Serbian Elections General - /seg/

A thread for discussion about Serbian politics and the upcoming election.

2 April 2017


>Quick Rundown
>Aleksander Vucic
Massively the front-runner, somewhere between 45 and 55% in every poll. Used to be /ourguy/, now pro-EU. Wants to keep good relations with Russia. EU bitch.

>Sasa Jankovic
Lefty, pro-EU he had a lot of problems with the current gov. because he tried to expose their corruption.

>Vojislav Seselj
Based, used to be /ourguy/, now obviously shilling for Vucic. Hard Eurosceptic, anti-Islam, pro-Russia.

> Vuk Jeremic
Lefty, tries to get more votes with a more nationalistic rhetoric.

>Bosko Obradovic
/ourguy/, Anti-Islam, pro-Russia

>Ljubiša Preletačević
"Comedian", tries to mock politicians, basically an unfunny cunt.

>Sasa Radulovic
Lefty, pro-EU, worked in the gov. with this administration and left because of the insane amount of corruption

Other urls found in this thread:

Prvi za Jankovicevu pobedu

st for Divan

spasi srbiju i ubi se t*rcine

Tako tako samo vi pusite kurac strancima

t. Dominik

Do not trust the Vučić shilling mut


cardboard cut-out political options, all leading down the same path - selling the country at flea market prices to the kike.

considering roughly 90% of the place is culturally a mad max 3 tier wasteland, and considering the many historical opportunities we've had to make a change for the better but failed, I can only conclude we are subhuman shit deserving of being bought or sold as slaves (physically strong, yo) and will thus vote so as to cause the greatest most widespread agitation and saltiness possible, for our splendid dictator Vučić. (repost for extra salt)

cardboard cut-out political options, all leading down the same path - selling the country at flea market prices to the kike.

considering roughly 90% of the place is culturally a mad max 3 tier wasteland, and considering the many historical opportunities we've had to make a change for the better but failed, I can only conclude we are subhuman shit deserving of being bought or sold as slaves (physically strong, yo) and will thus vote so as to cause the greatest most widespread agitation and saltiness possible, for our splendid dictator Vučić.

>I can only conclude we are subhuman shit deserving of being bought or sold as slaves

If i was in power i would hang you in the middle of Terazije with that post writen on your body desu senpai.

Cardboard cut-out political options, all leading down the same path - selling the country at flea market prices to the kike.

Considering roughly 90% of the place is culturally a mad max 3 tier wasteland, and considering the many historical opportunities we've had to make a change for the better but failed, I can only conclude we are subhuman shit deserving of being bought or sold as slaves (physically strong, yo) and will thus vote so as to cause the greatest most widespread agitation and saltiness possible, for our splendid dictator Vučić.

Ja bih nakacio onu reklamu za trke is 41'e ko sto Gestapo ostavio iz nepostovanja prema komunistima

Here's what will happen after the election no matter who wins:

- Our economy will still go down the drain
- People will still leave the country
- Our industry will still have no viable production or profit
- Our education will NOT be fixed by introducing business and economics classes as mandatory in all high-schools, and substituting either art or music subjects because these two are worthless and would be better off combined to make way for an urgent need in economic and business education of our children
- Our teachers in education will still have more bureaucracy to deal with, their days filled with worthless papers, instead of having the time to properly figure out teaching plans for all the children and students
- Our people will still have no money to afford to make babies in sufficient numbers
- The Internet will still be dictated by outer forces, and we will start fining and incarcerating our own citizens to satisfy the pockets of foreigners by fining them for pirating movies and shit like that
- We will still have a Mudslime problem
- Our agriculture will still be undeveloped, without any registration, maintenance, repair, and management system, properly getting it back on track and ensuring that people actually have an incentive to be farmers and produce shitloads of children
- Our police force will still be the biggest organized criminal entity in the country
- Our country will still be too stupid to focus on self-determination instead of cucking itself to Russians or Americans, both being cunts who are more interested in using us for their own interests than actually caring about us (and rationally so)
- Our people will still be a mirror projection of the reality shows we give ratings to like Farma. We prefer reality TV to reading educational books and building something.

Nothing will change.

Didn't our air force destroy that bridge like 20 years ago?

