I learned something new today
Top kek
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Besides the taste of cum?
Snow doesn't kill you during winter. The cold does. Snow can fucking save your life.
>this is why leftists hate random farmers with guns
>I learned something new today
That liberals can't into memes?
He learned that years ago leaf government supplies refugee semen instead of baby formula because leafs are very sickly and tend to die in the fall
Some random farmers are also leftists, buddy ;)
I did it! I'm triggering them!
I learned something too. OPs are generally ass munching faggots, especially Leafers.
Also, someone from the Vatican talking about drinking semen?
God job reddit :) is your wifes son proud of you yet
Fucking glorious kek
This is a libertarian board, nazis get out
If this is lefty oc i am impressed
lol, he got a panzerfaust
>libertarian fetishizing communists
kill yourself you fucking subhuman
pic very related
>I learned something new today
Wow would you look at that, a Leaf and faggot.
Who would have guessed.
Yeah, that's why we have supply management. Huge increase in costs for the "greater good" of filling the pockets of people who are already rich.
Yah he picked it off a dead nazi
Americas past time is beating nazis punk
You must be mistaken my fat burger friend, i am LEBANON.
>ywn kill slav commie subhumans by the hundreds while defending your country
why even live?
I think this is the first lefty meme that actually triggers me.
How can you claim you're the embodiment of morals and compation and the same time use footage from actuall dead soldiers.
Those poor bastards died in hungry and hopeless far away from home.
And now some spoiled cunt thinks it makes a great meme.
The same fucking safe space trigger warning people did this fucking meme.
God fucking damn it
Fighting nazis and fellow white men at the behest of your kike rulers, so that niggers can be imported en masse to fuck your even remotely attractive women senseless, while you fat fucks get leftovers. Americans really are the worst on the fucking planet
Cuz they were ebil NAZIS XD
Is Finnland superior to Russia? I'm trying to pick a based country to try to move into the culture for when western cultures are no longer white
are you the Pope???
I swear those people would be the first to volunteer in Auschwitz or Dachau.
If you can turn of every compassion so easy you'll make a great Nazi.
The fucking ironie.
Poland, Czech Republic or Hungary are your best bets.
Lefty here.
Shove off with your high horse. This is Sup Forums. If you don't like an image, stop looking at it.
Also: You know what you get when you put 65,844,610 snowflakes together?
A blizzard.
>Winter is coming
>Blue 2018
>IB4 y-y-yur s-supposed t-tah b-be t-the t-t-tolerant w-w-wones.
>I have no tolerance for righty-tighty bullshit.
Keeping the discussion civil might be in your best interest. Most gun owners aren't dems. ;)
They also love chopper rides because they start in the air and not upside down on the ground
You wouldn't fit in in Finland. They're very introverted people and pretty rude. Not a bad thing, but most normies from the West can't handle it.
t. Swede Finn
>Leftists today think they're comparable to the Red Army in any capacity
The Reds would amputate a finger or two due to frostbite before patching a tank back together with a shoelace and a dead cat in order to get back into a fight that had been going on for 36 hours in temperatures well below freezing. Leftists today can't even mow a lawn.
Oh, you dirty jew, you.....
>tfw you'll be a filthy foreigner in the last white nations on the planet
Nice larp but alrighti.
Let's forget for a second about the dead Germans.
How excited are the Russians going to be that some American faggot claims it was snowflakes that defeatet the Nazis and not approximately 23 fucking million Soviet citizens that died to protect their country and people?
Any war veteran from the East to West would gladly beat your fucking teeth out.
Trust me on this as half German/ half Russian
Gotta hand it to them, that's pretty funny.
>implying a million overweight, effeminate and poor social justice retards could take on a real fighting force a fraction of that size
Stop kidding yourselves you fucking idiots, I can't wait for society to collapse just to hear you scream as you starve and cannibalize each other when you lose your gibs and the military leaves to to the rabid, foreign wolves
>Leftists today can't even mow a lawn.
That's why they don't want illegals deported
Leafs BTFO
One of these are not like the other
Them digits.
The honestly don't know how racist what they say really is, do they?
So I can finally use my guns?
Look at his poster ID.
Hah. Nope. We're talking about people who think minorities are too incompetent to do basic tasks on their own and coddle them. Lowering the bar is racism, too.
Why do you only turn up in pedo threads or make homoerotic comments everywhere else?