Other urls found in this thread:

this makes me kinda sleepy, is anyone else feeling tired. maybe I'll go to bed now

>you've been reported for islamophobia, bigot

Big nothing burger.

Log off Sup Forums.

Get some rest

Remember not to insult the lovely Peace keepers who did this. It's against Canadian law.

fake news. It's time to go to sleep

Yawn, is it already time for an afternoon nap?

Wowie wow wow

yawns are contagious

How did this happen last night and I only heard about it now

wut time is it there now?

((they)) don't want us to know about it


time for a cup of tea

>leafs news

who gives a fuck eh?

damn straight

Is it even legal to report this news in Canada?

sound like the work of one of those right winger enthusiast groups I read about in huffington post.

-concerned mom


"...Tufts was biking home and noticed a fire at the doors of Kilborn Place. He snapped a photo and tried calling 911, but the call dropped."
>call to 911 dropped
>in the middle of a city

Get your shit together Saskatoon.

alright but don't go until we know whats going on


>How did this happen last night and I only heard about it now
I live 2km from there- only heard about it here.


dont worry I'm getting comfy

This is the first time I've ever seen a thread about my city posted on pol/

We're not nearly as bad as the US, Sweden and Germany

>Is it even legal to report this news in Canada?
You have been reported. Please unlock your front door, and keep your hands in the air.

take that to any pharmacy and you'll get enough drugs to make Regina look like Saskatoon

>>call to 911 dropped
>>in the middle of a city
>Get your shit together Saskatoon.
It's the telecom monopoly- hilarously inefficient and amateur.

>This is the first time I've ever seen a thread about my city posted on pol/
Same. But we have Regina with their male confession booth also. SK is hitting Sup Forums big time!

gas leak

Is it legit? I went on CBC for a quick minute and literally nothing, this should be front page news

Never seen anything in Winnipeg. Even you small guys are ahead of us

>I went on CBC for a quick minute and literally nothing,
I followed OP's link, got 404. But I scrolled down to stories, and it was the first one.

It's kinda nice...all we seem to hear about is Tarana and Hongcouver and Queerbec

[spoiler]I lost my virginity to a broad from Estevan[/spoiler]

If anything Saskatchewan should be better off though, they have a provincial provider competing with (((Rogers))) and (((bell)))

We do, fuck outta our thread burger.

Link worked fine for me...

blame sasktel's shitty towers

the cell service in saskatoon, yes, IN the city, has been fucking abysmal for years and years

and of course as soon as they throw more cell towers up the complaints roll in about how ugly they are

Because everyone is now afraid to say anything.

Well done Canada.

Winnipeg is always the centre of attention when someone mentions injuns.

Yeah, it's nice, but also sad- bomb and male confessional.

Spoiler, Estevan girls are like Lloydminster, just slightly less drug abuse.


>If anything Saskatchewan should be better off though
Still shit. At least you don't have to wait on hold when you phone, though. Should not have to phone as often as we do, though.

So what happened? I need to know!

I'm afraid to ask, but what is a male confessional booth?

Some druggy / crackhead firebombed a government building for the millionth time. Literally nothing is happening.

No, fuck you faggots, your country sucks

>I'm afraid to ask, but what is a male confessional booth?
Search Regina, thread probably still up. Confessoin booth where men are encouraged to confess to manliness. Absurd.

University has a confession booth for men to confess masculine activities.

I have seen everything.


Fuck off bong.

I bet it was someone who wanted to get out of jury duty.

She wasn't that ugly back then. Hnnng.

stop making up places
at least give them convincing names


BongCucks BTFO! How can regular cucks compete?

I'll pop the kettle on


Saskatoon Saskatchewan

>only known photo of our suspect

why did he do it?

I meant to say

Chip chop ook ack bong bing badong.

Some puppers just want to watch the world burn

Here's a tip, quit calling Americans yanks. I'm from fucking Texas, I'm a spice, I'm about the furthest thing you can get from a Yankee. I swear to God, British people are the biggest God damn douchbags in the world and I just found out that Canadian men apologize for being men.

Here's your (You) Mr. Singh.

just a peppermint tea for me

Starting to seem really weird ehearing about the epidemic of 'accidents' related to people driving their cars into other people on the news now.

>t. Yank
Oh say can you see....

Tetleys with milk, you ponce


So is this nothing or what?

yorkshire with a splash of milk

Do you take sugar?

kek, you leafs with your whacky made up villages crack me up

>I'm a spice
like cinnamon? or nutmeg maybe?

I'm not 12

Son of a bitch! That's my home town.

My nigga. I don't understand sucrosefags


The cultural enrichment of Leafland begins.

fucking hell not even I drink tea with sugar or milk, I'm suprised you aren't shot on sight if you put sugar in your yea in bongland

Oh no, not another gas leak. There sure have been a lot of gas leaks since we took in the refugees.

and so it begins... the greatest happenings of our time

Trudeu airport is safe they say. *Yawns*

I drink my tea with some milk and honey :^) Sugar too depending on the tea.

Lots of Somali's in Saskatoon for some reason. Just saying

>not putting sugar in your tea
>putting milk in your tea

desu I'd throw a shitfit too if my co-workers weren't doing shit and were making me do all the work


> :^)

I'd be more worried about all these "gas leaks"


>tried calling 911, but the call dropped.

But muh (((free))) healthcare amirite?

I tried some arizona sweet tea when I visited the us. Tasted like soda, too sweet for me senpai

We know that you moron, doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

>mfw I add both

The amount of Canadians in this thread disgusts me.

The tea that are in bottles aren't even tea. It's sugar water. You gotta buy them in grocery or specialty stores in their raw forms. Seriously, there's like 20-50 grams of sugar in these "teas"

the name itself, is an incitation to terrorism

tries 'iced tea' in burgerland and immediately understand why they all have diabeetus