/po/ What Is You Opinion On David Bowie?

What do you guys think about him? Do you think we was redpilled?

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He was a very competent chaos magician and a pretty okay musician. He used the former to get super good at the latter. I know a guy who was friends with Bowie's ex-wife, he says that they were all way into the occult throughout the 70s and that many of their projects had explicitly occult shit going on.

He's the guy who invented the Bowie knife and fought at the Alamo, so he's pretty cool.

the trebs confirm: if bowie were coming up now, he'd be solidly in kek's corner.

He's the kind of weirdo you know not go get to close to but who, as far as you know, kept it mainly productive rather than destructive.

Bowie was redpilled (Yes, seriously,) but he lived life to the extreme, not giving a fuck about repercussions for his actions or anything.

He is a liberal faggot.


You tell me

His final album before his death was called Blackstar and contained a song called Lazarus.

Along with Lemmy, Alan Rickman and Terry Wogan he died of cancer aged 69 at the start of the new year.

Seems suspect.

oh c'mon this is cleary edited , he never said something like that I think

>promoted androgyny
>probably got assfucked by Iggy Pop in Berlin
not a fan

So what I have gathered is that Bowie was redpilled as shit and would be one of kek's top agents.

Kek deems it so

That's a real quote, faggot. He later backtracked on it, saying it was cocaine psychosis or some other bullshit like that, but I've been psychotic on cocaine and never just made shit up I didn't really believe. He just didn't want to suicide his career for being too honest.

He is my favorite artist of all time, but he was kind of a degenerate. He was kind of like the Milo of his time actually. He was pro fascist so you could consider him redpilled I guess.

i think bowie isn't Sup Forums related
>buh buh buh he said the fascism quote onces

Why do you have a pic of me when I'm turning? I mean who actually sketches a photo unless I'm super OK.

KING of the faggot.

he didnt die
he had a "personality" death, he appeared live a few days afterwards
he is an occultist qbaala kike, same as all others
he sings to satan (star references) and mk ultra symbolism

>cocaine made me racist

what a lame ass excuse , the doctor prob think he was a wacko anyways or that he was some pink floyd fan boy

