So sick of white nationalists/supremacists shitting on right-wing/libertarian heroes. Literally what have y'all done? What makes you think your opinion deserves any respect?
So sick of white nationalists/supremacists shitting on right-wing/libertarian heroes. Literally what have y'all done...
big healthy poopys
Now thats what i call shitposting
>t. Nigger loving rice burning faggot
Nobody gives a shit about that Kike lover.
quit appropriating my culture you shitlord
how come white nationalist hate multiculturalism and globalism, yet you see them eating at panda express and taco bell?
both examples of multiculturalism and globalism.
or using the internet?
since you know, that's also a part of globalism
Fuck you, nigger.
>right wing
Mutually exclusive.
If I literally sat as a neet and died alone childless I will have done less harm to the white race than racemixer stickman.
Friendly reminder that he doesn't care about being overrun by niggers and that if we "don't conform" to his way of thinking that we'll be killed off. Fuck this racemixing faggot.
How do we get all of the right-wing groups to work together? It seems to me that both ends of the rightwing spectrum have good and bad points, but there's absolutely no redeeming features of the lefties on the other side of things. Can we ever get along?
>but we should buy cheap shit manufactured by these unskilled third world immigrants.
>and when they try and use communism to fix a their own country, set up a coup and install a puppet "democratic" that is friendly with ours.
>makes sense.
that's why.
Race mixing traitors are not welcome here.
Shoo jew.
Its because Natsocs are basement dwelling larpers. They cant reveal their power level in public because it would make them a social pariah. They are envious of people who have enough courage to represent their beliefs in real life.
>Implying white people can't cook a recipe from some thirdworld shitstain.
We could have but before any bridges could be formed he decided to burn them. He'll learn there are consequences for his actions, his personal information is already floating around as we speak.
Buying their shit and having them come here in waves is completely different.
>Being this much of a newfag
I can't speak for NS because I'm not one.
>They are envious of people who have enough courage to represent their beliefs in real life.
Your beliefs won't get you beat up or fired.
>Its because Natsocs are basement dwelling larpers
You forgot anime masturbators
>hating multiculturalism and non-white culture.
>eating a Mexican takeout restaurant.
>kek. so much actual kek.
>Being this much of a newfag to realize that there's a difference between celebrating diversity and having it crammed down your throat.
>1 post by this ID
So sick of shills and their divide and conquer tactics.
Yes this is exactly what we should do. Keep other nations down, keep ourselves in power, and maintain sovereignety over our borders, whilst slowly expanding our borders and territory. It's called winning, you fucking pussy. Do you hate winning?
>Buying their shit and having them come here in waves is completely different.
>Buy American Hire American
>let's white elite CEO's give jobs to mexicans and chinks rather than white americans.
>I guess a profit trumps race all together.
Still LEL 2017
>Photo by Reddit user: alakazam318
>celebrating diversity
how is celebrating diversity a white nationalist criteria?
whites are the superior race, superior culture as well. European culture.
why are whites eating burritos and chow main?
(how ever the fuck you spell that noodle shit.)
last time I checked, it was muslims who are immigrating in masses to europe.
i thinks you mad user. lel
Replied to the wrong post mate
Hey, Anarchist Capitalist Nationalist Socialist here.
Gas yourself.
shoo shoo divide and conquer shill
It's chow mien faggot.
Stop doing the Reddit spacing shit on /pol newfag.
>Why are whites eating burritos and chow mien?
Half the shit here has been "Americanized" anyway so most Americans have never had traditional Mexican and Chinese food. Mexicans make "Italian food" here anyway, when anyone from Italy can tell it's not even close.
I don't think you really understand that WN aren't going to go out and kill people like faggots on here constantly LARP about. We put our blood, our culture, and our people first among all others. Not to mention there isn't a lot of WN who come together because most groups are different and vary in what they believe. Like someone else said earlier, Nationalists or all kinds here are extremely disorganized.
Yeah, I realized that now. Good looks user.
