Noam Chomsky: Donald Trump Planning To Stage Terror Attack Against America
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Chomsky is 100% a shill for the Democratic establishment. Remember that this intellectual denies adamantly that 9/11 was a false flag.. now he is going around claiming that the next terror attack will be a false flag.
I hope this kike dies.
I've learned one rule while living on this planet and this rule has 100% accuracy.
RULE #1 - Never trust anything a KIKE says!
Niggers a great liars, it's their nature, but KIKES are perfidious scum.
typical leftist/globalist tactic
announce what youre going to do by blaming your enemy for doing it beforehand
noam got word of a false flag and is announcing it
9/11 was done by a group of religious people thinking that their deaths would aid in a cultural war.
Why do you need to make up shit when we know why they attacked us?
See Alex... everything is fine. Look how quickly everyone forgot that you bend the knee to the elite DC pedo ringleaders. Now back to claiming the government is performing false flag terrorist attacks and generating hatred against the government. But don't call out a DC pizzaplace owner or they somehow have the power to shut you down.
Probably because he's the only person that is this outspoken against them
I don't see you doing any better than him. To judge him when he's done 1000 times the work you've done is hilarious.
Really makes you think
It's definitely going to happen. The Trump camp is getting desperate.
>Why do you need to make up shit when we know why they attacked us?
Acknowledging all of the evidence that our own government was in on it isn't making shit up.
This is just an "intellectual" way of calling Trump Hitler. Predicting his version of the Reichstag fire.
Also, fuck Alex Jones. I DON'T CARE IF THIS COUNTRY IS 80 PERCENT BROWN AS LONG AS THEY BELIEVE IN MUH FREEDUMB AND MUH GUNS. I can't even accept civic nationalism anymore.
Where's a helicopter when you need one?
Population Control, A.K.A. Rapture. It's already been underway and it's almost complete. Someone already paid and they paid big. Everyone expect a big bail out.
Signed, Donald Trump
Written by Little Lipton.
Shill threads get shut down when these links are posted:
>he fell for the official narrative
It takes 5 mins of research to see that the official narrative is filled with holes hence why they never made a proper investigation. Just search out the connection between the Bush family and the Bin Ladens to see you are not being told a lot of things. It was a false flag event to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.
>a group of religious people
Hans Klovenhoof was on duty for 9/11.
Donald Drumf isn't smart enough to do that
Preparing the mental ground to blame next happening on DJT.
People still take Known Chumpsky seriously?
>Make Statement
>Democrats Stage Terror Attack
>Noam Chomsky: Donald Trump Planning To Stage Terror Attack Against America
Awww fuck I liked this guy. He just lost all credibility.
I'm not a kike hater, but people like chumpsky, bloomberg, and zuckerberg are precisely why the term kike even exists.
If you still think chumpsky is redeemable, check out his statement on the Khmer Rouge and its genocide in cambodia.
>"predict" terrorist attack on America
>say Trump's going to stage it
>any terror attack will now be instantly blamed on trump
Shit this is going to suck if a terrorist attack happens
Need to start shilling that Chumpsky is planning to stage a terror attack.
to think this is one of the authors of Manufacturing Consent
did they clone him Sup Forums?
For anyone who hasn't heard of Ashkenazi Jews and the like, check this out. It's a huge part that helps to explain WW2. Bolshevism / Communism killed millions of people pre-WW2 and was a huge reason why Hitler was popular.
It is important to realize Jews are a race of multiple ethnic groups and religion. You can be an atheist Jew like in the case of the bolshevik / communistic early class as Putin says here.
Not only were the communists anti-religion, which was quite detrimental to the then influential orthodox christian churches across Eastern Europe and Russia, they were also a different race and driven by twice the hatred to commit horrific acts. The Ukrainians suffered a famine known as the "holodomor"
At last.
The left goes Full Jones.
They even had Bill Maher claiming Russian Hacker Frogs was going to stage another 9/11.
Remember also that he speaks endlessly about the media as a tool to manufacture consent. But only when Republicans do it. The media is honest and balanced when Democrats are in charge. Also Holocaust Denial is a paranoid conspiracy- but Pol Pot literally did nothing wrong and the (((media))) fabricated the Cambodian genocide to discredit communism.
Except if the attacker comes from one of the countries Trump wanted his pause on.
Then the 9th circuit eats the blame.
Fuck Chomsky. Check out any of his interviews on the Federal Reserve
wouldn't put it past this administration to stage a false flag. repeating digets confirms.
One can only hope that said staged tourist attack offs Chomsky.
Why is it that Chomsky individually speaks out against things that are undeniably consequences of globalism, but won't lump them together under the globalist umbrella and oppose globalism as a whole?
