Why do I never see Russians on this board?
Do they not have computers yet or what?
Why do I never see Russians on this board?
Do they not have computers yet or what?
Other urls found in this thread:
that's.... a good fucking point actually
Maybe because it's 5am in Russia.
This is an english board so not all Russians can communicate with us
>t. one language cuck
They all post under American proxies.
Russian prime time is late night USA.
how many russians speak english?
I just think it's strange.
They are too busy with hacking elections.
Your country is wayyy too poor to afford computers. I've been to Bulgaria. It looks like a time warp to the Middle Ages.
A lot of the younger ones
because you are a brand new baby faggot and need to lurk more
It's 8:30.
>Implying going back in time and living simple is bad
Quite a lot.
In soviet russia, boards see you
Herro burger briend ::DD
Nigger Russians post all the time lurk more faggot
Living in toil, disease and poverty is bad. Your GDP is less than 1/3 of Alabama's.
Same reason the Russian anti corruption protests didn't see a mention here
Why are you using my 5th edition dnd character image.
B-but user, if they don't have computers, then how did they hack our election?
They did but the threads were flooded with putinbots
but they have the best water polo players, so you are a turbo faggot
How does your country deal with so many Muslims, Turks, and Gypsies?
Wealth brings decadence
yea, even that seems high. the ruskies on here are pretty funny but i bet almost all of them are from moscow. seems one-sided to listen to them somehow.
Is this really a thread about a lack of Russians? Really? You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Except OP, he's incredibly gay and we should accept his diversity.
>are from moscow.
Well I'm not.
Gypsies live in ghettos isolated. Some of the turks aren't even real turks and they live in villages.
st petersburg? surely, the english speaking ones are from large cities
Я yчycь pyccкий язык. Этo oчeнь кpacивo. Я хoчy гoвopить пo-pyccки хopoшo.
Don't forget the fact Putin jailed a political opponent due the peaceful protest. That shit is straight out of Dictator For Dummies.
>almost all of them are from moscow
No, plenty of non-muscovites here including me.
>st petersburg
Nope, but a large city, yes. Countrymen don't need english at all.
Cool, thanks for link Bulgbro.
Фaк ю
He's from Ruzayevka and works at Friends Pizza. Trust me, I know him. Also, he's a drunk without parallel.
I'm from an average western siberian town
They're all using American proxies.
they're all really intelligence workers?
Heт, я *yчycь* в yнивepcитeтe. Reflexive, yo.
Also, yeah, forgot the "oн" thing
I promise you there is nothing decadent about Alabama.
Because it is fucking 7 am. Got to sleep, you know.
That would be "yчycь pyccкoмy языкy", but that sounds incredibly retarded. Учy pyccкий язык is the most correct form.
how do you know. are you russian? tell me why there's so many russians in florida and new york.
Чeк эм
It's hard to tamper with offline voting machines unless you have agents in place. Remember that guy on Hannity who was a Russian Operative? He wasn't the only one.
Man. Just reading your post, I almost fell asleep. So very tired now...
They busy in forests