>Try and use communism to fix their own country
>use communism to fix their own country.
>communism to fix their country.
>Communism to fix.
>We put our blood, our culture, and our people first among all others
by voting for a man who directly teachers others (trump university lel) that to only way to get ahead running a business in america is to look for manufacturing plants overseas in countries like china or India instead of america to be able to maximize cost of manufacturing vs price of product and import cost.
makes total sense.
seems like america started to suck when people like him sent our jobs to mexico because Mexicans are stupid enough to work for 10 cents an hour and white Americans have dignity and wont.
makes total sense.
but still lel.
how's capitalism working out for you guys?
or let me guess, your one of the elite 1%ers who owns a private island and 10 mansions in Europe right?
because if not, im pretty sure I know the answer to that question.
>The Marxist typed on his keyboard, whilst staring at his computer screen, in his house, powered by electricity, with running water and working plumbing; all products of capitalism.
lol not an answer.
The absolute edge of the fringe tells us E Pluribus Unum men to fuck off? We're dividing and conquering? No you definitively unamerican twatdodger, you are the wedge.
>Out of many, one.
THAT is America. Your dream of an European Ethnostate is foul and revolting. Black America's roots run just as deep as ours.
>captcha: helecopter
Sounds about right. Want a ride?
The day of the rope is coming. You will find your necktie fits perfect, ghostnigger. You will never be as American as the Blacks you despise.
Looked like the thread was going to die with no replies, but it's pretty obvious we don't need shills to divide us when we're so good at doing it ourselves. If you can hate a man who fights Antifa because he has an Asian wife, I want nothing to do with you. Not like any of you were going to show up anyway. All you do is shit up this board.
Libertarian is shit, culture is more important than capital. You don't have to be a white supremacist to know this.
Let them be user.
The US is already 40% nonwhite with a rate of 300 nonwhite babies being born everyday, and that's not even counting the unprecedented rate of white women marrying nonwhite men compared to 10 years ago.
White nationalism is centered on nothing more than a fever dream because the power and influence to supress other people due to their race/ethnicity in order to "fix" demographics so they could be in favor of whites does not and will never exist in the US.
You see, that's why so many white nationalists cling to Trump even though Trump has absolutely nothing to do with white nationalism. They're desperate fools.
The libs are right when they say Trump is "the white man's last gasp or whateverthefuck" something like that.
Okay, here's your answer.
Capitalism is working great for me. I'm not starving to death or being worked to death in a gulag. That's a hell of a lot more then I can say for many people who lived and died in Communist countries!
Who are you quoting?
he turned out to be a cuck
Our opinion is correct. Fuck you and your outmoded freedum. Fascism is the future.
Being proud of it's own race, culture and country. Only when you are ready to die for something that more significant than you, you are alive. Libertarian have identity, they are weak, even if they were willing to sacrifice themselves for their cause it would just be a wasted life. They want multiculturalism and to mix races. Better all have our own races with our own skills than one blended race with no identity or any skills.
hello shareblue
Machiavellian realist here. You're both faggots. Stop fooling yourself and admit you're in it for yourself. Embrace your inner demons. Vote for the Emperor.
Same team dude, we're both in it to give wedgies to the commies and globalists
go away negro lover
>Fascism is the future.
No one likes you. You think a few NEETs are going to become the ruling class when they're too scared to even show up at right-wing events. Please. Sad.
After NAFTA, the invisible hand pushed manufacturing to Mexico. Fighting that current pushes you out of the market, kills your business, and forces your employees into breadlines. Only an imbecile would implement that business model.
Frankly, we should only ever trade freely with those who match our workers' health/safety regulations and our environmental regulations. All others get tariffed to make the difference unprofitable.
Daily reminder.
>Same team dude
Then why do people keep shitting on stickman?
Loosely, Andrew Brietbart.
What the fuck?
How is my post anything like a shareblue shill post? You fucking faggot, fuck you. Holy shit I am triggered.
