Convince me that Japan does not need immigrants

Japan need 200,000 immigrants per year.

This is actually have been said by Japan government, UN, IMF,World bank,OECD and many famous economists.

Convince me that Japan does not need immigrants. I am pretty sure you can't

Other urls found in this thread: need 200,000 immigrants per year./

Your country has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Do you really want to ruin that anytime soon?

well, Actual statistic say refugees in Germany has lower crime ratio than native German population.

I am not sure why you think crime rate is relative to this topic.

The need for people will hopefully force japan to develop ai and robots faster.
He is probably an american living there.

It might need them. But dont take poo in loos, terrorists Mexicans or niggers.

Then your good.


If I move there, I'm going to be a half foot taller than most of you and wear out a bunch of your nip women's pussies.

Do you really want your society to get BLEACHED?

Robot? AI? meaningless.
we can provide sufficient food for world population but they are starve. Why?

Because they don't have purchase power to buy foods. so they are starving.

Even if AI or robot change things, you STILL need to pay something to service or goods. This is why we need economic growth,and it should be encouraged by immigrants

Diversity is overblown. You don't need immigrants you need men and women to make babies again that's all.

racism just cause trouble.

To embrace them is best way to create new Japan.
If we discrimate them, they discrimate us. If they hate me, we hate them.

meaningless, stupid and inefficient.

Love, embrace and accept diversity.

Go ahead, ruin your country.
At least your anime culture will be destroyed with it. Imagine a bunch of blacks coming in your country and seeing all the pikachu shit around every corner.
Plus, that means more cucking in your country, since your men have a hard enough time having relations with your women.

It's woman's choice.

We have NO right to determine woman's partner.

Yeah just look at us. its an endless pit nip. But immigrants are not the way. They will absolutely destroy your culture and way of life.

Automation is around corner, yuo do not need immigrants, though I suppose you can let a few whites in

I think you can accept immigrants. But you need to select then. Give preference to someone that will give something to your country. Academic immigrants, scientists and some workforce that japaneses don't want to work with.




Japan needs 200,000,000 Anglos
Make Japan Anglo


you can assign them a whole island of multiculturalism.

>need need need

For what purpose? To keep the pyramid scam that is the welfare state going? So that old fucks can keep getting their state subsisized pensions? Nah, just fuck off you proxy nigger. No country needs any immigrant, there is nothing wrong with an aging population or having less people, there are no jobs anyway. We just need to stop this collectivist bullshit once and for all, and let natural selection takes its course once again.

Post the nationality section of your passport timestamped you fucking zainichi

wow. is it why your country still have higher GDP per capita and still increase GDP growth rate compared with Japan?


Based frog.

>Nation of extreme robotics and automation
>Birth rates of all developed nations reaching negatives.
>Its inevitable that reproduction will stagnate and robotics and automation will take over vacant jobs.

Without immigrants they'll be less population dense and have less unrest over cultural suicide.

In the next few decades it won't matter if their economy is growing or not because everyone will automate everything.

fuck you, your slide thread and your proxy.
Japan is fine as it is.
Automation will make up for the gap.
Please stay as you are Japan, don't let the left ruin you.

>massive unemployment
>i think we need more unemployed for longer
>convince me

I'd like to fucking cut you m8 for all my nipponese bros who need jobs

It matters where the immigrants come from. Would Japan be better or worse off if half of its population were of African decent with average IQs 30 points lower than the native population?

no one wants to give them immigrants because they know japan is not changed since wii, they are still the most racist

they know if we give them some somalis or syran refugees and they cause a spot of bother the japanese will just kill them by drowning

the japanese are the most racist and they hate other cultures and skin colors

immigrants especially those who rape wont stand a chance so it is for their own safety we dont send them ther

Stop censoring your porn you fucknuts and tell your women to stop with the banshee wailing, no one like that shit.

Also give me the fucking sauce to this Goddamit.

People fail to realize you cant have massive pop expansion, especially japan a mountanous archipelago with only certain areas that are settled. it'll fix itself once the current elderly die off
as long as they don't flood it with non japs

Well I'm glad these Jewish organizations and some famous people are what you listen to jap-goy.

wow. you are so nazi.

