Sup Forums will deny this

its really over for drumpf now

Other urls found in this thread:

>Deliberately confusing charts to make it seem more corrupt

1) Show return on investment by Russians for Trump, otherwise a friend of my enemy is a friend is NOT a crime alone.

2) "timing hacks" as collusion with Russia.. We have direct months of evidence of Hillary colluding with the corporate owned MSM to time attacks against Trump spreading dis-information to impact the election.

3) Hillary was under 6 FBI investigations during the election and that never bothered the left

4) Hillary deleted 33,000 emails off of an illegal private server she used to hide from the American people, the fact she was arming and training fighters who were joining ISIS.

5) Hillary took over $25M from Saudi Arabia and then soon after launched her Steven's mission in Libya to buy back 20,000 shoulder-fired Missiles, and run them into Syria, where they turned up in the hands of ISIS (Reported by Gen Mattis who was fired shortly after by Obama)

6) Podesta was directly colluding with Russia with 75,000 shares in a Kremlin owned energy company, under his daughters name, then him and his brother were lobbying against sanctions and also FOR the Uranium production deal.

7) CrowdSorce, the only company to ever inspect the DNC servers after the hack and after weeks of Hillary claiming her private server was NOT a security risk and was NEVER hacked by Russians.

8) Crowdsorce is a private company hired by Hillary and DNC to investigate the hack and was the only one to report a Russian connection. This company received $100 M from Obama connected individuals.

9) The FBI was refused access to the DNC server, and had to 'accept' the Crowdsorce report as the only evidence for a Russian connection.

10) Since then, Crowdsorce has walked back their claim

11) People who know people and talk, is NOT a crime, if it were Hillary would be guilty 1000x of times over.

12) Hillary wanted open war with Russia before the election, and saber rattled she would demand a no fly zone over Syria which would result in shooting down a Russian jet.

The harder you push on Trump for farce charges on collusion, the more you force him to go full investigation into Podesta, Hillary and Obama spying.

Every day the rabid MSM continue rumor without evidence, the more you piss of Trump and the more he will insure to sink Obama's legacy legacy and hang Hillary.

Hillary and Obama are beyond dirty, their evidence is in history, Trump has yet to be president to make any dirt

They are fucked

The more you make these loose associations guilt, the more you are making Hillary guilty when those hearings start.

You will be hypocrites again when that time comes

>Those infographs

Golly gee does Kissmeack have moor power than Patin?

Fake. News.

If 3.5 Million illegals in CA were Russian, the DNC would want voter ID over night

Very fake news

>CNN is making Glenn Beck-style flow charts now


this shit is nauseating knowing fucking retards will lap this shit up

For a second there you said bang hillary instead of hang hillary, thought to myself "are the doujins all coming true??"

>roger stone at the bottom
>he's the single connection to guccifer which is at the very top

very fake news

Very fake news. If there wss actual verifiable evidence of collusion the people responsible would be all locked up by now and the Democrats would be dancing on their political graves.

it says they havent received the offer, not that he doesnt want immunity

fucking retard


Reminder that every theory and piece of "evidence" of the Trump russia narrative is coming directly from

The media is using them as anonymous sources to craft their narrative.

>this graph courtesy of Glenn Beck
Lacks the same oomph without the chalkboard though.

Forgot image

They aren't interested in finding guilt. They want to keep the narrative going for as long as possible to weigh the administration down. David Brooks said as much.

Fake news, letter from his laywer

What the fuck is this chart lmfao

>intentionally shuffling the order of the items in the list to make the connections longer and more convoluted

Real reliable news here. Their #1 priority here is just to inform their audience.

who is this semen summoner?

this isn't real...?


Imagine a world in which the opposite was occurring, and Hillary was elected, and there was an ongoing FBI investigation into a Russian role in her election, with key members of her campaign having connections to Russian diplomats and politicians.

What would the running narrative be on Sup Forums? Why are people here so incapable of being objective, and why are people so afraid to even slightly criticize Trump for even the most minor things, or the most hypocritical statements he has made?

