yfw Flynn confesses to crimes under obama
Yfw Flynn confesses to crimes under obama
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I saw this coming as soon as Flynn started getting antsy.
Read his statement from tonight.
He spends half of it going after the leftist media and their "witch hunt". He also says "i've got a story to tell". Remember he was hounded out by Obama a few years ago and has a massive axe to grind there.
He also knows that Trump can pardon him.
I smell a massive ruse when he takes the stand 2bh.....
Cant wait till the kenyan goes to jail
He won't be going to jail. Why do you think he flew to Tahiti? He knows whats coming.
He is never going to step foot on American soil ever again. He has literally deported himself.
>7D Chess
>YFW so delusional because you realised that you voted for a traitor
Flynn is going to send the left flying.
>Open border shitlibs calling others traitors
its literally this, I can't fucking wait to watch the leftist meltodown yet again.
toppest of keks
Guys I called my Japanese friend
A cum in mum now he called and said he does not want to hangout tonight
Do Japanese not handle bantz? Should I apologize? He did not get upset when I say it but when he went home he acted very different
>YFW dumb yank realised I live on Island and so do not have open borders unlike their own shit nation
This is going to be like Rachel Maddow with Trump's taxes again, isn't it?
>left over hypes the ever living fuck out of it
>turns out to be nothing/blows up in their faces
>throw another massive shitfit
yfw Trump deported Obama
This would be the best thing ever
I don't know what to believe about politics anymore aside from the fact that Trump apparently always comes out on top in the end.
>Trump said the rest of the GOP candidates weren't winners
>he won the nomination by a landslide
>Trump said he'd beat Hillary
>Hes now the President
>Trump says Hillary and Obama created ISIS
>the "rebels" we funded in Libya turned into ISIS
>Trump says he was wiretapped
>government agencies did in fact spy on him, his family, and his transition team during the campaign
>Trump said he'd work for all the people who had been forgotten
>massive pedo rings getting busted left and right, 1500 people were just arrested in a human trafficking ring
>Trump says he'll bring jobs back to the US
>more jobs are created than even his team projected
Flynn will probably crucify Obama and praise Trump as a hero during his testimony. Its literally the only safe bet to make here. You can't touch Trump. The guy just wins.
These leftist faggots completely forget that General Michael Flynn was director of the Defense Intelligence Agency he was forced to retire because he pushed back on king nigger. He probably has so many red pills on all the traitorous piece of shit. This is gonna be grand.
I must be delusional Mr Cameron
Don't the French extradite? Besides, such a high profile thing probably wouldn't even matter to those wanting to bring him to justice.
>Trump on the right
Even Farage is distancing himself from this retard
You have a tunnel to France, dumbfuck.
I suppose all that saharan garbage in your country is natural
wtf are you talking about
France has an extradition treaty with the US, though "political offences" (whatever they are) are excluded
Fly to France and walk down the tunnel then bigman. See how far you get.
If it isn't obvious Obama fled now, idk what is.
Just a month ago wasn't the left hyping up Obama being in close proximity to the WH and his people were chanting that he's "coming back".
You stupid motherfuckers were saying the same thing on nov.7th remember?
Oh man, libs gonna "literally shaking" real soon.
Fuck me - notice blatant shitposting you dumb cunt. Night night!
King nigger needs to be burned alive wirh Hillary and Bill.