>we must choose the people!

nah, just increase of population is meaningful.

also skilled people will not come here. because why do they have to come this shithole?

well, you are wrong because there is more jobs are created by Japan company but we can not meet them due to lack of laborforce.

we should solve this problem.

And this is wrong. Actually there is many jobs in Japan.

The problem is Japanese doesn't apply to such jobs.
They just want "white collar jobs". and this is why we need immigrants.

we need to not only censor porn, we need to make it 100% illegal

Want to fix your economy? Forget immigration, all you need is a very simple fix.

Force your top public universities (Tokyo U, Kyoto U, Osaka U, Sapporo etc.) to require all programs be taught in English. That's it. That's all you need.

Japan (like every country) can benefit (but not always!) from honest, skilled immigrants who are willing to adapt to the country's culture and will provide value to the economy.

Japan (like every country) does not need and should actively repel goat-fucking, rock-worshipping, intolerant parasites who will forever be a net drain on the economy.

you would be buying into the pyramid scheme many first world nations have already bought into: an economic model sustained by a constantly increasing population. do you expect your population to increase forever?

if you want to maintain it at a certain level by replacing japanese people with non-japanese, go ahead. it would be depressing to watch an interesting culture be slowly eaten away like that.

in the long run, a decreasing population paired with automation technology just means more wealth and more comfort distributed across the population as it shrinks. there will inevitably be a period of discomfort during this transition as the elderly face poor economic models built on infinite population growth, but that would last 50-100 years at most. just deal with it. better than letting in the brown tide. which japan would never do, anyway.

wow, your "understanding of Japanese culture" is amazing.

I mean, irony.

thank you so much for teaching me about Japanese culture and society. (of course irony)

>no response

yea, ratio. theyre a minority so the ratio will be lower. you need to look at proportions.

actually what you really need to do is get off of Sup Forums and start fucking. tell your friends

can you cancerous retards stop replying to this literal autist

You need to import virile White men to impregnate your women and leave once every 20 years.

>The problem is Japanese doesn't apply to such jobs.
>They just want "white collar jobs". and this is why we need immigrants.
as blue collar jobs rise in demand, the wages for such work rises, then people take the jobs. it's what's literally happening in your country right now so I'm not sure why you're pretending it isn't, unless you're LARPing.

Actually, many universities start teaching subjects in English.
But some morons still oppose to teaching English in school.

For them, "Higher education by native language is honorable thing".

We need to remove these morons from education area. and immigrants will help us by forcing them change.

Japs and chinks have always realized that whites are the master race. Cuck rice pussies have copied western civilization for the past 300 years.

the reason they don't apply to blue collar job is not only "wage" or "salary".

They simply dispise such jobs. people judge people by job. and imagine if someone say "I am blue collar". then, it mean he/she is non-educated bastard who can not get white collar job.

This outdated custom is commonly seen in Japanese society.

Do you think this is nice? I don't think so.

No country "needs" 3rd world Muslims who dont speak the language and will never learn it and who hate you.

Japan already does this. The isolation meme is a joke. It's extremely easy to come and work in Japan if you actually have a skill. The problem is that nobody fucking speaks English. Now, you can make the argument that foreigners should have to learn their language, but Tokyo doesn't exist in a vacuum. Japan isn't competitive internationally because of their lack of English. Why would I go to Tokyo and be forced to learn Japanese when I can go to Singapore or Hong Kong and get on just fine?

Japan has tried to fix this with mandatory English throughout school, but there is no incentive for students to actually learn the language in a practical way. That's why Japan needs to make it's public universities English only. It's the only way to incentivize students to actually learn the language.

you are denying reality if you are pretending japanese do not take blue collar jobs.

also way to go ignoring my difficult to respond to post

2 woman kissing, gas them.

Fags need to be hanged

ITT Proxyfags.

the problem is racism. racism prevent cultural fusion.

We should open our mind to outsiders.

Based hip, please consider that the incongruous folks that wish to take advantage of your social welfare have no interest in integrating. It's been proven, and if the economic growth is so bad there then there needs to be more funding towards programs for people in your society to pick up trades that align with it.

