Anyone else feel angry all the time? Ever since election season, I've been feeling more and more disheartened by what I see around me: I can't about it to my parents, or my friends, or anyone close to me for fear I'll come across as "racist" and "evil". For the record I live in SoCal so I know things are pretty bad here but, and advice? I hate feeling so "boxed" in, like I have to hide all my feelings and opinions from the world.
Sup Forums Depression Thread
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Cheer up
You NEED to get the hell out of SoCal. You need to move to the more rural areas of the Midwest and/or the former Confederacy. You will find many people much more amenable to your ideological leanings.
Also, if your senpai disowns you for your views than they really weren't worth your time. If the senpai is more concerned with virtue signaling than their own blood than you're better off without em'.
are you me
lets touch tips
>tfw Berkeley was my top choice for all of high school but now that I've gotten in I have no desire to go. Is UCLA less cancerous?
This. Man get the fuck out of Cali. I hear it's a beautiful place, but the people are garbage. Do your best to put yourself on the path to success so you can save up a little money and get out.
lol what area code senpai
Ever since Trump won and the anti-white rhetoric rammed to full scale I have become angry and hostile to everyone.
My parents are now concerned and my mom is asking me if I'm becoming a white supremacist. She saw me browsing here before and says she's afraid I'm turning into a radical and will do something that hurts myself because of how I now treat others around me.
Honestly I'm scared, but at the same time I feel so enraged about how pathetic we've let his country become I'm ready to go gung ho to take it back
>jus run :^)
>jus participate in white flight :^)
>the area you flee to wont turn blue i promise :^)
562 my man
Stop being such a faggot
I feel it sometimes too. Sometime I feel like I would be ok with become an unironic Fascist just out of spite.
your advice is gay
>not embracing your anger and accepting it into your very identity
Ironically sometimes I feel like I want to go back to thinking Nazi's are evil. Ever since I started looking into NatSoc, it's hard to go through knowing how much hate Hitler has, when in fact how brave and honorable the men of the Third Reich were. I was also born in Italy, and last time I visited stupid migrant graffiti everywhere....
Maybe you'd be less depressed if you weren't a faggot nazi edgelord.
Work out more. Make fashy friends.
I moved to current city four years ago. Never saw a hijab, rarely black bums. Now i see cracked out shitskins charging there cellphones inside 711 at 4 am getting my coffee en route to work. Then the cunt stares at me like im the punk. Ya politicians what a shitstain these cunts have become.
I am finding it harder not to believe that an elite, aristocratic class that pushes traditional values and beliefs on the majority wouldn't be better for everyone.
And that's from someone who would certainly fall into the plebian class
I know what you mean...sometimes I wish I was my old self again. So flabby, ignorant and self hating like most normal people today. Not caring in the what was happening in the world around me and following the status quo just for the sake of it.
I just hope that I changed myself for something that will matter in the end, and this won't be for nothing
I'm sorry man I feel your struggle... we can only hope that one day the lies will collapse under their own weight.
apathy is the next step
when we die we vanish into nothing
consciousness comes out of nothing as seen when you are born
therefore it doesn't matter what we miss out
experience is self validated
The truth will win user. Whether it is in a day or a century, I firmly believe that one day people will realize the magnitude of the lies that they have been fed.
>maybe youd be less depressed if you ignored the pursuit of a higher purpose and became a disgusting hedonist consumer contributing to the downfall of society like the rest of society
818 here
we are bettering ourselves and the next generation
just keep the course, user, and remember that the people who are against us are so weak that they allow others to manipulate them
the people we're against are the chaff of this country, it's God's way of separating good from bad
It's called tactical withdraw. When the Moors invaded the Iberian Peninsula do you think the Christians wanted to leave? No, they didn't, but they understood that they couldn't win if they fought right that moment.
The same thinking applies here. Cali, as of right now, is overrun. Standing and fighting at the current time is quite frankly suicidal. The shitskins are the majority and most of the whites that remain are shitlib race traitors.
Instead, withdraw and let it fall into hardcore socialism. Once it goes full Venezuela (and it will) we can just roll in on the starving shitskins and half-breed race traitors and mow em' all down without hardly any resistance.
Long term thinking user, it's what the white race is good at if it hasn't fallen to Jewry. We gotta play our reconquista strategy right if we wanna keep what we retake for the next few centuries.
