Why aren't there any/many quality right wing artists?

Why aren't there any/many quality right wing artists?

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Those who have found perfection have no need to search for it.

who do you think made that wojak?

Most people on the right work, so they don't have time to devote to things like art. Most people who have everything handed to them are hard left. If you're rich (or have rich parents) and never have to work, you can devote your time and creative efforts into things like art and music, as opposed to having to direct that energy toward building a comfortable life for yourself through work.

hitler joke

actually quite a few classical painters are more right wing.

there's better things to spend your time and effort on in the modern age

Really? All the right wingers I know are pissy fucks

Like what? Culture is the only thing that keeps me going these days

well said

There are. You're an idiot.

Art isn't just about the search for perfection, it can also be about expressing and advocating for that same perfection.

There are many, you just have to look, especially in USA. I use lots of eblogs and soulseek for finding music. Love death in june btw.

>pissy fucks

What does that even mean, abbo?



You can find the full speech on counter-currents, but you guys are too fucking stupid to do anything so go fuck yourselves. I'm probably the only person left here who even knows what counter-currents is.

there are but they dont tell their political views because majority of people are leftists in arts

Death and june is amazing ive been listening to them for 4 years now
And just discovered fashwave yesterday

In the city though? I'd kill to find a decent underground music scene here in Boston

Yes more DIJ memes

Wagner, Stravinsky. That's what I remember now.

Because institutional art is a leftist project.

I gotchu senpai

Dali, Degas


There's Mjolnir but I assume when nu/pol/ says "right wing" artists they probably want someone to paint about lowering taxes or draw a black guy in maga hat.

>not knowing about the great painter Adolf Hitler

I meant current but his stuff is pretty good too

Fleming, Borges, Dostoievsky, Balzac, Nabokov

cuz Jews run the media houses and it's difficult to effectively promote yourself outside of their systems

it's rare enough to be a good artist, but to also be be business/marketing minded is very rare

you basically have to simultaneously be really good at your shit and have entrepreneurial cunning

Probably because most righties ended up like I did. Like art in elementary and middle school, got to high school and realized I needed to do something that actually paid well; went STEM and had the military pay for it. The only thing I hope for now is that I'll be able to build a good enough life for my kids that they'll have the option of going into the arts if they want.

There used to be them. Except art became degenerate.

Were too busy trying to unfuck the world.
We don't have time for that shit.


art can change the world, brah

go stick your cock in a microwave you instant just add water piece of shit

Celine, Bellow, Kipling, Goethe.

should we continue?

Redpill me in fashwave

sauce me please

Even Churchill won a Literature Nobel prize


Memes are our art

>implying there are currently many quality artists at all

Art and entertainment in western society are dominated by the left wing and anytime a right winger tries to claim the stage he gets shut down.

I'm working on it, user. Shooting to start my webcomic before the end of the year. Pic related, it's a piece I did for one of my finals

>posting concept art for Skyrim

there are but there is no one giving them money to just lay around creating art so they have to survive by the salability of their work

When you think of art today then at best you think of something that's just strange and outlandish and at worst you think of something that's vulgar or grotesque. It's difficult to find popular art that is being created today that inspires you to become greater. Art today revels in either idolizing weakness and the obscene or it is so abstract that it does nothing but confuse and disorient people who look at it.

When the current paradigm of art is seemingly designed to appeal exclusively to either weak people who viscerally hate the idea of bettering themselves or to the mentally ill then it's no surprise that sane people aren't interested in it.

If you want to make art that's designed to inspire people to strive towards an ideal that's greater than themselves then you won't get any where in the art world. If you paint pictures of gluttonous obese women and make exhibits with rotting flesh and decapitated animal heads then you will be welcomed wholeheartedly into the art world.

Looks nice user, keep it up.

Fashwave is shit. It all sounds/looks the same.

repetitive stress injury put me out of serious music.

>There are no quality right-wing ar-

Salty mgtows basically

How did the dragon shoot arrows?

Fresco is right art though you mongoloid

Good bait OP

If there are any they don't talk about it because they'd lose business and/or their job.

Also, the video game industry has vampirically sucked away the artists who would be creating a lot of beautiful, traditional art. Where are all of the people who used to paint beautiful images of the natural world or who used to paint inspiring depictions of heroic men? They're making concept art for video games or films today.

You can argue that video games are art, but it's much harder to argue against the idea that video games do nothing but severely limit the vision of the artist. For example, find me one game where the concept art isn't significantly better than the end result. The concept art is always better than the actual game because the game takes the worlds that the artist has created in his mind and then it shrinks, deforms, and reshapes it so that it can both fit within the practical limitation of what can be included in a video game and also incorporate all of the gameplay elements that the customer expects.

