ITALY YES: Italian Government Considering Paid Menstrual Leave

Italy's Considering Offering Women Paid Menstrual Leave

>If the proposed measure passes through parliament, women in Italy will be entitled to three paid days off each month if they experience “painful periods.”

Italy will be the standard bearer of Feminism and Women's rights if this passes. It's about time Women are compensated for this.

>inb4 "people will abuse this"

It won’t be abused because you need a doctor’s note

Other urls found in this thread:

>It won’t be abused because you need a doctor’s note

Italian Doctors are professionals. They won't sign a note for anyone without a proper diagnosis.

Italy already has a crashing economy, let's go ahead and emulate Spain with their siestas and Greece with their "retire at 40" mentality. Fuck it, what could go wrong?

Why would this hurt Italy's economy?

>get pregnant
>get four months paid vacation
>have an abortion
>tax payer pay for you abortion

I was just over there. None of them work. None. This will make zero difference in anything either way whatsoever.

visit the north next time

I don't know, let's just give everyone 20 days paid time off every month, since giving paid time off apparently doesn't affect the economy.

useless cunts either stink, are unbearable or both when the axewound starts bleeding.

>get them paid leave
>become even more unattractive to hire

I was in Florence, Rome, and Amalfi. Your work ethic is shit.

Milan reminded me of Tijuana but less white

>women leave for 3 days because "muh period"
>productivity shoots up 3 days each month

What's the problem here?

That isn't Italian government, it's Italian batshit feminists.

>Periods are synchronized across women

>It's about time Women are compensated for this.
I am pretty sure most Italian men also menstruate


Are you implying that all women have their periods at the same time?

no, but groups of women who spend a lot of time in proximity to each other tend to sync up, as points out

Do NOT bully Italy


>other studies failed to support the theory
>more recent studies conclude that it is unlikely to exist

or what?

Italy will be bullied

They will just switch sides.

Or they will not give you more pizza and pasta

Or you will get banned, faggot.

They will send the Rocco