and that Putin will go down on your ass. Its nice to be listed in google. Once you get the status you can leave for western europe. You better not be churka. They wont even accept you application

Ask Putin why the only diplomatic friends Russia has are Chinese and Turk tier.

Sorry RUSbro but you are trapped there for life.

You obviously never been to Russia.

Actually you can just 'convert' I heard?

I probably will just to try to fake them.

Traitorous cunt. Reported to FSB

Yes it is.

What do you want most in your life, as a man? Beyond your material wants which fade like the a daisy in autumn. Your only answer should be to raise a family and carry on your genes. But you look at this Western world, with all its indoctrination, it's white guilt, it's mongrelization which people actually PRAISE - I mean you literally get PRAISE for being a mixed meat bag of random genetics - and it fucking gets to you, man. What's the point? My kid is going to grow up in this melting pot of shit even worse than I am, no matter how much I redpill him about what's going on. He's going to be born in a country that was even less white than the one I was born into, and so on and so forth.

I calls it like I sees it, Luigi. You're blind if you don't see what's happening around you.

beat up some cop after you enlist in some bullshit opposition organisation

It will put me in a jail for life.

You'd instantly become the hero of opposition though. But i doubt it's worth it.

Actually the FSB likes that "traitorous cunts" are free to leave the country instead of being bottled up in Russia where they could cause disturbances.

so at least take part in some illegal rally and get yourself arrested.

Navalniy bot, please.
You started well about Russian being shit but then you said that you're muscowite (where the life standarts are close to poorest regions of US and Western Europe) and start to whine about the lack of freedom and muh poor students. So fuck off to sosach where you naturally belong.

Shill, please, I use Sup Forums because it is relatively free from putinbots.

no. you can convert once you are here, but to get citizenship one of your parents or grandparents has to be a jew


I'm not a putinbot, prick. But it doesnt matter that I like the other sort of shit that is represented by you.
Get a fucking normal degree, sell your mom's flat in Moscow and you can move anywhere without begging an asylum like dirty rapefugee.

can I join the IDF and crusade against Hamas without any Jewish lineage?

What you do really miss bratan, is the general quality of russians on the net. Visit vk, visit steam, visit sosach. It's horrible. Most people are retarded beyond belief and act like niggers 2.0. Ever wondered WHY would you need to run from putinbots?

The only thing that saves this place from being overrun my cultureless russian monkeys is the language barrier. And i say, BLESS THAT THING. It saves those civil russians that actually are intrested in discussion and not in shit-throwing special olympics.

And so, if you are that general navalny shill - i say fuck off back to sosach. If you are willing to actually discuss things, you are welcome here.

whatever then

Lol, implying the life of looser is better in Israel.

I see your turbofolk and I rise to polish backstreetboys



It indeed is.

it really is Ivan, lol. israel is only slightly worse standards of living than a normal european 1st world nation, and not for long since our economy has been seeing strong growth for the past 30 years without signs of stagnation

Why should he care about american women? He can still date russian

It is a typical vatnic response when he sees that some russian wants to escape russia.

>get a job in some big company
>what is internal mobility
>move to switzerland

> implying there are good jobs in russia
> I will still have to evade conscription somehow

I'm not saying that Israel is signicantly worse than Europe or US. I say that the person who seeks alylum doesnt want to work or study..
Does your country provide enough neetbux?

Russia is great if you are rich.
If you get such a job why would you move?