Well there was that one guy they kept on trying to get to admit to being a Nazi at the Nuremburg Trials. They kept on pressuring him so much that at one point he responded to the question of "Are you a Nazi" with "No, but I am becoming one!"
We're all becoming Nazis dude, just embrace it.
Too much time on this board, or the internet in general really, will have a negative affect on your psyche. This board fills you with xenophobic hatred, instead of just looking at people as individuals. I recommend a good diet and exercise, commit to it for a month or two, and see how you feel.
ARE YOU GUYS JOKING. Sup Forums gives me purpose. My flame has been reignited entirely. Just be strong. Get up and work. Pursue happiness. Pursue your goals.
I feel the same Sup Forumsbro...Orange County here. I have lost friends and my reticence grows daily.
Sorry to hear that man. Even if we may not know each other, you got a friend in me. Stay safe and don't give up!
but i dont want california to be resettled by people from other states. californians belong in california. not mexicans, or easterners, and especially not cowards
im mixed btw, whites dont belong here. every fucking white man i know over the age of 50 has some form of skin cancer, and you want me to believe the white race (which is a bad meme) can play the long game?
>i'm a national socialist :^)
>i am also a white supremacist :^)
pick one
Diet and exercise and judging the individuals in my city is what lead me to my ultimate conclusion.
I am the new generation technically, unless we're talking about everyone under 18.
I'm talking about the generation Z and the one that comes after them
Berkeley is a shitshow. I live here. SJW central.
Does anyone have that goebles quote about all your heroes becoming frauds or something like that?
No it doesn't...
Seems like you're trying the tactic of acting like one of us to convince someone of something you personally decide is best for them.
This board only enlightens us to the point of realizing the social engineering that took place to fuck this society up.
You're trying hard to connect finding the truth to hatred, it's laughable.
I suggest people spend more time on here.
stay away from CA schools
the state will become worse than it already is after they don't receive funding
CA is going to go through some tough times before it can rebuild...
First off let me state I'm a not a white supremacist, but I believe whites should remain the majority as the U.S. was mostly built on white immigrants.
And second you guys have it easy, at least you SoCal folk have shown you're willing to fight now. I live in New York City and except in very small pockets everyone here is a degenerate fuck who couldn't care how much they fuck up this state or country. The worst part is they laugh about it.
>Once it goes full Venezuela (and it will) we can just roll in on the starving shitskins and half-breed race traitors and mow em' all down without hardly any resistance.
Their infrastructure is crumbling while they're going bankrupt paying for their social programs, this is true.
Adding to this, the exodus is already beginning. A lot of californians are getting tired of the bullshit and moving on; if you're not a commie shitstain the number of your allies there is getting smaller every day. Sometimes a trend is just too big to fight. It might be time to abandon California, at least for a while. It's just pragmatism.
You do realize that once the "White" people are wiped out and/or expelled you're gonna be next right? You do know about the history of what happened in Hatti once the Blacks and Mulattoes booted out/killed the White folks right? I mean, there's a reason Hatti is a BLACK country. Do you honestly believe history will not repeat itself in regards to yourself?
Face it dude, the only people who even tolerate half-breed mongrels like you is White People. Every other race just sees you as a useful pawn/shock troop in the long term game of conquering the lands held by White People. Once we're gone, you're gonna be taking a dirt nap thanks to the pure shitskin hordes you allied yourself with.
I'm just saying, with Whitey you *might* survive. With the shitskins? Pff, you're fucked mate. And if you don't realize that, well, you're IQ is below 100.
I cant relate with anyone anymore or even go to a fucking movie. I see through all the social engineering bullshit.
409 Beaumont area here.
well, if they call you racist for ideas and opinions that are not racist or hateful then they are cucks and squares and should be punished
Goebbels was literally our guy..
Move to 714 ASAP
Lel homo
I live in California (SF Bay Area), and live near a 'brown area' for financial reasons. Small nice area next to huge ghetto area. Honestly, up until the election, I never had any issues with black or Mexican people. But lately there is this palpable aggression / disdain / animosity I encounter whenever I see a brown person out & about. It happens with Starbucks baristas, with random joggers, it happened with an old black lady who STARED as I walked by her in the mall. There is nothing exceptional about my appearance, I'm just a standard issue white man. But it's starting to feel really fucking strange around here, which is not normally much of an issue in the Bay Area. Freaky shit, user
Yea you might wanna consider moving out of there if you value your life
He was. Also a brilliant writer and orator
it's the tolerant utopia designed by the Democrats bro!
