What is your opinion on stoners and drug dealers?

What do you think of stoners who smoke multiple times a day and sell weed to fund their habit?

Degenerate? Nigger behavior?

Yes, very gross. Any respectable person who found out spmeone they knew smoked weed would rebuke them

Is it the fact that they smoke weed daily or the fact that they smoke weed period, that is gross?

Period. It's a childish thing we all did in high school. You don't need weed to have fun or relax or eat food. You don't need it at all really. Maybe for medical purposes but not for back aches or headaches.

What is your opinion on weed dealers?

I traded an 8 year dr. prescribed Oxycontin addicting for about a joint a day medical weed habit.
chronic pain from a point blank gunshot wound to the spine from being robbed 20 years ago.
now I 2nd amendment as well

my body my choice,fuck off

dude how fucking old are you

born 1969
retired bartender(i retired early,never liked work)
not mexican but live on isla mujeres 3miles off cancun
so inb4 beaner but yes build that wall!

Losers who are too afraid to work with their hands to get a real job, or they just be tryna escape the hood nigga nah mean bruh? Heard an anecdote of Christians who live by faith (that is, not working besides preaching the gospel and living off of what they trust God to provide day to day) having the same if better living conditions as a full time drug dealer, which would be what most people consider poor. The only difference is the Christians left all their money behind or used it to buy things other people needed, so they are poor on purpose, and the drug dealer is constantly trying to rise above poverty so he can get money to buy his happiness. They deal drugs because they love money.

>still on Sup Forums

Fucking wow. Get a life mate.

What the fuck, really

Man if there's a guy in the street smoking a joint, what does that change in your life?
How does the fact he's smoking influence you? The smell? Don't be a bitchbaby.

I literally don't fucking care. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do anything except take liberty cap mushrooms once a year because they freely grow in our nature.

Mind your own fucking business, you're the degenerates.

How are your lives so empty that you have to dig into others'?

Sort your fucking problems out, you dull faggots.

Seeing as he's Mexican, I'd guess he is 25-26

Weed is for blacks, mexicans and children. Drug dealers, even those selling a baggie to their peers are literally scum

dealers are cool,they're undocumented pharmacists.

pushers are faggots that need killing.
pushers sell anything to anybody,even tainted or cut shit.and they sell to kids.

don't know what terms todays generation uses but those are the old school terms.

everyone should smoke
make the children smoke

fuck you,it's midday and i don't need to work.
I've been here since before everyone found out moot was a fag.(we still kinda guessed it tho)
I'm pre internet bitches,you should revere my input.
I'm an ancient.

when i was addicted i let my dealers fuck my gf for drugs. pretty sad because she loved me and did it for me.

weed dealers arent even real drug dealers

if you want to talk about real drug dealers: they are animals: cold, ruthless, unforgiving. i used to buy heroin and crack from various people. they all carried heavy guns and didnt think twice about shooting people.

Degenerates and those promoting degeneracy. They should all be lined up and shot

>Addicted to weed

Bait detected.

You got my respect

I'm confused? wouldn't it make more sense to legalize pot, so that way it would take a huge stab at the black market, an tax the living hell out of it, so the druggies on welfare can fund themselves . I don't smoke pot personally, but who cares if people do it. It's not my money that's going down the drain.

Like the Steppenwolf song Goddamn The Pusher

>But but you're wasting your money, think about the poor shekels!
>not growing your own

anyone with strong opinions on this substance is a massive fag.

Your a normie trying to troll us Fuck off

I don't mind those who smoke on occasion just like drinking but people who do that shit religiously have a problem and don't even know it. As with everything moderation is key. I can't even smoke the shit anymore, stuff is to fucking potent nowadays. Makes me feel like I'm going to have a heart attack.

years of lurking on Sup Forums has made me so mad at the world that I end up toking on an almost daily basis just so I can stay functional throughout the day without lashing out at anyone.

I'm silll in agreement that pot attracts an extremely degenerate crowd (redpilled from person experience), which is why I smoke on my own, but still...


What this guy said.

Alt-rights need to grow a pair.