The "religion of peace" has no interest in Japanese culture. You're going to have Sharia zones so big you'll have a Tokyo-stan in 10 years. Your women will be taken advantage of and low intelligence human imports breed more crime. Think about it.

nah, we don't need to increase its population.

but the problem is our birth rate is TOO LOW(1.4) and it should be at least be 2.0 or close number.

automation means anything.

we still need to pay something like medicine.

Do you think food is cheaper than 1700s? It doesn't despite of we can use machine or something to produce food more efficiently.

wealth will not be "distributed" to the population equally.
Such socialism utopia will NEVER EVER happen in real society.

I've seen some changes being made, but I doubt it will make an impact until it is mandatory. I have recently read that Tokyo U's English programs have underwhelming admittance, and it's simply because they can't compete with English dominated universities in HK, Singapore etc.

The fact that Japan is still a decent pure nation to some degree is what helps me fall asleep at night.

what is wrong with "sharia-zone"?

we already have similar idea in Japan. if you go to rural place, there is "undocumented rule" and if you don't obey such rule, they will panish and abandon you from community.

Why do you make this same thread every single day?

Answer me this time, you spineless little faggot.

What do you have to gain by pushing this narrative?

I thought you people were supposed to be smart? Don't let even 1 of those filthy rats in. Start breeding and fix your fucking birth rates or your fucked too japan

You aren't going to increase your birthrate. Unfortunately, your society is the first of many advanced societies that will experience decreasing birth rates. If you exclude immigrants and only look at the data of whites in Europe, the birthrates begin to look similar to Japan.

Food is cheaper than in the 1700s. The majority of a person's income was allocated towards food in this time period.

I actually see Japan doing much better for itself in the long term because of it's decreasing birth rate. Countries with high immigration will have major social issues surrounding automation due to unemployment. Places with decreasing populations like Japan will have a much easier time with the transition.

Could Japan be white people's future?

The problem is, we can not birth kids because of economic reasons.

Typically, japanese kids require "30,000,000yen"(almost 300000dollar in US).
and low paid workers can not afford to raise kids.

They are just TOO COSTY

East Asia in general is the future. But not necessarily white people's future.

Please consider what has happened in Sweden and Germany to be a very carefully studied and yet hidden experiment in integration with folks from this culture. Your children, women and innocent bystanders will be attacked for absolutely no reason. Your lineage, destroyed day by day. The funding that could go to helping your own communities is going to be wasted on barbaric ingrates. I hope I'm countering a paid shill or a troll with a proxy but why WOULD you want sharia law in your country?

They need to be bleached

an economic model sustained on a static population level works, but why would you want to remain at a 200mil ant hill levels of living conditions? you people cram yourselves into closets because of a literal lack of physical living space. why do you want to perpetuate such living conditions? they could be solved within a century.

>automation means anything.
this response means anything. do you think this is an argument? automated food production is why the US has such an incredible input vs output of domestic product when it comes to food production. the same is happening in your country. low education jobs won't be necessary in the long run, their disappearance is nothing to fret over.

>Do you think food is cheaper than 1700s?
yes. it objectively is more cost efficient to produce more food in modern society, and it's only becoming more-so with increasing automation and genetic engineering technology.

>wealth will not be "distributed" to the population equally.
no, but the effects will be felt.

>Such socialism utopia will NEVER EVER happen in real society.
do you seriously think in the multi-million year future of humanity such a civilization will never arise? japan might be one of the first depending on how things go. you are shooting yourself in the foot with these beliefs you have.

i can't wait for your country to be underwater.

While that is true, letting in hundreds of thousands of immigrants with zero work experience, who do not speak the native language, and will not assimilate will put an even bigger burden on your society/economy Stay based japan, I'd hate to see your country fall to the multicultural lie

yes. and these advanced european nation maintain its population thanks to immigrants.

Good. we should learn lesson from them.

Food is ACTUALLY NOT cheaper than 18th century.
it is dependent on the nation (In US, it's far cheaper than Japan). but if you look at Japan, rice is FAR expensive than 18th century by PPP.

automation? it just create another industry.
in reality, most of manifactualling jobs dominate small portion of GDP. in fact, in USA, it is only 10% of GDP. The impact is so small.

Our economy already step into service economy rather than manifactualling economy.