Dude at this point I think it's the Muslims themselves who made it up. Like how convenient is it for them to both be able to take credit for their own attacks and then have the people they're attacking not believe them and don't fight back?
If 9/11 was an inside job we would have seen Bin Laden coming out and screaming "WOW WOW WOW SLOW DOWN THAT WASNT ME! Why are you blaming me?" Nope. The dude and his organization had no problems taking or getting credit for it. None of the conspiracy theorists seem to acknowledge or have an answer for this though.
Hell this isn't even just liberals, it's all normies ever. They all pull this same tatic when they get called out on their shit.
Trumpcucks literally spent the past few hours convincing themselves a highway fire was the secret muslim jew feminists coming to get them, using it to advocate genocide every other post. If Trump actually did such a thing, you'd all fully support it because you're such cuck cultists you don't care what he does as long as you convince yourself you're on his bandwagon, you're only pretending otherwise because some old famous academic jew said it first.
You'd fully support a false flag terror attack and go out of your way to use it as propaganda to validate your own desires to commit massive acts of violence against muslims. You're just trailer trash christiofascists. Hillybilly Al Qaeda. Look an illegal alien raped someone, best tell Fox News to spend a week covering it for melodramatic propaganda to validate the 'they're all killers and rapists' Trump line.
Come on Trumpcucks, don't pretend you have values or morality, you're violent sociopaths, its the foundation of who you are, like TrumPutin himself. Any thing to win right?
Donald Trump: Noam Chomsky Planning To Stage Terror Attack Against America
I think the Trump administration would have had to be utterly insane to try anything like what is alleged, for their own narrow interests, and do not think that serious evidence has been provided to support claims about actions that would not only be outlandish, for their own interests, but that have no remote historical parallel.
alinsky tier projection. you imagine trump supporters feel the same scathing hatred for other humans as you do. how you feel about the average white american, you imagine they feel about the average mudslime or nonwhite. it's how you cope with holding so much bitter loathing for your fellow countrymen.
Adventist pls go
>Noam Chomsky
How is this fucker still alive?
yeah that is impressive. he calls 9/11 people nutcases who need mental help but then says trump will do a false flag while terrorism is the highest it's ever fucking been. 9/11 was out of the blue pretty much but now isis is the largest terror organization in human history and they're on the back foot and definitely planning to lash out.
this guy is a fucking fraud.
no it won't. this guy knows once terrorist actually attack trump is going to clamp down on every obama plant and completely destroy leftist/feminist/kikes.
he's saying this because he understands that any attack trump will gain support and power from so he's saying trump is the one doing the attack to just make noise
Bless you Bruce.
I think ol chomskey is going a bit senile.
hes on top form in this video
top kek
"nooo teh poor eliiiites"
Only Afghanistan was invaded after 9/11 because that's where Bin Laden was primary operating out of. We didn't invade Iraq until 2003 with WMDs as an excuse.
9/11 wasn't a false flag though.
looks like you got redpilled by alex jones.
a leftist false flag attack is imminent.
i predict it involves New Left antifa with airsoft guns painted black...
none of the terrorists were real Muslims.
911 was not a Muslim terrorist incident. It was painted to look like that.
It has Mossad/CIA written all over it. The first clue is that all the passports were stolen from innocent people.
>(((Noam Chomsky)))
dat be why da Joos, dey accuse everyone of being antisemitic to silence da truth that dey are da mos' racis' of peoples.
Dey also be totally anti-black and have influenced white nationalists and supremists.
He says that we were planning war with Iraq when 9/11 happened and that a false flag would've made it look like Iraq was responsible. Then we went full retard with no actual plan.
This makes essentially every terrorist attack in the future look like Trump is responsible for it.
How retarded are these people?
After years of calling everything false flags, he is getting a taste of his own medicine now that he has gone all in with Trump.
I see those. Now see mine. THERE WERE NO PLANES
even the strongest Hilary supporters with their own radio show venue's know it was a false flag and preached about it openly you fucking leaf.
>Kike Kikesky: we are going to attack america and make everyone think it was trump
Holy shit Noam Chomsky is a full on hard conspiratard?
Do you honestly think with all the leakers in office right now, Trump would be able to false flag a terrorist attack? Basic logic discounts this idea, if Trump can't control the intelligence agencies, how can he possible stage anything at all?
Trump is the scapegoat.
Seems everything is going just as planned for the "Deep State"
(((Chomsky))) is an intellectually dishonest Communist who despises not only America but all of Western society. The man is a hypocrite and a scoundrel; I long for the day when he joins Rockefeller in the bowels of Hell.
FPBP now stop taking the bait
They keep underestimating trump, literally 'too smart to win'
>Noam Chomsky
I don't believe a fucking thing that old pseudo
intellectual has to say, fuck him.