Dobar spam turci

You destroyed a lot of bridges but not that one.

Yeah and we rebuilt it because unlike members of the American ((("nation"))) we're fit enough to get off our asses and fix it.

Turci barem imaju ekonomiju. Mogao bi da naucis nesto od tih bubasvaba.

>- Our country will still be too stupid to focus on self-determination instead of cucking itself to Russians or Americans, both being cunts who are more interested in using us for their own interests than actually caring about us (and rationally so)

N-nas R-rusi v-vole. Zar ne?

>- Our country will still be too stupid to focus on self-determination instead of cucking itself to Russians or Americans, both being cunts who are more interested in using us for their own interests than actually caring about us (and rationally so)

N-nas R-rusi v-vole. Je tako?



Rusofilija je mentalna bolest. Volim ruse al' precise smo u zabludi

We used parts from your downed planes and helicopters to repair it.

smrdis na ex-yu postera, ajde vrati se tamo klinac

If there's anything that you should learn from history, and Brits have learned that from USA,
it's that so called brothers are more likely to kill you for benefits than strangers.
Mainly because the idiot thinking of brotherly love has his guard down and is a naive imbecile ready to get taken advantage of.
Even fucking Ottomans should have taught us that.
And as far as Russia goes, ask the surroundings.
If we were on the border of Russia, we'd be like everyone else hating them.

Do serbs hate russians?

Sluzio Sam u vojsci 99'e sa 19 a sta si ti radio?

Pusio je kurac strancima verovatno.

If the Russian border ever crept up next to ours, we certainly would.
As things are now, we should be wary of them as much as Americans.
Anyone with an education understands that national interest and monetary interests trumps cultural and religious commonality.
The problem is that most Serbs here have no basic education.

jebao sam ti mater dok si se krio po sklonistima klinac

Well,there are some retards that are like "erghmuhgerd putin will save us,bring us back kosovo" (theese are probably the worst ones)
On the other hand you have some people that just don't give much shit about them,and know that they are "here for us" because of personal intrests


Znaci tada nisi bio ni rodjen.

no we like them because
>historical allies

>ook mi nemamo ni nekakvu zabludu da će vanjske snage nešto napraviti za nas
Nakon što smo ušli u EU sve reforme su stale. Uskoro ćemo u udžbenicima morat i Ustaše slavit jer ćemo inače informatiku učiti s disketa i tiskanih pločica. Zašto su svi na Balkanu tako nedruštveni? Je li to zbog plemenskih društava? Kada će se vratiti neki strani diktator i razjebat to da stvori građansko društvo gdje nitko ne gleda čiji si nego koliko ti je dubok novčanik?

Intuicija mi govori za trip godine.
Moci demo po Sandzaku da koljemo u cetnickim uniformama I saw harmonikom I tamburama I gitarama u pozadini po busevima I tramvajima.

Iz kog si ti grada?

thread theme

There is only one Sup Forums approved candidate in our election.


Pisam to u USTA sto govno IMA LOSE FORE

>alboshit shills but doesn't even know how to write proper Serbian.

>ave beli
>samo jako

Opet ce Vucic dobiti,kao i uvijek.

you fucking autist

Who gives a fuck about Serbia

Dete moje kad bi to znao kolko' se mucim sa ovim autokorektom.
Lose su fore Belom, kraj price.

Your mother when she went on vacation

your mother gives a shit about my big thick serbian cevap
Fore nisu poenta idiote
This is the exactly kind of guy that we need,i really don't understand the point of this image?Are you trying to say that being an average Serbian man is somehow bad?
I do


Vidi brate ne zelim da neki balavi milenijalac bude predstavnik Srbije sa svojim preterivanjem. Da je stao na reklami i kandidaturi bilo bi super ali ne sa ovim govnjivim preterivanjem

>Vidi brate ne zelim da neki balavi milenijalac bude predstavnik Srbije sa svojim preterivanjem.
Svako je bolji od Tome

On se sada ne kandiduje.
Believe ima stocarsko ponasanje I provincijalni mentalitet

zaboravio sam klip


braco,iskreno beli je na neki nacin poput nusica,on satirom kenja po vlasti,ko shvati shvati

Njegova satira ide van potrebnih granica, mora da nauci da bude subtilan.