>but if you look at Japan, rice is FAR expensive than 18th century by PPP.
that just means you guys are doing it wrong. the problem isn't the amount of people, it's your food production system. the US having a much superior one is proof that it's possible.

if the problem is not enough land, then that's a huge fucking reason to accept population decline instead of trying to sustain a bloated population that can't autonomously support itself on a tiny island.

Sharia is a governmental legal system, it never stays in a "zone" you let them in and they take over.

>yes. and these advanced european nation maintain its population thanks to immigrants.
But population does not equate to increased economic growth. Many of these immigrants receive more than they produce through welfare programs in European countries. Many are a net drain on the economy. Your country doesn't need immigrants. It needs a business environment that is competitive internationally. That means English proficiency.

If food is more expensive for you than in the past, then it is likely a logistics problem rather than a production problem. Japan is also a huge importer of food due to its geographical location. Automated agriculture (something Japan is at the forefront of) will help to bring costs down.

A truly automated society is a synergistic process. It encompasses everything. Manufacturing is only a single component of an automated society.

>you guys are doing it wrong.

and it is MY point. increase of productivity is not equal to increase of "wealth per capita". if you look at average, it will increase. but distribution of wealth is not equal.

That's why "innovation" is not silverbullet of economical issue.

Of course, innovation is important factor. but it is not everything.

The reason we pay crazy price for food is cartel. our agricultural secter is dominated by "農協" so called Japan Agricultural Cooperatives.

This is just an example. even if efficiency goes up, consumer may not gain its profit

in short, △increase of production efficiency=/= △ increase of consumer surplas.

OP is actually a literal kike.

You're wrong. Europe is replacing its populations, they are not maintained.

If maintaining the European NATIVE populations is your goal then this is the wrong way to go. This is also altering their culture to mirror the more barbaric and less humane cultures of Africa and Middle East.

Immigrants also adopt the total fertility rate of the naive population after the first generation; in some cases, like Sweden, they have less children than the native population. need 200,000 immigrants per year./

also gas the kikes

>UN, IMF,World bank,OECD and many famous economists.

Always do the oposite. Always.

so because you have corruption issues in your production sector, you should supplement it with massive immigration instead of simply fixing the corruption issues?

GDP(Gross domestic "PRODUCT") is caliculated by productivity per capita × population.

yes. population DOES MATTER to economic growth.

also GDE=GDP. Increase of C is increase of output by its definition. so called effective demand principle.
so it is important to maintain C. and immigrants help it.

In fact, Japan's agricultural land is decreasing.

Do you know why? because they want to impose higher price for consumer and gain profit. so they wanted to decrease agricultural lands especially rice.

this kind of inefficiency is common. if you look at real economy.

Such "ideal utopia" will never come.

it can be one answer.

Non-competiteve industries like agricultural market will be destoryed by immigrants. and It is actually GOOD.

but another point is, ⊿ increase of efficiency=/= ⊿increase of consumer surplas.

automation can not fix everything. so what should I do?

Be realistic and prepar the future based on current situation.

To bet optimistic future is what stupid do. minimize risk is always required as public administration.

You bring up another good point. Japanese corporations feel more like arms of the Japanese government rather than independent entities. Corporatism is alive and well in Japan.

Another important component of automation is decentralization. When thinking of an automated society, it would be a mistake to imagine massive scale robotic factories and installation. Automation ultimately brings power to individuals through small scale operations. Growing your own food, powering your own home, manufacturing your own products. Centralized organizations cannot compete with decentralization.

GDP per capita in many European nations is higher than Japan, but my point is that it would be even HIGHER without immigrants that are a net drain on the system. These countries are beating Japan because they have the ability to compete on an international level, not because they imported africans and arabs who can't even read.

through immigration policy, you would be attacking the symptoms of the problem and not the source. you've even made this clear in your own argument.

why not attack the source of the issue and bring japan to a sustainable population level with a balanced production industry, instead of filling the ever increasing cracks in the crumbling system with foreign workers? optimism has nothing to do with it, it just makes more sense to focus on the cause of the problem and not the effects of the problem.

>Automation ultimately brings power to individuals through small scale operations. Growing your own food, powering your own home, manufacturing your own products.
this is the inevitable long-term future of the human race.


Would it be too hard to make 200 000 babies a year?

if you look at 1990 Japan and west europe, Japan had HIGHER gdp per capita.

then western europe start accepting immigrants.

guess what happened.

