How do we fix America's obesity problem?

How do we fix America's obesity problem?

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refuse healthcare, welfare, etc to anyone over 25 bmi

I think it's time we address the elephant in the room.

Make land-whaling legal in the US and allow US land-sailors to sell the blubber to refineries.

...I can't tell what I'm looking at

The amount of money these fucks spend on food and helpers to move and clean them, they could spend it on getting that fat sucked out.

It will fix itself... these lardfucks won't last long and, as user said below, refuse healthcare to those who aren't prepared to stop shovelling bullshit down their throat.

Obesity is the symptom, it's not the disease. I don't see it getting fixed unless there's a collapse first.

Simple, leave them alone, they cant even get up and walk. They'll just die desperately trying to get out of bed and call for help.

What about their enablers?

Thats like 95 percent of america

tax the ever living shit out of anything with hfcs or a disproportionately high amount of sugar+fat %dri. nobody needs to buy 1k calories for one dollar, get an insulin spike and crave the damn things an hour later.

i want this garbage out of our food environment.

yeah, it would solve the issue pretty quick


I think 30 is a better option, below 30 is not a serious health problem. They should lose weight though

Just shows how imperative it is to implement it right away. Church should have never gone soft on the fasting and fish. Even removing all the religion making it so people practiced their self control made them better people.

how the fuck is that even possible? closest thing i've seen to a real life jabba

>nobody needs to buy 1k calories for one dollar
b-but what about their freedom to eat themselves to death?

Symptom of what? Force feeding yourself processed food?

Send fatties to work camps. Those not sent to work camps can't work because it's illegal to employ fatties. It's also illegal to sell food to fatties.

They should have the freedom to eat themselves to death. As long as they dont have the healthcare saftey net


he might actually be worse than pic related.

i always wonder what the skeleton looks like underneath all of that fat.

25 is just fine. Girls start to look really gross if their bmi is over 25. Girls really should never even be above 20, but of course we have to use the same scale for men and women because muh equality. Also, men above 25 are either fat or serious body builders, and body builders don't need healthcare.

We kill a little over half the americans, which also happen to be the obese ones.

Problem solved

>How do we fix America's obesity problem?
If you can't move under your own power, you don't get food.

Not a complete solution but a good start.


can you guys develop a "fat nuke" that only targets fat asses?

You don't, it's natural selection

>Wasting your time trying to save these landwhales

Let them suicide

It looks about the same as your skeleton. Usually quite squished in the legs though, so bent knees and totally fucked up ankles.


they're not dying fast enough.

get out fat fuck.

no, it must be to anyone over 25% bodyfat not BMI because BMI doesn't work for people who work out and have some muscle

Yeah actually, I'm not sure where anything is on this person. Are they sitting forward and twisting to the side? Are they facing the two men and its leg protrudes off to the side? What are the physics of this person even?

your pic isnt as fat as OPs pic.

>still using BMI as a valid metric
Sudoku yourselves.


how does he even maintain that weight. why doesnt his carer just stop giving him so much food

they still do, it's just going to cost more
we still can technically smoke and drink ourselves to death but it costs an arm and leg
there's a billion restrictions on how you can market those two products why the fuck aren't we doing something about sweets? the science is already there, it fucks your brain chemistry and helps you become a lardass easier than if you were just eating beans and meat.


Just kill them, they're inferior if they let themselves get that large

No more gibs, no healthcare for those who show no regard for their health.

>fatty burns more calories getting triggered than exercising
like pottery

Free market healthcare or death panels for the obese.

putting cyanide in products that are just fat and sugar.

Jabba the Hutt seen better days.

.t neckbeard

Over 300 pounds? Burnt for fuel. No exceptions.

if I was a billionaire I would comision that statue

Legalize proven to work weight loss pills. Yes they cause heart attacks in a minority of people but at least no more fatties.

Education hasn't worked in 70 years what makes people think it's going to start working if only we spend a bit more now?
Cutting off services to citizens is unconstitutional as all citizens are equal before the law.
Taxing more just increases effective poverty.

What people will do is buy a pill that costs a few cents a dose, that will help them lose weight. They won't exercise more. They won't eat less. They won't buy less or change what they buy.

Claiming that any action other than a pill will work denies reality.

Sweden would declare a war on you

To the leftist livestock:

You aren't special. You aren't clever. Since the beginning of /tg/, we have seen -quite literally- THOUSANDS of leftist shills (just like you) enter these threads armed with clickbait narratives and an air of smug superiority, certain that they could outsmart us. Every last one of them was shit out the other end of /tg/ having made no impact whatsoever.

You WILL fail, just like the rest. This is not a prediction; it's a statement of fact. You won't change any minds. No one will remember you. These threads are still going strong, which speaks volumes about the ineffectuality of past shills.

You can't argue against this, all that you can do is sarcastically dismiss it. Whether or not you choose to admit it, we both know that I'm right. No matter what you say or do, you'll be getting fucked for the next 8 years while we laugh at you. Go fuck yourself.