Srbi linkajte mi kampanje od navedenih političara ako takvo što postoji.
Ovaj TL;DR ne govori mnogo, a nisam pratio srpsku političku scenu ima godina.

E, Istoce Pavlovicu, aj ostavi taj novi iPhone sa autocorrect-om i razmisli da krenes da pusis kurceve i van kruga dvojke.

Zapravo alcatal sa autocorrectom

Satira radi satire samo je besmislena. Nusic je nudio satiru na nacin na koji pomislis da se to stvarno moze desiti u nekoj zabiti kakve politicare imamo.

Razmisli da krenes da pusis kurceve i van kruga dvojke.

TL;DR vucic i ostala banda oce pare

Izvini stop the vredjam, Luka.

Зaштo cмapaтe ca oвим кaд љyдe иcкpeнo бoли кypaц зa нaшe избope? 70 % cpбa зaбoлe кypaц, a кaмoли ocтaлe. Bишe би cмиcлa имaлo дa пишeтe o пyшeњy кypцa тaјвaнcкoм шимeјлy нeгo oвo. Изглeдa јaднo.

Vole da puse strancima kurac pa to ti je

Kud svi, tu i mali Mujo, kako kaze nas narod. Neki dan bio thread o izborima u Bugarskoj, pa ono, sto da ne.

Sustina izbora je Cenzus koalicija, pro EU (Jankovic, Jeremic) oce da udju u drugi krug protiv Vucica. Sa strane imas leva smetala Ljubisa Preletarcevic Beli, komicar u pokusaju, Radulovica,koji se nije ni ozbiljno vodio ovogodisnju kampanju, Seselj koji i dalje ima iste ideje od pre odlaska u hag, i ostalo je buranija bez sanse za 2% glasa.

Radulovic = srpski Jeb Bush
Ima facu koja govori "molim has glasajte za mene"

>Vucic osto peder
>ima neki 1 dobar kandidat(nmg se setim kako se zove,tek sam se ukljucio u politiku imam 18)
>Seselj(koji kurac)
>Beli 2 dobar kandidat,onaj sa youtubea (meme power)

>pro EU (Jankovic, Jeremic) oce da udju u drugi krug protiv Vucica
Protiv Vucica koji je pro EU, tako da smo najebali kako god okrenes

Please clap

>Seselj koji i dalje ima iste ideje od pre odlaska u hag

Kurac moj kad je kontrolisana opozicija koja je zabrinuta zbog Belog. Devedesetih se ne bi bojao.

>tfw this guy will never be president in this timeline

>Volim ruse
doslovno se ubi, kretenu. da nije rusa, mi bi bili pristojna drzava


Mmm dobar proliv

Samo Radula baje moje

Why the fuck do we even want to enter EU? It's literally like boarding a sinking ship that the rats are fleeing from.

Because we're 20 years behind the world, as always

zbog istog razloga i zbog kojeg smo mi ušli anone, zbog para (doduše naši su užasni u povlačenju novaca iz fondova, trebali bi se ugledati na poljsku)

I seriously hope that Croats will keep blocking us. In their hatred, they will be our saviours, ironically.

Jesu li i Slovenci losi, jer cujem da i oni kukaju tamo?

Naša politička scena je mrtva kobila.
HDZ-SDP kartel i kontrolirana opozicija Živi zid. Ostale alternative sami memeovi.
Nije ni čudo što kartel-uhljebi nisu uspjeli ništa izboriti, ti samo sebi dobro gledaju.

nisam siguran kakvi su slovenci, ali su bolji od nas u tome pogledu
(na kraju članka je graf)

Hvala, komsija.

The current prime minister, Vucic, wants to pull a Putin-Medvedev type rotation. Right now, the prime minister has the most power, but his mandate is up, so he wants to run for president and put some puppet in his place that will vote for a new law which will grant the president the same authorities of the prime minister.

Why is this statue wearing an Albanian Plis

u nemoreplovackim drustvima, radoznalost se pretvara u spijunazu a avanturisticki duh u paranoju.

Nisi ni ti Srbin, gmazu nepismeni



thats called "hair"
I know it's a foregin concept for you balding blockheads