Nothing is going to happen edition
Fridge for the argentinian who asked
Nothing is going to happen edition
Fridge for the argentinian who asked
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Self taught. Public schools and universities used to provide the highest education. Completely opposite to the current situation where kids graduate without basic knowledge of maths, chemistry and science in general. Everything gets spoon fed and dumbed down in schools, few have better luck to attend expensive private schools. The government main purpose is to show statistics that indicate how the access to education has improved and has been democratized for all. The eternal struggle between quantity over quality, propaganda does wonders for them.
Is maduro trying to take sole power or is this what a much need CIA intervention?
Your fridge looks alright, you could use more meat but you're better than me, kek.
Stop taking the CIA bait, this is all done here (with cuban intervention ofc). Maduro is just going more outrageous.
Kek no. Lo que es mío ahies el jugo de guayaba y las dos guayabas, el tarro de mantequilla que ya no le queda nada y el agua. El resto es de mi roomate y no tiene gran cosa.
When are you taking your people back? We don't want them here anymore.
Supreme Court seizes power from the Parliament, allowing court to write laws itself. The justices themselves would step in to
>ensure that parliamentary powers were exercised directly by this chamber, or by the body that the chamber chooses.
The judiciary brand also legislates and the President can under state of emergeny dictate laws in any matter, imprision anyone he deems dangerous to the Nation, use without any countrol the natural resources and the few money left, etc.
So what do you think?
Deal with it brah, that's what happens when neighbor countries stop paying attention to the communism raising around.
My fridge actually is fucking sad because it's the end of the month.
>country goes socialist
>economy literally evaporates, no food or medicine, CEO look like angels, the currency becomes worth less than toilet paper
Another classic example of why socialism is for retards
I hope you are mentally aware for a bigger Venezuelan diaspora in light of nil improvement within Venezuela's political schism, enjoy them refugees.
feel bad for venezuela, they gave us Dross and they got nothing in exchange :(
but it's not REAL socialism
But dross is cancer.
not memeing here but it's actually state capitalism, not that socialism is aceptable in any way
the old school stuff was gold tho
I think its time for the other states to march on Caracas and hang maduro. you guys need to fight to get reform... Shit even Bolivar would approve .
I got 13000bsf yesterday. THAT's sad.
No gas
is this true?
You can't even buy half a kilo of parmesan cheese, damn not even a package of good sausages
>why is poor country such a shithole
>but its not real socialism
>why is rich country always fucking average joe over?
>because of (((coincidences))) that have nothing to do with capitalism.
Bullshit. Do you know the chief of the Supreme Court was indicted by homicide when he was young? and theft?
What a beautiful country.
Just a chicken :s
Is bsf a Venezuelan Bolívar? Thats what I got from a quick google search but I'm not completely sure.
What's the most likely endgame anons?
Cant revolt on an empty stomach
Yep that's our currency.
where are this comments from ? the allende and chaves avatars are making me angry
Move to the US as fast as you can venezuelanons, your country is going to even further shit
Even admiting the false thesis of fraud made by three lawmakers, it's goes against common sense and the most basic constitutional law that a whole Parlament can be held in contempt. Courts will always lack democratic legitimacy whereas an parliament it's the most direct representation of the people. The opposition held-NA went as far as disincorporate those alledge 3 lawmakers blamed for electoral fraud and still the Supreme Court doesn't recognize Congress. It's have none to do with judicial or legal issues.
t. Law student
Opposition is not going to accept the ruling, then Maduro is going to use escalating violence towards them until one dies, then shit will really hit the fan
how can we help u subvert the PSUV regime?
Since you guys have internet you should raise awarness by posting pics of your fridges on the internet itd be easier than getting shot
wtf I love Maduro diet now
Is there any new from the guy Sup Forums sent a care package to?
How do we prevent this becoming a Syria tier migration to North America?
just look at the avatars.
I fucking hate people like this, they actually deserve to go to the gulags with no ticket back home. Fucking cancer of the world.
And I bet they're berniebots and live in free countries too, since these faggots never go to the shitholes they defend
Nah after the first wave of lmaofugees Panama is more redpilled because of all the havoc you guys caused. Some wealthyfugees might go thru though.
Is the army trying something? Maduro was spying on them recently, so hopefully it's time for a democratic military coup.
Roommate doesn't share?
Swing and a miss
>Opposition is not going to accept the ruling,
Opposition can't do shit. Either the armed forces and police revolt or that's it.
That won't happen
they will go to Brazil , Argentina or Chile
the people that are behind mass immigration to the US don't care about south americans that hate socialists , Mexicans are much easier to control
Thank you for clarifying, and that is your monthly income? I was also wondering if there were any aid organizations you know about that are helping feed some of your people?
It says this is the Venezuela/Colombia border
A lot of people crossing just to buy shit. Holy fuck
Do you want us to come liberate you?
State capitalism is late stage socialism retard. It's just a shitty deflection/rebranding putting the fault in capitalism but the economic system is actually socialist.
dont be such a fagot then
The military controls everything, they're in every major office of the administration while being governors and mayors throughout the country. Why would they do anything to cut-off their priviliges? Around $87 billion US dollars are estimated to be deflected through corruption of public money, many of them are also pointed for international narcotrafic so it would be wise not to expected a single thing from them.
Maduro did nothing wrong, have you learned nothing from Chile.
