Prove you aren't a kike AIPAC shill and say something nice about this man
Prove you aren't a kike AIPAC shill and say something nice about this man
Good understanding of the horseshoe dynamic
I await extremists' triggered replies
Knew how to Cook
Did not commit genocide
The little tramp was pretty funny desu.
knew that national identity meant something
He was a great man. Some times my eyes tear up when I think of how misunderstood he was. Wow, what an amazing human, right up there with Jesus.
He was right on so many things.
he was an amazing artist.
He knew talent when he saw it. Gottfried Feder was a genius.
Honestly? Yes. He was a hero that was defeated, but he gave us the template to survive this century, if only we listen.
He's my fucking role model!
An idol to adore.
After seeing the World turn to shit maybe he was right.
He made Haavara while hating on gays and starting in a fag bar
>t. aipac goy
Yes, honestly. I'm not being sarcastic at all. I've been a lifelong Hitler supporter and got over being ridiculed and shamed a long time ago. I didn't even know the hidden truths, I just never trusted Jews (one tried to drown me when I was 7) and the idiots who parrot their fake reality.
Was the best Führer. 14/88
he was based for being a manlet
Probably the first and last time a german ruler has ever conquered Paris and France as a whole.
>When you realize Fascists are the real centrists
He helped Germany immensely pre-war.
During the war he ruined it.
>horseshoe dynamic
Get that pseudo pop-psychology science bullshit out of here
OP said say something nice
An inspiration, a legend. His defeat at the hands of global internationalist tyranny has allowed for the moral, economic, and demographic stagnation and degradation we have experienced since. But he was but one man, and he was one man who had achieved more than most of us put together in our lifetimes.
He loved animals. Very compassionate.
An evil nazi bigot who is literally worse than hitler
he knew how to party
here he is yacked the fuck out on meth
created an era of prosperity and national unity I will never experience
Totally not sped up...
I liked his style, sadly the nigger ended up ruining grey coats and spit-polished black jackboots because you get associated with muh racists
He was a racist POC
Spotted the civic
He killed Hitler.
He loved his country and his people.
OP said to say nice things.
I did.
His main fault was caring too much.
Considering the situation he was in... he did a phenomenal job. Amazing leader. Nobody else could have come as far as he did. His speaches still ring true today.
Had fantastic ideas, even if his execution was lacking.
ppl still watch his speed after 1 century has passed
that enough
Great leader. Also loved puppies.
He did the right thing by killing himself.
This... he was ahead of his time.
I'm 1/4 jew like Hitler too! And seriously he was fucking right. I do NOT subscribe to any religion. I do NOT feel any loyalty to the microscism of jewishness in my blood. I have read Mein Kampf and his frustrations in the start of the book = current USA. The man was right.
Was vegetarian.
Agreed, his methods lacked sufficient executions
But Hitler was a christian....
>.jews peddling hitler was a jew myth
What's new?
it isn't sped up. look at everyone else in the picture.
Fuck Trump
>I'm 1/4 jew like Hitler too
Nice try, fag. Even if he was that would mean that kikes were responsible for their own holohoax (which is true anyway, even though the holohoax is a sham) and whites shouldn't feel guilty for anything.
Lose/lose for you, dumbass.
The best artist ever
Cool mustache
Came here to say this
can anyone redpill me on the german economy back then? Didn't he transform one of the most damaged and gutted economies of all time into a national power in less than 10 years?
He was a good artist and anyone saying he was denied entry to art school for lack of talent is spreading false information. He was denied entry because the school said he is better at drawing architecture than he is painting and should go to a architecture school.
Evidently you are too much of an ignorant moron to even read what I wrote. Why should I even waste my time with you? First and final debate, do some reseacrh. I am NOT denying the inflated HOLOHOAX number moron. If you could only read? Hilter was in fact like 1/32 Jew. Which should shame Jews. He was loyal to his majority blood line and NATION! Anything wrong with that fag? In America we call this the American Indian syndrome.... A person has 1/92 Indian so they feel they cannot stand for the white race! Amazing to me! Such weak minded fags like yourself. My point is this: Do a DNA test on yourself! Most Americans will discover something conflicting. After that pick your fucking side. My side is with the white race.... What's yours pussy? 1488/AN forever.
Love the combover man and can't wait for a united reich
The man turned an African tier economy into a powerhouse in a few short year.
You gotta respect that.
Hitler had a Haplogroup common amongst North Africans and some Jews but there's no confirmation of whether he actually was one.