Refute my post you fucking low iq moron. What, you can't? You can only resort to calling me a shill?
White nationalists at their finest everybody.
Does truth and reason hurt you? Sup Forums isn't your safespace you cuck.
>durr we need foreign labor, don't worry your demographics wont change
>durr looks like they changed, there's nothing you can do about it!
lol, libertarians are inverse marxists.
Of course you'll never realize your pipe dream. These illiterate masses will require a stricter and powerful central government.
I don't think you know what the DOTR is, you stupid nigger.
Hilarious that you try to co-opt it though, shows your lack of originality and inherent mental weakness.
Those "blacks" are so far off from the American standard, and its literally the fault of the people who use them as cannon fodder for political reasons, the people you look up to and vote for.
Your own stupidity and lack of desire for actual knowledge will be your inevitable undoing.
The fucker actually believes that if we capitulate they will play nice and let us live. Imagine that....thathey entire paragraph revolves around the idea that if we don't adopt civic nationalism, the brown people will kill us all off once we become a minority. He is coming from a complete position of surrender.
oops, wrong picture
This guy is right.
Watch as white natiocucks come out and call him a shill.
>reddit spacing
you just keep going
>no one likes you
Wow, what a great argument, let me give you an award for that.
>calling conservatives scared when they realize that these situations are created to provoke civil war
We're not scared, you're just dumb enough to show your face and inevitably get arrested for rioting, but hey, you can call yourself brave, can't you?
But remember, rioting is a felony, and you can't vote anymore kiddo! Many of your comrades are going that path, and rightly so.
I donated to his legal fund, for one, even with his shitty gook wife. Obviously would stand by him if shit got squirrely at a rally. Plenty of WN have been at Trump rallies outdoing stick man, recall "da goyim know" sign in Cali.
>Implying disagreeing with each other on the internet means there is no right wing unity
>Said we would basically destroy the movement, you imply he didn't start it
I also reserve the right to disagree with his shit beliefs and ProudBoy retardation. He basically said give up your race and engage in civic nationalism or you end up like South Africa. Which is exactly what the Boers tried to do and their current nigger president's rally song was "Kill the Boer." How'd that work out? If this "hero" feels the need to engage in True Republican defeatism then he needs to unfuck his shit.
If cucky civic nationalists don't like getting attacked, maybe juuuuuuuuust maybe they shouldn't attack WNs first? Literal far-righters from Wesearchr and DailyStormer paid thousands for his bail and he repays them by throwing them under the bus to spew anti-white talking points that align perfectly with what both (((Bill Kristol))) and ANTIFA say.
You have no proof that the nonwhites of the US are nothing more than "illiterate masses". The chinks are high iq and buy up property all over the country. So are poo in loos. The Mexicans have taken over and infiltrated many aspects of state government in California.
You're simply projecting your insecurity onto what you don't like. Stay cucked faggot.
>Daily Reminder that White Nationalism is a Globalist and Cultural Marxist plot
>radicalizing workers failed in this country because we understand that it only takes determination and one good idea away from the big time
>the entire point of Cultural Marxism is to avoid that unique American Strength and fracture the country along racial lines
Instead, embrace your brothers and sisters. Make America Great Again!
I'd team up with the ancaps and lolbertarians. We could just create two states after we btfo the leftists. One NatSoc and one without roads.
i had one living next to me. he was a complete piece of shit, only out for himself. called blacks niggers but lived in the worst piece of shit house on the block.....threw his trash need people with brains to fight this war.
>You have no proof that the nonwhites of the US are nothing more than "illiterate masses"
The vast majority of them come from the poorest, most illiterate counties
>The chinks are high iq and buy up property all over the country
>The chinks are high iq and buy up property all over the country. So are poo in loos
And replaced American workers becasue they work for pocket change.
> The Mexicans have taken over and infiltrated many aspects of state government in California.
You mean a state with piss poor scores, crumbling infrastructure, and no public transport? I'm so impressed.