Chomsky Honk
That son of a bitch is denying the Cambodian genocide!?
Chomsky is senile.
Chomsky is controlled opposition.
is he actually stupid and crazy or a gaslighting government shill? I can never be sure, hes really good at it.
of course donald drumpf plans to terrorize america.
how else is he going to get a reformatting of the country so that he and his people can stay in charge longer than 4 or 8 years?
demographics are shifting such that a white supremacist politician will be more and more impossible every election from now on, his back is against the wall.
either he does something drastic or he fails to deliver on his promise to his people.
Didnt this kike praise the Chinks for throwing out the Whites after WW2?
Now, his kike friends are planning an attack and he tries to blame DT?!
he's always been a bit of a conspiratard.
just a left-wing "soviets dindu nuffin" type of conspiratard.
That kind of assumes that Trump is like the Presidents before him. I think somebody got a hand up Chomsky's puppethole a while ago. Such a shame.
No, only afghanistan was invaded after 9/11 because we needed to protect some poppy fields.
Have people really not made the connection between the magical opiate boom and the war in Afghanistan?
his documentaries on mainstream media control over the population are based as fuck tho.
Fucking dentist tried to give pain killers!
Oh... Infowars... Nevermind.
You can still learn a lot from Manufactured Consent, its great, and isnt that biased. Ignore his blinders and the underlying thoughts are some strong red pills
>Growing up I keep hearing about how Chomsky is some brilliant intellectual from pop culture and fellow highschool, then uni students
>Actually get exposed to his ideas
>Linguistic theory is basically "hey... what if... the reason humans are capable of language... is that they have a... you know... internal language learning... thing...?"
>Political theory is basically "hey dudes... what if... *smokes a cone* whoooaaaaaa fark maaaan... what was I saying....? the government is like... pretty bad sometimes..."
WHAT do people see in this crusty old cunt??
>RULE #1 - Never trust anything a KIKE says!
RULE #1 - Never trust anything a KIKE says!
>RULE #1 - Never trust anything a KIKE says!
RULE #1 - Never trust anything a KIKE says!
>RULE #1 - Never trust anything a KIKE says!
RULE #1 - Never trust anything a KIKE says!
>RULE #1 - Never trust anything a KIKE says!
RULE #1 - Never trust anything a KIKE says!
>RULE #1 - Never trust anything a KIKE says!
This needs to be repeated
trying to get ahead of the next terrorist attack, so they don't blame it on the court blocked bans on immigration.
If a Muslim refugee conducts a mass killing, he knows that Democrats and liberal judges will have blood on their hands.
Who is this semen demon
Bin laden was trained by the CIA to fight russia in the early 80s and maintained connections through the 90s. Educate yourself, faggot
Objectively the truth, there are holes in the story though which point towards intelligence community ineptitude and or people turning a blind eye for their MIC-overlords.
trump did 9/11
yeah, nothing weird about the fact jew art students had full employee badge access to the towers and were photographed with boxes that have demolition part numbers on them.
or hundreds of israeli students infiltrating government
Reports of the mysterious Israelis with an inexplicable interest in peddling art to G-men came in from more than 40 U.S. cities and continued throughout the first six months of 2001. Agents of the DEA, ATF, Air Force, Secret Service, FBI, and U.S. Marshals Service documented some 130 separate incidents of “art student” encounters. Some of the Israelis were observed diagramming the inside of federal buildings. Some were found carrying photographs they had taken of federal agents.
Or the fact nobody noticed planes flying into downtown NYC because it just so happened that NORAD was running a training simulation about planes crashing into buildings that very morning.
Adding to the coincidence, American Airlines Flight 77 -- the Boeing 767 that was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon -- took off from Dulles at 8:10 a.m. on Sept. 11, 50 minutes before the exercise was to begin. It struck the Pentagon around 9:40 a.m., killing 64 aboard the plane and 125 on the ground.
Some of these are pretty good.
I never saw that newspaper article, good stuff, ill watch the vid
When you discredit entire troves of reporters investigating a child human trafficking ring that 95% of our politicians and upper elites are into to, yeah we can say fuck you Alex. I don't care if he does more than me for "the cause," nothing is changing, he has done nothing to help at all.
I loved Alex Jones, even if he never wanted to touch Israel or anything like that, but now I am convinced more than ever than Alex is a CIA operative.
There are more holes in that store, than there are benises inside your mom, you fucking kike.
That's not true at all. He's repeatedly bashed dems on all sorts of things, especially Obama and Bill Clinton in so far as to call them war criminals. He grew up in the 60s and protested vietnam you fucking idiots
to pull off a massive false flag terror attack like 911 you need the help of the deep state. the deep state is clearly against trump.
who i this fucking faggot? it has to be more liberal projection.