Video games take worlds that exist inside the mind of the artist and they turn them into cheap, hollow amusement parks for customers.

excuse me all of youtube are artist

we have pewdiepie markiplier jontron and more who are alt right artists

My doodles get some good circulation

>go stick your cock in a microwave you instant just add water piece
Who did this art performance? What was it called?


They lack intelligence.

It's because of fucking 3D everything was fine but no, some fucker had to make everything 3D. Son of a bitch. At least there's still Vanillaware.

They're too busy having a real job.

Here's a "quality" left wing artist.
Artists neede to go back to starving, maybe they will actually produce masterpieces again.

Most of them are
You're just a pleb tbqh

>Like what?

Going out into the world and risking life, limb, and treasure in the great game of life.

I'll leave you to your little scribblings.

Conservative leaning guy who works in film and makes his own when the times right. Parents not rich, just a little crazy. It's all gunna be gravy kids.

I tell them he hit a chicken in the heat of battle

Ben garrison nigguh



because no one wants to be a starving artist

???? wtf is that

well, just like my opinion, I am a right wing who hides my view. I make a living painting and would never share it on here because it would automatically link me to right wing aka workplace genocide here in liberal canada

there are more of us than you think (especially in the music industry). im no picasso but I like to think my work is above average

i also do cartoon wojaks on paint for fun but drawing isnt my thing

Because the right wing is about reason and logic and order, the left wing is about emotion feeling and chaos.

Hmm ok
Everyone who painted before 1900

Almost every author before 1950

Every composer not from Russia before 2000

This won a government funded arts & endowment prize.
Trump recently cut funding.

Because right wingers have real jobs

we have our memes desu

Nigger what the fuck are you talking about?

There are no more earthly gains, and space is still a generation distant. This is a generation that must devote its time to creating a strong culture and art form, lest the future be degenerate.

Kill yourself if you're going to contribute nothing but another baby to the future.


This post is art

I kek'd more that I should have

>Because right wingers have real jobs
Like losing the culture wars because they're not producing any culture at all.

because post-modern art is for leftists and it's the prevailing art form as of now.

t-thanks user

They're too busy doing shit that matters.

Also, art these days is shit, so it's nothing to brag about, you liberal turdstain.

Sup Forums has a handful of talented artists, I swear

>t. malaysian mike

There are, they just have real jobs and art is a hobby

because we have grown up and have actual jobs

art schools in general have a huge tendency for pushing (((postmodernism))) and anti-aesthetical approach for making art. it is also why talent and intellectualism is completely detached from making post modern art, since "everyone can do it" (marxist doctrine of all consuming equality). some early post modernist art is indeed fascinating, but for the last 20-30 years most output has been akin to existentialist white noise.

A NEET with severe *iDubbzTV voice* CRIPPLING DEPRESSION

No reason to explain ourselves with art, we do it with reason.

>*iDubbzTV voice*

I cringed

is this how far Sup Forums has fallen? now people fucking RP in their posts like a bunch of furfags

This user is right, it's hard to make a living solely off art unless you're willing to sell your soul "networking". I make a decent bit of side income doing human and pet portraits but I could probably only make a living doing scientific or technical illustrations (not "fine art") if I were to do any of it full time.

De Sade, Ezra Pound, Dali, Celine, William Burroughs, Philip K. Dick, even Andy Warhol are red pilled to different degrees.

Avowed modern right wing art (many links to music, writing etc): peiiste.blogspot.com

Anime is right wing art.

this. i paint, write, and have played guitar for about 13 years. i'm a computer programmer to make a living.

I think the lefty normie this is true. right wing attracts the biggest morons and the best minds. the fact that it's now counter-culture helps with that i guess.

>There are no more earthly gains, and space is still a generation distant. This is a generation that must devote its time to creating a strong culture and art form, lest the future be degenerate.

So we are getting closer and closer for space exploration and you just say fuckit and want to paint apples instead of contributing? WTF is wrong with you??

made me laff

Art is nothing more than decoration. Quit pretending like its anything deep Nd meaningful. Great pieces of work only symbolize the capability of humans. The actual drawing means jack shit.

There are but we just don't flaunt our views because it's simply not safe to do so in this climate. Unless you're anonymous of course. Artists want as many people to see their work as possible and coming out as right wing would severely limit you in that respect

Government funding encourages pro-government ideologies. Government schools select pro-government material. Government awards go to pro-government artists. You get the idea.