What do you think of Varg Vikernes
What do you think of Varg Vikernes
His pictures are starting to get on my nerves. You can tell this guy really is caught up in himself in a fucking goofy way.
I agree with a lot of what he says, but sometimes I wish Euronymous had killed him.
Pretty cool guy, he's the same type as person as me, dislikes religion but dislikes degenerates and drugs too and just wants to chill in some forest.
I like him alot
Anyone who thinks muslim foreigners are better in europe than christian europeans has to be a shill of some degree
I think he's just really un-photogenic, but that aside I was meaning his views on the world and political climate
Whys that?
The one E-celeb that I don't have some kind of mild disapproval for. He's great.
stop getting flustered
Except there is no possible way that the dude living innawoods of royalties who constantly eludes to Jews is actually a shill. And I don't even think he said that. I think what he means is that both are an equivalent cancer, which is correct if you look at it from his pagan perspective.
How do you get that impression from him? I'm quite sure his beliefs are firm: Europe belongs to Europeans, particularly Nordic Aryans
I don't think he's ever made a distinction between Celts, Aryans, and Slavs. In fact he has admonished the "alt-right" for holding those views.
>"nordic aryans" make up like 2% of the european population and occupy a tiny sliver of its territory
>somehow europe belongs to them
nordaboos are the fucking worst
Can you fucking read you stupid nigger?
I never said that at all. Varg has never said that at all. You're all morons who haven't actually watched any varg and build your opinion on anti-varg shillposting.
The jew fears Varg.
He has some interesting ideas, but as someone of Italian heritage, the way he talks about Southern Europeans makes me want to punch him in the throat.
What does he even say about them?
He doesn't like Romans for turning war into a mercenary slaughter fest and spurring on civilization. I don't think he hates muddy meds.
Muddy meds? Haha is that Mediterraneans?
I like his voice in videos and his music. Seeing the videos of him with his kids makes me think he seems like a really good dad. I don't think he's politically as intelligent as he thinks he is and would probably suffer a brutal loss in a debate (which he would be to arrogant to engage in the first place). I totally respect and even somewhat share his view of basically "fuck society, i'm going to leave it, and I want it to leave me alone so I can be my own guy".
Huge faggot and Islam apologist
What a nuanced picture. Have you forgotten that he chooses to live there, and makes arguments for why it is better? Would you care to address them?
And he is not an Islam apologist, You're a shill, ignorant, or just dumb.
You've gotta think about how you'd argue against his position on survivalism tho. Maybe in a theological debate he'd get stomped sure.
Seems like the type of guy who could actually have an interesting conversation. Can't say that about 99% of the people I know.
Islam apologist HOW??
Same here my man
We are of the same kin you and I
Let's start a tribe when the end times come
Varg has done more for the white race than you could ever dream of, neet.
>You're a shill, ignorant, or just dumb.
probably all three
because he says Islam and Christianity are both equally shitty Jewish religions, christcucks get their balls in a twist.
tryhard faggot
>Have you forgotten that he chooses to live there, and makes arguments for why it is better? Would you care to address them?
No, I do not particularly care to address the arguments as to why the lifestyle choices of a literal murdering degenerate who lives like a hermit in some shitty shack the woods where he is raising his young children in between youtube videos are not ideal.
>Varg has done more for the white race than you could ever dream of, neet.
He's done fuck all except make bad music for edgelord beta outcasts, burn down churches, and kill a man for whatever idiotic reason
>probably all three
Probably. I always forget something.
>Trying hard for what he believes in
Yeah, what a faggot. Go back to your vidya.
His TTRPG is more autistic than a German-made Lego mod for No Man's Sky.
>No, I do not particularly care to address the arguments as to why the lifestyle choices of a literal murdering degenerate who lives like a hermit in some shitty shack the woods where he is raising his young children in between youtube videos are not ideal.
Present a fucking argument or just leave, dumbass.
He never actually burned down a church. That wasn't what he was charged for. He was never actually conviced of church burnings.
>Whatever idiotic reason
See, you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about. Unless your a pacifist in which case you should kill yourself non-violently.
And yet, all of those things are still more impactful than anything you've done.
Didn't he burn down a few? I think he never admitted to it for obvious legal reasons, but the cover of Aske was his cheeky way of displaying something he was very proud of, at least that's what I've always though
let's find out
>He never actually burned down a church. That wasn't what he was charged for. He was never actually conviced of church burnings.
Completely wrong. The simplest google search will show you that he was convicted of both arson and murder.
>See, you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.
A clear motive was never established, just the murder itself. There's speculation, but Varg went all "dindu nuffin" and actually claimed self-defense even though the court saw right through it.