Redpill me on venezuelan refugees. Are they actually just qualified workers looking for a job or are there a bunch of commies and criminals among them? We saw more crime and prostitution in the border, but most seem ok. (They should leava that state tho, cause they're small and poor and don't even have money to care for the people already there, hospitals said they'll run out of medicine by june due to the increased demand due to the massive growth of people crossing the border, 22.000% to be precise)
vid related venezuelans in Roraima
>that huge chavez avatar
lol, the sad thing is that those people aren't even venezuelan
build the fucking wall already
at his prime he was hilarious, even if he was literally a fedora
How long til your government invades a neighbouring country to cover up the fact that they are shit
Reddit probably
solo la clase media y alta educada emigraba, en los ultimos 2 o 3 años, personas de todas las clases emigran, muchas veces en situacion de pobreza y poca preparacion profesional
They can't invade shit. Last time they tried to muscle up Colombia they gave up because they obviously weren't even able to get their forces ready and near the border fast enough
Do they hate socialism and chaves-tier politicians now though? No one wants venezuelans to be their mexicans
Chile seems to be the least shit South American country. I guess that's what a good right-wing dictator does for you
They have a beef with Guyana and the Netherlands and the Netherlands is filled with cucks that bend knee to arabs and turks
a pesar de haber votado por maduro o chavez terminan odiando al socialismo y todo rastro de izquierda, pero igual son personas con tendencias a cometer crimenes y fraudes, stay away
Wow what a shocker, It never occurred to me something like this could happen...
Well invading some shitty island to be btfo like Argentina was wouldn't raise his morale. He would be able to defeat Guyana tho, unless someone helped them
is this a fascist coup?
thanks for the info
also checked
We need to have bernie take a trip to venezuela to meet his great bolivarian 21st century socialist friends so he can tell us the truth about how it's actually all the fault of evil yankees and there is literally nothing going on in venezuela
Embargo when ? :)
I just need to know if this is fascist or not. If its left wing i'll just go back to my normal not caring about the third world.
If some venzulans can explain, the court is now in charge of what congress would typically be in carge of? And is that pretty much the country?
No, how stupid are you
Left wing court loyal to commie, but who knows maybe it will trigger a fascist rebelion
So you're living in a country that I saw currently experiencing a commie coup?
Didn't the sovyet's mostly fight like this?
Imagine that SCOTUS suddenly stars to make laws like congress and senate
I hope the Maduro regime stays in power and the Bolivarian revolution spreads throughout the Americas. I just love when people are as miserable as me.
Lets hope. But i highly doubt it tbqh
I draw stuff for living here, I make like 120$ per month doing 3 or 4 characters... I thought it would be alright (That's like 6 times the average income around here) but now I gotta increase my prices, buy a ticket and fucking leave before they keep taking things from us.
It's an obvious excuse.
This have gone a little to far, this it's a really good time to become more active and more involved in south american politics.
Just ignore us and welcome the refugees
>neighboring South American countries are skeptical about bringing in Venezuelan refugees
>Europeans let hundreds of thousands of refugees from far-away, undeveloped Middle Eastern countries despite the massive cultural differences
Europe is so cucked.
Also, here to pay respects to the Venezuelans out there, hope shit turns around for yall soon. I'd get the fuck out of dodge if I were you.
I'm actually from central-left... (and cousin, grandchild,etc. Of tortured people)
only cucks want a failure state like venezuela, it's time to send some tons of southern cone-democracy (if you know what i mean...)
Venezuela could be a country with dubai infrastructure tier (thx to black ore) but they go full retard subsidizing food, doing stupid state policy and not saving money for the future.
They choose "bread for today and hunger for tomorrow", now, they suffer the consecuences of being economically and politically inoperant/stupid.
Alright I understand. Thanks
Before Chaves they got shitty infraestructure because they were the most corrupt country in south america, and it was a tough competition, after Chavez, Maduro has sinked the country, they have economical and social sanctions from all sides, it's unfair to judge the citizens for the failure of their economy, specially considering that venezuelans aren't bothering nobody.
>neighboring South American countries are skeptical about bringing in Venezuelan refugees
Only a minority thinks that way. Most people are in favour of open borders, especially in a humanitarian crisis.
A friend of mine had to quit her nurse job in a public hospital because she said there should be more control regarding who do we let in the country and everybody stopped talking to her.
It really depends on destination, but it's mostly a mix of professionals and scum. I guess bordering countries don't get the best of the best.
"it's unfair to judge the citizens for the failure of their economy"
Rapida clase de Ciencias politicas en español para usted:
No hay mejor espejo que una sociedad, los politicos son el reflejo la misma , ellos nacen y aprenden dentro de ella, quienes votan a los politicos no solo votan por una cara bonita, votan por su propuesta/ ideario de politicas publicas/de estado (policy en ingles)
Las unicas personas responsables son los mismos venezolanos, claro, no puedo juzgar a quienes no tenian edad para votar, pero si a sus padres, tíos, abuelos.
Elos son responsables de votar por esas ideas cuando los candidatos proponen en competencia por el poder politico (faz agonal) proponen.
No tomar en consecuencia el proponen final, era una idea que despues borre.
Politics lie.
You can't hold responsibility upon people that got lied into it.
They also voted for the parliament and it's being disolved right now, how are they to blame for that?
>He can't afford food
>But he sure as hell can afford the upkeep and electricity bill for a fridge that uses a lot of power to keep cold a fucking bottle of ketchup
On the contrary.
You're 20 years too late.
>they suffer the consecuences of being economically and politically inoperant/stupid.
>I'm actually from central-left...
kys you retarded faggot ctm