I was recently on Kikebook because I like to mine salt from all of the millenials I'm friends with. I happened to stumble on my state's Republican Senator's official page

I noticed something strange about the comments. Not only were they all negative, but they all seemed to follow a similar script. A lot of the comments on unrelated posts were admonishing him for supporting DeVos and Pruitt and giving the same values for money he supposedly took. If it was something he did that was bipartisan, the script looked like "That's great, but [liberal issue I'm outraged about." I know leftists like to repeat the same tired talking points they hear from their favorite dyke commentators, but this was different in the sheer amount of comments that were almost exactly the same.

It was obvious that there was more to it than people acting on their own behalf. Gardner already got in trouble for saying that the people demanding he hold town hall meetings for them to disrupt were paid protestors from out of state. He made the same statement about the flood of phone calls his office received. I did a little digging to see where these people were finding their scripts, and I came across something called "Indivisible Guide."
Lo and behold, they not only had a full guide for disrupting and harassing anyone who disagreed with them, which they claim is based on Tea Party activists, but also a page dedicated to scripts for various issues

Other urls found in this thread:

It's clear that this is coming from someone higher up. If you look at their About page, the founders are Ezra Levin and Leah Greenberg (I'm not making this up). This article goes into ties (((they))) have with Soros. They've taken credit for disrupting town hall events Then attack Congressmen for not having town hall events. Of course they've been picked up by MSNBC and other leftists rackets as being great fighters against Evil Bad Man Meanie Head Trump.

I think it's important for everyone here to at least know what this thing is, because these are the people we should be fighting. I wouldn't be surprised if have ties to Antifa thugs showing up at rallies.


Why do you keep posting this faggot?

So how come we haven't heard about this sooner?

Because they keep getting slid by bait threads Ahmed

I don't know, but it needs to be spread




Bump. Right on time come angry, emotional shills.

I've been trying to bump these threads but this board is being flooded by shills

bumb :D

>Ezra Levin and Leah Greenberg
This site is turning me into a genuine Nazi.

Brush your teeth, satan.

It's been really bad today, the mods decided that the number of reports was the problrm rather than investigating why there were so many reports.

I've tried to spread this but it keeps being slid but stupid fucking DRUMPF posts

>This site is turning me into a genuine Nazi.

Gooood. Let the Sup Forums flow through you.

Honestly my dude, if you make this thread again, have the first couple of sentences be a succinct info dump. It took me awhile to get to the meat of your posts. Posting lots of text is fine, but put the guts at the top.



I'm not good at writing or hyping. If you wanna make a new thread that would be helpful.

Here's the gist
>leftist org writing scripts for people to harass Republicans and organize protests and disrupt town halls
>Started by (((Ezra Levin))) and (((Leah Greenberg))) with ties to Soros
>Astroturfing on the web and around the country

At the same time though,
>we can use the their own tactics against them
Thanks for posting user, this is probably the most significant and constructive thing that's been posted on Sup Forums for at least a week, if not more

I'm glad I didn't deactivate my kikebook because I found it on there. Spread it if you can, this thread keeps getting slid

You're breakdown is perfect. Post it just like that close to the top.
>best thing on here in a week
You bet your ass it is. This is a tasty bit of info but is being slid pretty fucking hard.

Not at all surprised, they are astroturfing everywhere and they have been for a long time.

Just remember the samson option if Sup Forums ever gets shut down- there will be no escape from the red pill tsunami

What does astroturfing mean in this context? Just artificial arguments?

No, grassroots movements being funded by larger groups ie Soros

It was only a matter of time before it all fell apart. Now a new era dawns.

Basically paid disinfo agents that debate using flowcharts with focus tested arguments.

This is worded perfectly. Have a bump lads.

updated thread, please go there everybody

You deserve a bump. Good initiative sempai.