It's hilarious because people here accused Liberals of never criticizing Obama for example, and claimed that liberals built up a cult of personality around him, when that is the exact same thing that users here have done with Trump. They have built up an impenetrable shield of mental gymnasics and cognitive dissonance to prevent themselves from every questioning anything the administration says, or criticizing Trump in the slightest.

People should criticize their leaders when there is due criticism, and this is just one such example in which if people here were truly objective, and actually cared about their country, they would want a full investigation into these allegations to find out the truth, just like with Clinton's emails. This however, has much wider reaching implications that Clinton being an idiot and not taking proper precautions with her emails, this is dealing with a foreign government willingly helping out one political candidate achieve success in an election because it would benefit them. It's damn near treason if the accusations are true, even if Trump isn't directly implicated yet, people he worked closely with are.

You guys keep copy pasting the same arguments over and over in every thread related to this. No, Nunes and his people are not the FBI and they would have no idea if Flynn talked to them or not, he doesn't need to go through them.

It's still corruption lol

Drumpf is finished by August.

I'm drunk and felt like rearranging the connections in ms paint dont judge my autism pls. the numbers are how many connections they have

Seems completely legit

Looks like some bullshit a Sup Forums autist would make.


It's 2017 you know.

It's really not.

I love Trump more everyday

dammit i just realized that if i flipped the yellow guys lines up to the top it would look even less cluttered. oh well

Don’t insult our autists please.


I watch RT am I now a Russian?

Why are these people ok with Hillary's campaign being funded by Saudi Arabia? I mean, that isn't even a question.


You are clearly trying to influence the outcome of an election.
You are hacker.
You are Putin.

Cool game.
Now do one for Clinton and Corporates.

Stacy Fortune, daughter of Richard Fortune of the band Fortune.

Who or what the fuck is Gucifer 2.0?

Some dude.

The original was some Romanian guy that was arrested for a possible link to the DNC hack I think, but they never proved it. The guy claimed he was the hacker.

I think Gucifer 2.0 was someone that took up his name but is an unrelated person who is unknown, and released more emails from the DNC I think. I can't remember all the details.

>those pens

That is one high speed specialist, god damn

anyone that still says "drumpf", that is not a troll - should be fucking executed. Clearest sign of irreversible brain damage in the public in the current year

For fucks sake. Is there a mating pair of retards producing all these faggots posting here?

Jeez it's not like Flynn could be bitter about getting canned or possibly blackmailed or the media is exaggerating. Fake news. Sad!

Is this the /McCarthy/ general?

Faggot, that's actual Russian propaganda. I can't believe people are this stupid.

whats he gonna say

Just curious... Even if every allegation relating to this Trump/Russia thing is true, are any of them actually crimes?

fuck off, dude, im glad Sup Forums is ultra pro trump, like literally everywhere else is anti trump. one day, when you fags are in power again there's going only going to be echo chambers and you wont be able to see both sides. fuck off, dude. go back where you belong

What a dumb chart. No wonder why CNN can't even draw a mil viewers.

>Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) is a United States government-funded broadcasting organization that provides news, information, and analysis to countries in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East "where the free flow of information is either banned by government authorities or not fully developed".

not at all. meeting with russians isn't a crime. democrats are just insane. even during the cold war meeting with russians wasn't a crime let alone now.

they're just pretending that it's somehow wrong and since people met with russians it's bad.

RT is a normal mainstream news source that was well liked by Liberals up untill 2 months ago when we suddenly decided that Russia was evil and scary. Literally RT being on the front page of world news was common.

Why does everyone deny meeting with them?

What is with people here always using a standard soviet propaganda technique? Do you not see the irony in that?

RT is still a state sponsored media outlet in Russia. It's funding comes from the Kremlin. They are not a reliable source on anything relating to Russia itself.

>Trump will be in jail before Hillary


Best posts.

>implying the cold war ever ended.

back to eddit

Mind Blown
great post user, but you have to admit that Hillary would have been alot worse and the media is pushing a false narritive to feed the lefty resistance


>Accept plea: they are actually working on a case. You can't bring a case against the president unless it is AIR FUCKING TIGHT

>Decline plea: don't need it because there isn't a case and don't want to go even deeper.

Wake up you fucking shills and dicklords who are believing them.