How do we redpill him?
How do we redpill him?
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His former klansman dad already had the chance but he kind of fucked that one up.
why would anybody want to?
let him die wih his dolls and dresses
>redpilling the mayor of cwicville
He can't be reached - the man's got an IQ
Be extremely wealthy, adopt him, give him money for every pound of weight he loses, train him in manly activities, tell him stories around a campfire. It would be a 24/7 operation, taking years.
first maybe you could respect the pronouns she chooses.
Just wait until a black person beats him up or robs him for being a complete fagola.
Sanic or pokeymans is the key to his heart
Change all women's arms from skin color to blue
That or a Jew decides to apply fiscal sorcery on his already strained finances.
with the final pill
That pill will give him
Die abeeties
He's just doing what he believes deep down is going to get him some china. Women are more liberal, so he's going with that. If it was the other way around he'd still be a fag hating religious man. Eventually he'll give up and come full circle back to how he was.
how big is your penis?
Also a serious question, if he becomes a antifa and end up being arrested for beating some random person, he still can use his retarded card to avoid being in jail?
>some china
i keked
Thats what he calls vaginas, he's a special guy.
you dont. You Blue pill him and get him to publicly associate himself with the left so that normies turn to the right to get as far away from him as possible
As a follower of CWC since 2007, you cannot.
He is beyond help.
People from organized trolling actually tried to help him on numerous occasions. They eventually went down these paths:
1) Try to offer CWC advice.
2) Listen to him moan and complain.
3) Think you get through to him, but only have your words become lost after one hours time.
4) Start to hate him for being so incompetent.
5) Become angry and start trolling him to recoup your lost investment.
Let the left have him. He belongs right where he is.
Do we really need this autistic freak on our side?
yeah i know, that's why i keked
>fiscal sorcery
He won't listen to advice, you'd probably have to get a bodybuilder to go help him or abduct him.
Literally a lost cause. He pierced his taint and when it got infected and the abcessed wound opened up he thought his hard work paid off; he now had a manpussi
Before his change he was actually pretty Sup Forums he was religious a little gay racist obsessive just wanted to get laid talked about his dad in the war a lot
how is he not dead from fingering his own taint gash?
Life finds a way
The hoard sustains him as its avatar
Yeah, surprising.
He was just repeating what his father told him. After his father died he now repeats what the media tells him.
If you teach a parrot to repeat Hitler was right it doesn't mean the parrot is redpilled.
Been wondering this for about 8 months now
He will only die after the death of his mom, then he will become homeless and starve to death
No, but we could weaponize him for our advantage. In the Indivisible thread people were just started to discuss how this could be done before the thread was archived.
He is beyond help. There are insane people out there willing to pay him pretty outrageous money for next issues of Sonichu and he is too lazy to make them. All while his debts grow and perspective of homelessness becomes more real.
There was some kind of "lesbian" he was in a relationship that wanted for him to bathe more regularly and be a little bit less spergy. He refused even if that meant losing potential china.
Chris is that type of a guy who would die from thirst while crossing a river.
He is here to make all virginal autists, butt ugly losers and everyone else a little bit less shit by comparison.
I feel bad for laughing at this
It's true
>tfw he's the longest running meme in 4chans history
>he's literally a walking meme
What if we convince this guy to run for mayor of his town, could he legally do that or would he be too disabled beyond help to actually be qualified to run? Not only could he get SJW support to become mayor but it'd be hilarious to watch.
I want this badly.
Nah, I think a rich autist would probably try to take him in.
Charlottesville is a small suburban town I think so it may work.
I would get residency in Chris Chans town to vote for him mayor if you faggots can pull this off
I always wanted to kidnap Chiris Chan and expose him to high levels of psychoactive substances along with brainwashing...
You know, the kind of stuff they did in the 50s to 60s area, only using modern drugs and technology.
If you could fix him, it'd be something for the medical books.
>I feel bad for laughing at this
It's hard for me to feel bad for Chris. He is autistic, sure. But there were so fucking many people who were genuinly trying to help him that you can't really blame anyone but him for all his faliures. He has an ego size of a planet, he is selfish and petty. If he wasn't such a lazy and covardly dumbass he would be kind of scary.
How do we get Chris to actually become interested in politics enough to pull this off and what would his first job as Mayor be?
If we can get this story out that a trans autistic man wants to be mayor liberals will totally hop on board
We need to socially engineer ChrisChan to be a prominent #Indivisible activist/spokesperson. We're currently spitballing the idea hopefully we can gain some traction.
Some ideas: inviting him to local #Indivisible group meetings, paying for Uber Black to make him feel important. attack all who oppose him within #Indivisible as transphobic, homophobic, ablist, misogynistic, bigots. promote him within #Indivisible using SJW sockpuppet accounts. eventually arrange media contact for articles and maybe an interview at the lulz-peak.
We need to get KiwiFarms involved we think.
If you told him you would pay for all the sonic games and toys he could ever want I think you could get some serious progress in a short amount of time.