I'm the one who keeps on going?
You first called me a sharebule shill, and now I'm from reddit all of a sudden.
Kill yourself retard. Your not making those on "your side" look any better, I suggest you shut the hell up and hope someone who can string proper arguments together for your cause without simply calling me names like a 3rd grader comes into the thread soon.
Kill yourself now.
>If cucky civic nationalists don't like getting attacked, maybe juuuuuuuuust maybe they shouldn't attack WNs first?
You and I both know that's not how it happens. White nationalists are the ones that always get triggered by the slightest diversion from their vision.
Subversion it's a thing, in all honesty in a spied world, it's easy to dismantle a movement if you make the members of said movement publically identify themselves.
Where is my side exactly? I believe in private property and the ability for small city states to chose their immigrants and nothing more. What side does that make me?
We will never see eye to eye until I am lynching your Cultural Marxist ass.
Theres nothing left to do but try and kill one another.
>slightest diversion
Yes, because every time a 'slight diversion' gets through, we degenerate even further. Our entire decline from 1865 onward is a series of 'slight diversions.' Fuck you--not one nigger will be allowed in the white ethnostate, because if we do make your slight deviation, some cucks will use that to justify bringing in all of Africa.
Is captian klansman triggly-wigglied? TOO CUTE!
also forgive pls
First off you ignore and don't take into account nonwhites who were born in the US and given an American education.
I don't see the point in you telling me they're replacing American workers. White Americans? The people I have beeb referring to are American citizens, just not white. I was never taken into account illegal immigrants, and even with the 11 million of them deported the demographics are still fucked.
California's failing infrastructure means nothing. My point was how mass nonwhite groups are spreading throughout the country.
>fighting to ensure your people's survival is what the enemy wants
>if you try to save your people from destruction, they'll be destroyed
Literal Trudeau logic. "If we surrender, we win"
>rioting is a felony
I think you're conflating self-defense with rioting. They're not actually the same thing.
>attacked you first
Bitch, please. You white orthodox marxist cunts need to do some serious introspection.
It's like you actually believe that people of non-European descent will respect the founding principles and become good little Americans. We are slated to become Brazil 2.0. Third worlders bring their third world attitudes with them. Take a pig from the pen and put it in a penthouse, it will remain a pig. They are not transformed into Americans; they transform America to become a replica of the shithole that they fled from.
A lot of white people are shit. A lot of white people are welfare leeches and Antifa scum. Why the fuck would I want to be stuck in an ethnostate with them?
I guess I'll just take your word for it hurr durr
>First off you ignore and don't take into account nonwhites who were born in the US and given an American education.
And they score much lower
> The people I have beeb referring to are American citizens,
And nationality should be more than a piece of paper u cuckold
>My point was how mass nonwhite groups are spreading throughout the country.
You had no point. As we bring in more third worlders, our country starts to look more third world. Going from socal to norcal is like leaving the country.
I'm telling that, but we suspect that this place acts as a honey pot since a long time ago and making everything about race and white supremacy it may not be as politically convenient as you may think.
There's dozen more ways to ensure white supremacy that constanly shittalking the other races.
Or you learned nothing.
A faggot progressive white is still a better neighbor than any non-white.
>A faggot progressive white is still a better neighbor than any non-white.
White nationalist intellectuals
you better be actually posting from the vatican city
Hey look, it's a 15 year old edgelord!
You know it's true.
wow, I love Hillary now
>a lot of white people are shit
That's right, and we deal with them accordingly. Meanwhile, keep telling yourself that Tyrone really dindu nuffin and Paco is just trying to feed his 12 anchor babies.
Jesus, you guys piss me off. Sure, there are 'bad' whites, but they're our people, and they are still better on average than everyone except East Asians. And the Asians are seriously lacking in empathy.
Nah, I grew up in the south, bud. White trash is just as bad as any urban nigger garbage. I'll take quality minorities over worthless whites any day.