Should the American Negro be educated separately?

The American Negro brings so much disruption to our classrooms and some who try just do not seem to have the ability to learn on the same level as Whites or Asians. It is so unfair to expose a classroom to Chimpery. Whites and Asians would excel segregated together and having all black schools could concentrate on the black anger issues.
You can't address the black anger issues while teaching Whites and Asians.

Should we segregate for the good of all or continue to dumb down the creative minds of the white,/Asian students,?

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Drop out of high school and take GED. apply to college and get phd. Do lectures in favor of exterminating jews.
Go to Vahalla!

No, we should separate based on academic standards, preparedness, and behavior. I don't want your retard holding up my kid just because he's white.


Teacher here.

We all know this is the answer but it's illegal.

GED is harder to achieve than a diploma. Also the social interaction is important. Valhalla is Bullshit. Jesus' heaven is for the white man.

Thank you for your honesty. It is the correct answer and we all should face it now or pay later.

They should get the best education Africa can offer.

I could agree. Some Niggers can learn at white/Asian speed level.



Yisrael Chai, bitch.

It's a shame on all ends because both the bright and slow students both get fucked by the pace of courses.

Mostly, it's done as a measure to ensure that privatized 'self-paced' options are attractive to schools to purchase.

The privatization of education is mostly a racket aided by special ed laws.

If our government removed black test scores from our national testing the whites/Asians would score higher than any other country on the earth. Germany will soon learn this fact but I do expect them to hide these Muzzlem scores.

Addressing the black violent anger issues in a controlled environment, like school, could and would benefit this country's hope of mixed societal diversity.

Most black kids aren't any more violent than kids of other races: it's just that they aren't watched as closely because they've already worn down teachers and administration who believe them a lost cause.

We fail all our children by refusing to expel the worst elements

You are wrong about the violent tendencies of the American Negro. They are disruptive. I do agree expulsion should be used more freely. One year of cleaning g these criminal, white or black, would benefit all. It would also send a strong message to tow the line to stay comfy.

Chimpouts are real. Even the educated and well behaved niggers have a low threshold to violence and the violence they use don't have any proportion to what they're upset about. They have very poor impulse control and will lash out about the most minor shit.

That nigga moment scene in Boondocks is actually quite accurate.

I love to laugh at the real description of CHIMPERY. Boondocks hits it right on. How can we educate that mentality with the creative productive student is a horrid crime against a whole race.

I've seen my fair share of white chimpouts.

These things don't really happen if there's a strong man who has the respect of students.

The difficult part is getting respect from students who are outright hostile to authority.

>How can we educate that mentality

lol you've got a long ways to go my boy, you put too much faith in your nurture>nature view of the situation, the problem blacks have simply cannot be fixed, even blacks themselves don't want to fix anything.... from their perspective they see their retarded self-destructive parasitic way of life as the apex human culture, if you can actually believe that.

I know you don't want to hear this stuff, but I'm telling you now this life is going to be a very bumpy when you won't accept that fact that some people are simply irredeemable, and you will never change that.

Yes, integration was imposed on the people against there will.

What do you think AP classes are for?


>I've seen my fair share of white chimpouts.

>thinks getting hit with a spitball while he's writing cuck shit on the chalkboard is a "chimpout"

>white chimpouts

The reason we have niggers now is because we stopped whipping them for a few generations and they devolved back into feral shitskins again. It's going to take more than "re-education". They have to be actively house trained all over again.


Why stop there? Why should whites share the same classrooom? Clearly some whites are smarter than others, and more inclined towards pursuit of knowledge than others. I know when i was in school, among the white kids there was a clear divide between the kids who liked studying and the kids who just wanted to talk about dicks and vaginas and alcohol instead of achieving higher learning. And why stop there? Why should we even have public education? Let the parents who can afford it, give an education to their children. After all, if you can't plan for your childrens future, what makes you think you deserve having smart and intelligent children? And at this point, we might just as well remove the entire welfare state, because it is simply an injustice.

>No, we should separate based on academic standards

We do that here in Germany

In Britain we have private schools where classes are set by ability, and the smartest kids get the most support.
Creates highly trained intelligent people.

Don't be a poorfag and send your kids to private school

The US has those too, AP classes at most high schools. They tend to be much better behaved than regular classes, because no googs get in. My calculus class had only whites in it while geometry was full of Hispanics and island Asians. For perspective I was in 9th grade and they were mostly seniors. The class was a breeze for me but most of the rest couldn't figure out how to find the area of a triangle.

Your public school didn't have separate sets in each subject? Were you in a private school or is it just county? All my classes were set accordingly to ability. Unfortunately there weren't enough classes for the top 10% or so (me and a few friends) so we still had people in the top 30% that didn't care much for the work. We weren't with the absolute chav spawn scum.though so it's better than nothing.

No, all schools should have forced racial integration.

Segregation is the biggest cause of problems in the black community. They need to be separated from eachother so as to not perpetuate their degenerate culture.

Yeah my parents were pretty set on me going to a private school. Not a snotty rich kid though, they worked their arses off to get me there.
I thought public schools were a lot more progressive bullshit, 'every kid is equal' kinda thing.

school psychologist here, negroes are consistently 1-2 SD lower than whites on IQ scales in my experience.

Obama is bla-

Tried to find some info on this. All those kids need to be put in jail.

We Thought They Were White

An African-American Apologizes for Misattributed Perceptions of White Racism Against Blacks Perpetrated by Jews