
Our old pal in the news. Don't see him around much anymore.


Other urls found in this thread:


He's dug in. Waiting, watching, planning, conspiring.....

Kek check

Heh. Well, weev is OG. Kek knows its pwn. And we'll hear more from him. This is just a short update.

>Auernheimer ended his post with this plea: "Please, Donald Trump, kill the Jews, down to the last woman and child. Leave nothing left of the Jewish menace. It is all on you, my glorious leader."

top kek



How long do you think before Sammy goes full 1488?

he might be halfway there all ready.
I saw a funny ass video of his on Jewtube, with him reading a jewish newspaper

>Not wanting the Jews dead

I'm missing the """joke""" here

Won't be long. After losing the show, MDE, and his girlfriend, I don't think he has much to live for other than killing kikes.

>lost girlfriend

I remember talking to him in ED IRC in like 2010.

he's already talked about the jews

hell yeah

I was kind of hoping this thread would summon him. I like weev. (don't tell him. He HATES that.)

I'm just saying if trump gets assassinated we all know who to look for

Sam is a fucking giant.
Does he squat during his sketches or something?

He's already there

>literal jew
>gets out when he shouldn't have
>builds connections again
>says the most outrageous shit which is used as a weapon by the left

Sounds like typical controlled opposition.

Nah he's just at one with the lulz and the lulz flows within him

I'm sure when the culture changes more right wing, he will shift to trolling conservatives

weev is a literal jew who od'd on ironic larping

>Sam Hyde noticeably gaining weight in recent videos
>neck has disappeared in a doughy ring of obvious processed food diet
>grow facial hair out to hide weight gain
>desperate for content and admits Hydewars is making him run out of ideas

A mirror to the current state of Alt-right: bloated and desperate.

>Hydewars is making him run out of ideas

Understandable. Look at these other youtube people that are on 24/7, they suck. You need time to re-inspire.

He's been 14/88 for years
He hangs out with TRS

it's not like recent hydewars have even been particularly interesting or insightful though. it's like some Big Nerd's livejournal: omg don't trust people, so much drama, so many flakers.

he's inconsistent alright, sometimes he's extremely hilarious

tell him to stop ddosing somethingsensitive pls

ye the early hydewars were great, when he was just riffing. the "advice column" shit is dull.