Why am I not being paid for my browser history

Why don't the people get paid if it's their browser history being sold? Is my browser history not my own? Did I sign over the rights to my browser history unknowingly when I agreed to use an ISP? Are there any isps that will cash you in on this new law saying browser histories can be tracked and then sold to 3rd parties?

ISPs should atleast be providing lower cost or free Internet access if they are making money off me just browsing the web now.

Is everyone just a paid sliding shill now??


Bump x2

Bump x3: this is ridiculous edition

Who exactly is buying the internet history? Are companies buying bulk data or are they targeting individuals for background checks / insurance purposes? I'd also rather people didn't see my waifu claiming...

As I understand it the isps will gather huge banks of data that are then sold to advertisers the same way Google sells your Google searches and mouse clix on Google.com to advertisers.


Why aren't I getting paid for information generated from using my [insert service]'s services?

Put anything other than ISP and you'll realize how stupid it sounds.

this has been a thing for years it's just more metadata addsence crap to make sure you see the right Nike adds
the GOP didn't make it legal they stopped a new Obama order from taking effect and making it illegal

Is that supposed to be an analogy?

if you dont understand the infinite value of having psychological profiles on everyone, you have no idea of the reality of the world you live in

Actually I feel the exact same way.

>replying with a rhetorical question
Try again by explaining what's wrong with it. How is your shopping habits any different? It's anonymized data.

Look at it this way, would you be okay with someone listening to your phone calls in order to sell you products based on what you say? How is this any different?

>Targeted advertising
>Anonymous data

Pick one, Satan.

its bulk data illiterate fucks, you still cant buy someone's specific data. also lul at the cards against humanity guy's pledge to buy congress' data - cuzhecant

>non-anonymized shopping habit data being sold to third parties w/o explicit consent
I think you're too thick to have this conversation.

How in the hell will they know my browser history?

if this is bait stop it

if not
this is about ISP selling the data not browser companies

your internet company knows your history because they connect the calls like your phone company knows who you talk to

How do I become an ISP?

very typical of the government, I would compare it to meter maid/parking enforcement, the city is in need $$ and they will use any method to get it.

Listened here you half-a-Swede; if that were the case then the retailers websites would just collect the data on inventory and sales and that would be it. ISPs wouldn't bother aggregating data that the main consumer of could collect themselves. Fucking Ice Tards.


are Americans really this stupid and entitled?

>if that were the case
Literally what

I get paid to watch commercials online. Contributed to why I stopped using conventional forms of television.

>if that were the case then the retailers websites would just collect the data on inventory and sales and that would be it

it's not about what your customers buy it's about finding out what your competitors customers are buying so you can make moves to steal those customers
therefor one company can't get a complete picture from just their data

also the important data is not what you buy it's what you look at but don't buy yet because that's the thing I can sell you

The government is owned by lobbyists, shouldn't be news to you.
>Data caps because electrons moving at light-speed get "clogged"
>Data caps are only in a "testing phase" but have been for years and are in every major city
ISPs are bullshit. When internet is ran municipally, such as in Chattanooga, it is much faster and cheaper. But we can't have that because muh socialism, and it's better to give all your money to corporations than to the government.

Okay basic analogy time. How would you feel if the garbagemen who you were already paying to pick up your trash were getting paid even more to pick through it and let Nike, footlocker and every other shoe store know you threw away your old sneakers so then all the stores can know to put up a billboard across the street from your house advertising shoes. You are already paying them to use internet and they make double to microanalyze your life with every click and all you get is garbage out of it. You end up paying to live in your own personal Truman show.

>Why am I not being paid for my browser history
Are you a job creator? Only big companies are job creators and deserve to profit from government rulings.

Don't worry. I'm sure the wealth will eventually trickle down to you.


Fucking this. Still waiting for that Reagan money to trickle down to me.

I dont go on my phone to talk to my mom about my porn habits

Worth noting that this is nothing new. ISPs have done this for years.
What the current officials are doing is making a bill to block a bill that would have forbade the practice but has not yet gone into effect. So really they are maintaining the status quo.

Still shitty but leftist media outlets are trying to turn this into a partisan issue when it really isn't.
If your privacy was a legitimite concern, you would have acted after the Saint Snowden told it like it is.

this is pathetic
is Sup Forums your shit box for posting idiot questions

what a genius scam artist that guy

>How do I become an ISP?
this is the real question. why cant i just log in with a satellite phone or something?

Then answer the question, smart ass.

fuck off you cannibal

the answer to the question is no, just Internet should become free to use if you're the product

but this won't happen because it's an FCC rollback, everyone flipping out is the typical political idiot that over reacts to shitf rom his twitter feed

>What the current officials are doing is making a bill to block a bill that would have forbade the practice but has not yet gone into effect. So really they are maintaining the status quo.
>they are maintaining the status quo.
thats not what i voted for

Cannibal wtf I'm not venezuela

Are these tech companies just becoming data banks? We don't pay to use google, youtube ect. So is the data they mine from us being / has always been the fee? I guess for ISP's it is different since we pay for their services, but everybody is mining your history, your clicks. Will google even care to buy out browser history when they already have that and more?

He didn't ask why, he asked who. Go back to shool and learn to read.

The only one overreacting here is you newfriend. I only had to bump so much because the thread was slid so much and I wanted other anons input. So how is my anonymous history not my product? I'm well aware this has been going on since Google tracked previous searches and YouTube started monetizing channels but both of these services are free from their providers. Internet service providers making money off me when I am already paying for it seems like they want to have their cake and eat it too.

>Data caps because electrons moving at light-speed get "clogged"
>because routers' and firewalls' memory i/o and cpu clock speed are not bottlenecks

Person of black persuasion identified.

I'm pretty sure the ISPs sell the history in anonymized, bulk form.

OP can't bump inside intervals of 10 minutes
it's not your product because you sign it away
your touchy feely "person idea" on how it should be handled is like a bowl of shit to anyone walking by, and you're so proud to show it to them

That was an analogy tailored for you who could not come up with their own. I see it was the wrong type. Allow me to data mine your browser history to come up with a better one.

Nice job projecting your shit self worth onto me. I hope your attempt to ridicule anons on the Internet helps you feel better about yourself at least. Im sure if other people knew their bowls of shit were being sold by isps for money they would love to know if they could market their shit for themselves. I await your next ass rattled reply.

this is nothing more than removing the isps from the jurisdiction of a shitlib part of government.

Generally something is paid for our ad supported. They should pick one.

and making it a law so they cant order it again in the future

Trump is going to veto this right?

He cares more about the privacy of citizens then he does about the interests of huge corporations like comcast r-right?

>Trump is going to veto this right?