He is WAY too fucking lazy to do this. He also is not as gullible as he was back in the good old days. 2012 chris might try to actually believe you, 2017 chris is paranoid as fuck.
They are lost for good the moment they choose a girly name to call themselves.
No longer exists.
You don't understand user. When you dine with Chris, he changes YOU. You don't change him
It's just that he's, dare i say, a nostalgic remnant of the decade I've spent here
Rereading that sentence i feel like a loser
I don't know how to get him interested but he seems to believe being a mayor means you can just extrajudicially kill and torture people and he believes the government is enacting laws to keep him a virgin.
its back up
We got Trump into the White House, I think we can get Chris to become mayor of Charlottesville .
You underestimate his laziness. That fuck simply refuses to do ANYTHING other than complaining or begging. There were actualy suckers willing to buy his work but he couldn't be bothered to make few drawings. He is THAT lazy.
So we convince him to run by saying it will reward him with all the China his bent duck can handle
Since he's a little paranoid we can send him some links about government trying to keep him girlfriend free
Thumbs down
For fuck sakes Canada Another P.C. Tim Hortons commercial embracing immigrants. This place is Cucked to the max.
Well, it could be done. Just spread his vids.
>and he believes the government is enacting laws to keep him a virgin
a smile involuntarily flickered onto my face
chris is somewhat redpilled. he hates niggers and gays. the tomgirl/trans thing is an exception.
>feed CWC a steady diet of hallucinogens
>stream 2TB/sec of redpills into his neo-cortex via electrodes
>watch him become a right-wing lawnmower man
sounds like a plan
It's described in detail in the "Virginia is for Virgins" link.
If he was willing to actualy try? Sure, people following him would do that years ago. Problem is that unlike Trump, Chris doesn't want to do ANY work. If you need him let's say go somewhere and sign his name to become a candidate? Forget it, he will stay at home, do nothing and shit himself.
yes, I remember, I've been following Chris since 2008. a million laughs.
Wrong thread?
What if we promise him if he becomes Mayor then Sonic's arms will go back to being beige?
I will now attempt to use meme magic contained within my digits to undo this autistic travesty's trans-psychosis.
Dubs, trips, quads, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 and he will be cured.
> i feel like a loser
>three consecutive doubles
Not anymore, I think.
It's called DUCK you slanderous troll!
On vacation, Chris?
I dunno man. Remember when "Shigeru Miyamoto" promised him to hire him and make the Sonichu game if he rode to Redmond? He was too lazy. This guy is willing to abandon all his hopes and dreams if they require ANY sort of effort.
He can help Latza with his new Disney show.
We need to motivate him somehow to make this happen, any ideas?
Paying for all the sonic games and toys was literally what did him in.
When he was a kid he won some contest to get free Sonic shit thus starting his inevitable decline.
Only know one knew how far this decline would go.
You can't. Only things he cares for is china and he has shown repeatedly that he isn't willing to let's say take a bath for it. If he want's something he will beg or whine. He might even use violence like in the gamestop. But any sort of effort is out of the question. Sorry user but if there is one thing you can be sure about Chis in all his unpredectability is his patological laziness.
So my dream of seeing Trump and Chris-chan debate in the 2024 election is over then?
keep in mind that Chris turned into a tranny because of a one-off joke a troll made. To make him a mayor you just have to get in contact with him and tell him that he could make his CWCville dreams real life and win the heart of a sweetheart from the ground up. He probably wouldn't win but seeing him run would be lulzy.
You don't get to bring friends.
huh? source on that joke claim? he was tomgirl the whole time.
We need to get Megan involved in this somehow, that would actually motivate him.
Sadly even those trips won't fix the mess that Chris is. You could get all the toys he could ever want, 10 milion in cash and 10/10 virgin begging him to impregnate her and put them in a treehouse just a ladder climb from him. He would still sat on his ass and whine how unfair you are.
The troll told him to get in touch with his feminine side to better appeal to women and he took it to tranny extremes
He hates her guts actualy. She said him how it is. Chris doesn't like it.
>Allegedly, after it was suggested to him that he get in touch with his feminine side, Chris became a "tomgirl", dressing in women's clothes and putting on makeup.
It was a therapist actually. That is his explanation anyway. He was giving out hints of a creepy crossdresser since the very beginning. He simply hates men and masculinity. It was just a matter of time before he would reject his own. He also seems to be under delusion that most women are lesbians.
Is he fixated on anyone now that we could trick him into running?
We have a master Polish Christorian in this thread
Not really. I doubt you could influence Lovely Weather and he is extremely paranoid about any new potential sweetheart. After so many trolls did that even Chris wised up a little.
I don't know but it's not hard to get him fixated on a woman. Find a white woman to say she'll give china to Chris if he becomes mayor and he'll do it.
Then we need to mess with him in a new way, could we convince him that he's pregnant somehow and carrying God's child?
he stalks voice actresses from shows he likes on twitter now