Japan's GDP per capita is almost unchanged.

But western european nations increase its GDP per capita.

How do they make it possible when they have such "burden".

and why is Japan had difficulty to grow its economy?

Many economists focus on potential GDP growth(I hope you are familer with new-classical economics), Japan does not increase its potential GDP. WHY?

Because there are mainly two reason,

1. Lack of aggregate demand
2. lack of efficiency in production side

1. can be solved by importing immigrants. they actually boost C. so Expectetion of consume(EC) will made people to invest on new machine or new bussiness.

2. as I said, Japan has difficulty to boost its GDP per capita(productivity), why? because human resource is unblanced. we need more cheaper labor to boost its bussiness.
new bussines can meet demand. then, it create wealth(income). then people can buy more service or goods. this positive cycle work again by accepting immigrants

Japan is literally full.

Japan's too densely populated already. Rather than take in immigrants, we need new land for our people.

Isn't you assuming that they will increase C and create a net positive? In Sweden they are expanding our GDP but our debt is going up, welfare is strained and we're seeing a lot of tax increases plus budget cuts.

Japan is full. Unlimited growth of population and GDP is kike bullshit. Fake-bad-grammar Japanese flag is 100% oven dodger.

I guess we are looking at two different types of immigrants.

It's actually fairly easy for a SKILLED foreigner to come and work in Japan. This is the type of foreigner that the Japanese should welcome, rather than unskilled third world immigrants.

The problem is not Japan refusing to accept skilled foreign workers. The problem is that skilled foreign workers don't want to come to Japan. The difficulty of foreigners in Japan is cultural. The language is difficult. The work culture is unattractive. And nobody speaks English.

I really believe the key to many of Japan's problems is English proficiency.

Are you sure that you are talking with a person who came from worst debt per GDP?

gee, I wonder why our situation is worse even through we don't have immigrants.

your debt is less problem for economy because your total GDP is also increasing.

the problem we face is lack of economic growth.

and if you look at statistics, Sweden's debt per GPD is DECREASING. in 1992, it was 67% but in 2016, it is 42%.

You are doing fine.

Meanwhile in Japan, it is OVER 250%

lmao this nation hahahahahhaha

hurrr durr I havu baddo engurish I am real japannees

Fuck off proxy faggot/english teacher. Go larp somewhere else.

The only issue Japan really has in regards to population is their old people refuse to die because they all live such a damn healthy lifestyle. This isn't a bad thing so long as they're able to take care of themselves.

Japan has so many people and because of the work culture people flock to the cities and live their lives in a high stress environment so no one wants to have kids while under such work conditions.

Go to more rural locations and you'll find plenty of happy, healthy families. I suppose I should say "rural" because even Japanese countryside is highly populated. But it's nothing in comparison to city centers.

Japan doesn't need immigrants but what they do need is education reform in regards to english because they're way behind other east asian countries. Their methods are shit.

They also need to learn that working longer does not equal working better. The amount of work the average japanese person is not much more than someone in the west, it's just they stress themselves to literal suicide because of the culture and time commitments they impose on themselves for no reason other than saving face/looking good to their superiors.

Ever heard of "growing pains?" Well Japan will experience "shrinking pains," and it will be hard, but the Japanese will get through it and maintain first world status and great quality of life. And in the end they will maintain their unique culture. Japan is too densely populated and needs to shrink a little anyways.

Japan will have robots and automation. If you bring in immigrants, then automation and technological advancement will never happen. You will be stuck forever in the past like a third world country with an excess of cheap labor. That's what's happening in the USA. If the Mexicans did not invade, they would have automated everything by now and everybody would be earning more and happier.

You're assuming that (i) they will produce a net positive which means that (ii) they will integrate economically and (iii) they'll work long enough so that when pension come they'll still will leave a net positive. Not only that, you are assuming that they'll equally or about as demanding on the welfare system as the natives.

Sweden is a leading expert in disproving the notion that immigration boost economy by default.

No, Sweden is actually speaking about a debt bubble and a housing bubble.

2016 SCB wrote that Swedes have a total of 3 600 billion Kronor in loans. Which is the biggest total debt ever recorded for private finances. This is 87% of our GDP and growing each year.