Emergency Broadcast Livestream
Plan To Assassinate Trump Leaked
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Reminder to sage and report all infowhore threads
He's was literally just talking about pol
Is Pizzagate real or not? I can't tell if Alex Jones is legit anymore.
fuck you pedophiles!
He was answering tweets earlier about pizzagate apology about if he got sued over it. Pretty much said that Alefantis was a smalltime guy and basically just a diversion.
Just saw this, someone give me a quick rundown
Forgot to post the bear
updating my alex jones bingo
any suggestions would be welcome
Fuck this sellout. Who cares about this washed up.
he was never legit, his real name is bill hicks
It's a bear hide your honey boipussy
Alex apologizes for freaking out/cursing?
Alex sucks James Alefantis' dick
People need to keep supporting alex jones. Whether or not he is a shill, and whether or not he was a big fucking baby and rolled over, he obviously has enemies. The media hates him, the intelligence community hates him, china hates him, our government hates him. If all of these people hate him, then he is someone I want to listen to.
fuck off shills. he may be a asshole blowhard, but he is our asshole blowhard.
What does Revelation say about something like that. Not that this is 100% yet what that says. But don't make up your own shit and ignore that. Especially on something like this
What are you talking about?
What was the plan?
Read the book. Then look up near Virgo
I support you Alex.
To crash the plane with no survivors.
Linguistics analysts have stated that Guccifer (the DNC hacker) was most likely from an island off of Romania.
Why does everyone keep calling him Russian?
You forgot the reminder about FLUORIDE in the tap water
Globalist detected
This pic is a fake meme, that rainbow Star of David was a gift a listener sent in for Gavin's gay Jewish camera-man.
God damnit AJ, you're still plugging your store during an "emergency broadcast".
Ha he mentioned fluoride two minutes after your comment
fits the narrative
>Nothing for Margaret Howell
Waiting on the CAVEMAN plug now..
Fucking awesome.
That's a big mask
Alex getting targeted hard
yeah into the trash with Jones.
He has Roger Stone on Skype at 10pm and he's doing a fucking infomercial.
>but first let me sell you some vitamins
fuck alex jones
>Tune in
>Immediately barraged with how I should buy his snake oil
fuck this cowardly shill
it funds the operation you shit heels, would you rather hear ads for zoloft during his breaks. Fucking sheep.
I hate roger stone. Did some fucked up shit with Roy Cohn. He is apart of the human trafficking shit. Still I listen to alex jones, and lot of shills dont want people listen to him, so that makes me listen to him more.
His infomercials crack me up. He is such a dummy.
Zoloft doesn't work.
It destroys your brain.
Anti-depressants are a tool used to bury the freethinkers of the modern world.
Yeah he used to be a Republican thug.
yeah no shit, all these retards complaining about Alex shilling his stupid products are missing the point that Alex is on the verge of a violent insurrection and death.
You people need to look past the memes and see the depth of this mans mind.
for you
kys for unironically supporting this snake oil salesmen
who literally every 3 days has a life changing announcement that is literally nothing
constant interuptions of people who are actually speaking with substance
Stone will get his subpoena soon . How's the Russian botnet going Alex?
Fuck you, dude. Stop shilling hysterics. You are not helping your country, but hurting it.
Dude he has discussed some extremely obscure redpilling shit. Franklin Scandal, Iran Contra, Dutroux, MKultra and other CIA programs. shut up man
i know mate but 90% of the show is garbage with him interupting people and going of on random tangents
just cause you can't follow along doesn't mean they're random, you have to get inside his head and see where he's coming from and it makes sense
It really is. It has gotten much worse as of late due to his recent jump in popularity following the election.
I can't determine whether or not this fuck is a shill, and haven't been able to for years, but either way fuck his 'ITS HABBENIG EMURGENSEE BROADCAST' shit, its all just snake oil ads. Literally nothing every time.
>there are people on this chinese images board who don't take SUPER MALE VITALITY
i've been listening to him since 2011 and all this snake oil shit is him in desperation trying to make revenue because he's being sabotaged by the establishment, that's why he just broke down in tears and had an outburst begging people to buy his shit 5 minutes ago. I don't think that makes him an unreliable person.
For you
You can literally look that shit up on Wikipedia lol there is no big secret he figured out
he cries about something 2-3 times a month
2-3 times a day now, like i said before he is really on the edge cause the entire weight of the establishment is coming down on him. The fact that he isn't dead just goes to show how much of an alpha he is.
i know its you owen shroyer
What the fuck are you talking about? The guy is rolling in it. He's made millions over the last 12-18mo.
Infowars is fucked financially you idiot, Alex isn't even that rich anymore.
I wonder if he has armed guards wherever he goes
he has an ex CIA guy as his bodyguard
he literally said one episode hes fine for this year
the 54 mill he made last year will cover it
but he wants to expand to make even more money
the 5** million
Thumbs down
For fuck sakes Canada Another P.C. Tim Hortons commercial embracing immigrants. This place is Cucked to the max.
Bragging about his vehicles
If you don't trust Alex Jones, you probably trust CNN.
Guys is this why they're putting out info on how loyal of a man Pence is?
Are the pedophile people trying to replace Trump with one of their own?
Replace a square with GAY FROGS.
I highly doubt that.
>being crushed by the weight of the establishment
The guy is fucking schizo, nothing more than a paranoid delusion. No one worth their shit would even pay attention to this retard. But hey, keep frothing at the mouth.
Until he reveals something of significance and stops shilling snake oil on emergency broadcasts, there is absolutely no reason to trust him.
That's an old commercial from a couple years ago. They must feel it's still relevant.
Sounds like he's wife just squeezed out another one too
...and you cunts call CNN "fake news"
>clicks video
>instantly starts explaining why he sells products
>every fucking time
shill detected, he is the most targeted media figure alive. I bet you trust actual shills like Glenn Beck because they have ads for geico on their stupid shows.
CNN is fake news. Alex Jones is just a redpill profiteer
your a sad kid
all youve got to refute anyone here is "shill detected" or he is a hero under establishment globalists pressure
You are all scum...
Alex Jones is a super patriot. You can't imagine all the pressure on him from Globalists, the deep state, CIA & IC, the Clintons, international banking families, kike lawyers, etc.
Day of the rope soon. Fuck you all...
>shilling for AJ this hard
You're a fucking idiot, bud. Find the nearest rope,
No need, he will die of old age soon.
not shilling for him, im just pointing out how retarded you are for making assumptions about him, even though you literally don't know anything.
Fuck you
Does Alex Jones have throat cancer? He sounds worse and worse each time I hear him.
He's only 43.
>tune in just now
>"A semen covered skull. Now you know everything"
Semen and a skull baka
nice bear
50 million for a diseased semen covered rhinestone skull
He's 43 and swims 2 miles a day. He'll probably live to be 80 or so. God bless him
lol, he just said 'degenerate art'. Is he /OurGuy/?
nothing to refute, just annoying to see retards in here who watch cuck shit like steven crowder, make fun of alex jones for being a meme despite not knowing anything about him. a bunch of election newfags.
50 million for a skull some one with leprosy jerked off on to.
I seen him interrupting molymeme, it was hard to watch, especially with the constant adverts.
yeah it was a joke
molymeme even seemed not happy lol
maybe he shouldnt have cheated on his wife with a whore causing her to divorce him
So what was the plan?