How can you defend this Sup Forums?

How can you defend this Sup Forums?

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t. Van "Villa that wastes electricity equal to 10 households" Jones

Earth has to go back

I've always wanted a happening to end all happenings, for this wretched world to burn.
Now Trump is bringing it.
Best president ever.

Very fake news.

Niburu ftw

Earth will be so shitty by 2200 in any scenario that I don't really care what Drumpf does.

>Van Jones
A darkie.
Wew lad.

about time we show earth who the boss is. no options should be off the table, including nukes. The first thing God tells us in the Bible is to "subdue the earth". about time someone put this lazy worm filled ball of earth on notice. If we get so much as one more earthquake I say we destroy the bitch in nuclear fire. that will teach it.

I'd rather get nuked than live in the brazil / iraq hybrid that the world is turning into.

End all this shit right now, just pull the plug on mankind. I wish I was born in Northern Europe 1000 years ago.

How long before we see global warming domes like they want to put on Mars?

Looks like Dubai is building one.

>If 1 country rolls back environmental regulations, the earth dies.
>If China and India (3/7 of people on the planet) continue to pollute the sky and water until its inhabitable, that's alright.

Reminder that leftism is a quantifiable mental illness.

>Van Jones Says: Trump is a Meanie
>Article written by Van Jones

Trump is a Real Estate mogul, and though he wants to invest in coal burning and is probably being paid a lot by coal barrons, the human footprint is small. Aside from that, the "point of no return" which is a fallacious statement by climatologists - this point was being reached during Obama's tenure. Proving his climate change control regulations were not working. Or, in the most simple of ways, the world is entering another high-carbon period.

What a completely hysterical statement

U.S. is still #1 polluter.



>sky is falling media

Chicken little shit.

Who gives a fuck? Earth is nothing without humans.

struggle is over
islam gone
no more blacked
jews stop jewing
no more leaf posts
it's perfect

China is now.

Thank god. I want to die

>tune in to CNN to find out how Trump is ending the world today

That's just an indoor amusement park like the one in vegas

Starving a few 100 million africans is a good step toward conservation. Next we need to get rid of a billion chinks and poo in loos.

It's like screenscaping own posts...

It is like 3 to 4 miles and climate controlled.

God already did 1/5 of it for us.

>no more leaf posts
see, end of the world is an everybody wins scenario

Lol, the earth will be just fine. It's been fucked up far worse by things that can do more damage than humans. It will kill us all off eventually and start again

>1 post by this ID


These people should really be forced to live in India for a while.

They just fucking throw trash on the ground there and justify it by thinking they're job creators lmao.

Public restrooms? Why the fuck would we need those?

I swear, leftists have no fucking idea about the world. Ideas like racism and multiculturalism don't even exist outside of the West. They preach about shit that they can't even fully comprehend because they're completely ignorant of the majority of the world.

>right wing Earth death squad

>nigger that plays race card when ever he speaks

ya that nigger is as much as a """jounalist""" as my left nut is an artist.

>Donald Trump is every awful thing ever

People (apart from the social media circus) don't actually believe this, right?

Easily, the global warming scam has excluded gooks and poos, they not only haven't stopped polluting but ever increasingly ramping up their production, and the jews behind it state it's about wealth redistribution, with the truth of the matter is it's about destroying Whites.

There is no justification for the existence of CNN.
Gas them.

Why would I defend anything a nigger, especially this nigger would say?