I wish varg would talk about Sup Forums and tell us to stop using it so I can finally stop
What are you talking about, he was convicted of burning down 3 churches simultaneously as he got the murder sentence. He was charged for both church burning and murder at his trial. He was charged for another church burning outside of these 3, but this one got overruled.
Shit. You're right. He burned it down. Soz.
>A clear motive was never established, just the murder itself.
He gave them his motive.
>There's speculation, but Varg went all "dindu nuffin" and actually claimed self-defense even though the court saw right through it.
We'll never know what happened, only the Euronymous was a complete degenerate and probably deserved it.
>the court saw right through it
When he recounts the history of his arrests and treatment, you can see that there was bias against him.
Yeah, you're right. I was specifically thinking of the overuled one.
>He gave them his motive.
And it wasn't accepted by the court. Because it was bullshit. Yes, stabbing an unarmed man, primarily in the back according to forensic analysis, was definitely self-defense.
i agree with this guy, though I will not criticize Varg's art.
The funny thing is how many people swallow the "dindu nuffin" story of Varg, he is a notorious liar who got caught in lies multiple times at his murder trial and his explanation for keeping explosives at his home, yet somehow the apologists on here seem to justify murder because some guy was a "degenerate", never mind that Varg himself was (or is) a complete degenerate.
Yeah it wasn't accepted by the court, sure. But the primary reason was because varg was at his house.
I honestly don't see why he would lie about this to be honest, and the courts don't specifically contradict his story, only that the self defense claim is out the window once you're doing it in someone's fucking house.
Care to back up any of your other argument by the way? You game in with 100% sperg anger and now we are just discussing specifics.
Varg Vikernes is innocent. The man he killed was fucking insane.
"On 8 April 1991, 22-year-old Mayhem vocalist, Dead, committed suicide in the house owned by the band. He was found by Euronymous with slit wrists and a shotgun round to the head. The suicide note left by Dead merely read "Excuse all the blood, cheers," and included an apology for firing the weapon indoors. Upon finding the body of his bandmate, Euronymous, instead of calling the police, went to a nearby store and bought a disposable camera to photograph the corpse. One of these photographs was later stolen and used as the cover of a bootleg live album entitled Dawn of the Black Hearts.
Rumor has it that Euronymous cannibalized his deceased friend, making a stew with pieces of Dead's brain. Euronymous also reportedly made necklaces with fragments of Dead's skull, which is now known to be true. Euronymous also claimed to have given these necklaces to musicians he deemed worthy within the metal community."
The only think I disagree with was the burning. Euronymous deserved it for the threats, and Varg's actual stances on issues are more or less solid.
I'd prefer to discuss his points, because that's all that should be discussed. I'm not an expert on the character, or his crimes.
All I ever get is adhom. People insult everything from his beliefs to his videos, to his past, but only ever discuss his past.
Varg is proof that there is something fundamentally wrong with the Nordic peoples. These people are totally lacking in basic principles, decency, and civility.
I seriously think that the jews are totally justified in trying to import millions of muslims into their countries to rape them out of existence.
Fuck anyone who defends this homicidal, polytheistic trash. The fact that he equates christianity with judaism shows how much of a treasonous weasel he is.
Nordic peoples are worse than jews, and I'm so happy the jews are kicking them to the curb.
Looks like an aids version of Alexander Gustaffson
>I honestly don't see why he would lie about this to be honest
Why not? Like the Norwegian user above mentions, he lied multiple times throughout his trial. The guy is a degenerate who just didn't want to pay for his crimes.
>Care to back up any of your other argument by the way?
What, that raising kids in a shitty tin shack in the woods is poor parenting? The funny thing is, they're not even the woods of his own home country. This proud Nationalist makes YouTube videos out of his van and LARPs as a vikang not in Norway, but in France.
Anyway, as much as I'd like to continue this conversation, I'm off to Lithgow. Bye bye,.
No, this is not true. Varg lied multiple times at the trial, and what he claimed happened got dismissed by forensic evidence in the trial. In one of those black metal documentaries he did, he says how most of the wounds on the victim came from falling on glass. This is the same claim he had at the trial that completely exposed, as evidence showed the cuts came from a knife. He stabbed a person several more than 20 times, apparently in a self-defense.
It's very simple, either you believe Varg and his retarded explanation or you admit what is obvious.
I dunno he believes in the islam golden age, trashed medieval architecture without knowing or acknowledge at least 3 different art movements in the middle ages like gothic and goes to say all medieval art and culture is shit while blatantly showing a painting that ironically went against medieval art and citing it as the proof that all medieval art is shit