So Sup Forums, should I be worried about going too far right to the point of not realising that my ideas might be wrong or am I doing alright? I'm honestly frightened of this new feeling of freedom. I might need further redpilling.
So Sup Forums...
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Gingers are the true master race
>cultural -100 wew lad
link thge test you absolute faggot
I uh... I'm pretty attached to personal freedom.
Well, since you asked so nicely.
>asked so nicely
that was nice faggot, now apologize!
This level of hostility is surely not warranted, sir.
You'll end growing out of it.
Being a fanatical retard is childish behaviour
I'd rather call myself a dissapointed idealist than a retarded fanatic. Although, I at least hope that whatever side I lean to, it supports freedom and rationality.
got 50 economic
-57 cultural
what does this mean
That you're a fucking Keynesian.
Keynesians need to be bloody gassed.
>99 economic master race here
>-77 social too
please elaborate, cunt.
There is no such thing as "Red-pilling" You let a forum full of Russian Psyop agents and autistics tap into your self-imposed misanthropy.
Take a good look at this picture, this is what you've become.
Basically regulations, taxes, etc; the government being involved in the economy. Albeit its still much better than Marxism, but Austrian Economics is the masterrace.
kill yourself nigger
i just prefer government control because people cant be trusted, obviously with a honest and trustworthy government would any of this work
opinion discarded
>i just prefer government control because people cant be trusted
You don't trust people with the economy, so you want a small group of people with near-absolute power to control the economy?
The invisible hand of the free market will solve nearly all economic problems.
nah nah no near absolute power just an enforcement of rules and regualtions against usury
By "near-absolute power" I just meant the government since they do have near absolute power.
>enforcement of rules
Most rules are absolutely pointless, and almost all that aren't can be handled via the private sector, desu.
>regulations against usury
Usury is needed for banks/loaners to gain profit, and thus stay in business.
you do make good points
do you think there should be rules against high interest loans ? or would the free market sort that out with competition?
I believe the free market would sort it out itself with competition. So no, don't think there should be any laws regarding high interest loans.
alright thanks for the opinions/advice