P.S. this post is pasta - I wouldn't waste any real time on you.

Suppose someone is thin and healthy but has way more muscle mass than body fat. That person is overweight according to that metric.

you are right, they could send that faggot submarine

Wouldn't cost a fortune even if it was marble, unless you meant the statue should be the size of the Statue of Liberty.

By letting them die.

this was proven a dumb argument a long time ago because bmi deals with populations and not OUTLIERS


Tripps for truth. She honestly makes a giant fictional space slug look healthy.

Oh shit i recognize that fat fuck. He's an absolute total fucking scumbag. Relishes how taxpayers are paying for his fat ass to live. Kept ordering pizzas from the hospital he was in. They were desperately trying to help him lose a pound but he kept aggressively ordering pizzas and screaming how much he didnt care.

99 % of niggers are scum, but gassing them all would also kill the 1 % minority. We don't make decisions based on the outliers. 99 % of bmi>25 are just fat, not bodybuilders.

All America would have to do to fix their obesity problem would be to prioritize the health of the public over money for once. Healthy foods available at the same prices and speed as fast food would be a start.



with marble, what would be the cost?

When you're that fat and a spectacle to behold I fear it would be difficult to maintain your sanity. Obviously he has some kind of food problem, like a drunk pickling his brain, they know it's a problem but still persist. I feel bad for him even if he is an asshole.

we need to put a 1000% tax on all soda and ban chick-fil-a because they are homophobic and serve fried unhealthy food. We also have to promote kale, gluten free diets, and coconut oil.

Just kidding,

These food fads are fucking retarded. Kale isnt a superfood, it can be harmful in large doses, gluten free diets are only for celiacs and isnt particularly healthy, and coconut oil is insane bad for your heart.

The coconut oil fad is the dumbest thing I have seen in a long time.

Oh, so you don't understand simple physics. Okay.

I thought finnish education was one of the best in europe. I guess I was wrong.



hell if they were eating heads of broccoli covered in cheese and butter it would be a hell of a lot better than what they're currently gorging on

i lost weight doing that and i wasn't even a fraction as big as they are

A bullet

*Blocks your path*


No, you don't understand statistics and what the bmi is used for. If the BMI doesn't apply to you because you're super buff then it doesn't apply to you, fuck off.

What I want to know is how he's that heavy, and isn't dead yet. That's really fucking sad that someone would let themselves get that way. If more people would eat healthy, or go an extreme route like Keto, we'd be a lot better off as a country.

>this was proven a dumb argument a long time ago because bmi deals with populations and not OUTLIERS
BMI was the demographical average of Victorian Era people.

Not a calculation based on health, fitness, life span or any medical factor. Just the average distribution of people from the 1860s.

*Broccoli your path*

No, YOU fuck off. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Read a book. Any book.

regulate sugar intake

>gets out the mountain climbing gear

not again, this is the last time i go to atlanta

They deserve every insult thrown their way.
They deserve a lot worse too.

Depending on the size you wanted and who you had carve it, the best estimate I can give you is "a few thousand dollars".


Diet pizza

Even Jabba can stand up, shame on you burgers

*whips out poke'flute*

James, pop the fuck off mate

You're not very smart are you? BMI has limitations, but that doesn't make it useless. 99 % of those with high bmi are simply fat. Not bodybuilders. That shouldn't be too hard for you to understand. Unless you're of course a fatty in denial.

Double this. I lift a lot yet still keep my body fat percentage no higher than 15. According to BMI, I'm a Fatty McFatterson.

Hello, manlet.

25 BMI is very different for a 1.7m guy compared to a 1.9m guy (or even taller).

All my keks

Well hello there fatty. BMI is not worthless just because there are outliers, like bodybuilders, dwarves and lanklets.

Don't bring food to anyone overweight. Don't take care of the overweight. Let them starve until they are not huge or until they die.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit fat but goddamn. I walk a few miles every day and often go on 25+mile bike rides. How the hell do things (because they are hardly human anymore) get this big.

25-30 BMI fag spotted.

It has limitations therefore it's not a good representation of reality, it's just a incomplete belief.

IOW, BMI is a sketchy model of reality. There are other models and even machines that do this measurements with much higher accuracy.


That's a she?

There's Contrave, and then there's Phentermine. Phentermine, as far as I'm aware, is a stimulant, and doctors are very hesitant to hand it out because of the heart conditions that could come with it, and because it affects moods and can spin you into mania like an SSRI.

Contrave on the other hand, has Bupropion in it, which is great for mood control and appetite suppression, as well as smoking cessation. Bupropion is otherwise known as Wellbutrin.

What the fuck happened to Egoraptor?

Everything has limitations. Like you. Your fat is limiting you. It has invaded your brains and now you're acting all retarded.

Kill them.

mmm thanks

BMI is worthless as it stands, because it doesn't scale. Shorter people think they are healthier than taller people of equivalent body type just because they have lower BMI – because the formula is inadequate.

BTW I'm skinny; but a 1.9m guy need not be much of a body builder to reach 25 BMI.