>still pushing the "all whites are the same" meme
every irishman in california has been a cancer. germans are great though, california history owes germans a lot
whites are the ones breeding the wasteful doctrine of liberalism, suburbs, consumerism, (((education))), etc. freshly imported beaners move up here and pretend to be white. that needs to stop. that's the method by which hollyjew makes us pawns. by peddling the american prosperity meme
i dont mind whites being here but they need to stop pretending the desert of los angeles is fucking lush, green appalachia. moving swaths of people around deliberately and unnaturally is NOT redpilled, only homegrown societies living off their own power is the true way
>Anyone else feel angry all the time?
My whole life user, seething without knowing why. Eventually you get redpilled and you realize all that anger was just your instinct that something wasn't right. Kind of liberating to put a finger on it.
I do consider it. I have my reasons for being here at the moment. Not sure where I'd go that would suit me or my girl though
What are you afraid of? That people are believing the propaganda? If they believed the propaganda, Trump wouldn't have been elected in the first place. Do not believe the normies and thots.
Damn, sorry to hear. Hope you guys figure it out
Men don't try to appease those around them all the time. Be one, or work to a place where you get to be one.
I miss all of them
It is not possible to be depressed and redpilled at the same time. This is Suggested Depression, an old, established template used by CTR through the campaign. Considering that CTR/Shareblue honestly thinks that we're impressionable teens, this is insidious. Sage, report, and ignore all spam.
anger is redpilled though
It's not appeasement. If you live in Cali you'd know that it's like being a lion among hyenas
People around me aren't fully red pilled in regards to race and the JQ but they at least get that we gotta build a wall and deport em' all so things aren't too bad for me. Still gotta hide my true power level though. If anyone other than my direct nuclear family knew of my views I'd be fucked.
Also, gave up on (((Hollywood))) around the turn of the century. Nothing good's come out of that shithole since the 90's. And this is BEFORE I was aware of all the social engineering. Now it's even more unbearable. God damn kikes...
I assume this was before he started hanging out with the most based man in human history. Once that happened he cheered up quite a bit. Still, he really was our Goy, understood what had to be done.
If your girl's white I'd try hard to convince her to leave with you. White women... well, I shouldn't have to tell you what shitskins do to them if they get half a chance. Just ask the Swedecucks what happens to White Women when "diversity" strikes.
>that body language
he knew.. he knew what lay ahead.. 70 years have been lost, fucking why..
fuck off this isn't spam asshole
hmu, 714 we'll cruise around on my mountain bikes lel
ITT basement dwelling wannabe nazi shocked their LARPing is not tolerated in real life
t. Projecting his own insecurities on others
Woop woop.
562 also but temporarily in 909.
OP i am constantly angry as well. My hobby (cars) helps, get a hobby.
Sometimes i feel like we're the 47 ronin, deep undercover as internet neckbeards until the moment is right to avenge der Shogun...
nice, looks like a comfy neighborhood
you live in one of the most homogeneous places in the world you fucking faggot. you dont have to see your hometown transform into a nigger den over the years
Woah, is that an authentic modern wyatt mann?
here we are, soaking in our own edgy ideas, scared to red pill the masses in the real world. Imagine if Hitler wasn't brave enough to stand up against the world and just shitposted in his paintings
im elated, wtf is there to be bummed about?
Don't be a pussy.
I have a Trump sticker and two Hillary for Prison stickers on my Jeep in SoCal.
Stay strong. Whites nowadays are too coddled to fight for their people. They need to face hardship to come to their senses--and that's coming soon.
Our economic system is about to collapse, big-time, and that will be our chance to set up a white ethnostate.
Hang on until then. We'll have our day.
we need big balls like H
t. delusional coddled white male
It will literally never get any better until a civil war occurs
There are more Trump supporters here in socal than hillary ones, you do realize the majority of hillary votes were from desperate poor illegals given a treat for fraud voting and also registered dead people right?
Fuck off, faggots, your divide and conquer shilling is fucking annoying
the founders gave us guns so we wouldn't have to be afraid of ugly scrawny little (((bankers)))... OH WAIT A SEC
Go to Sup Forums that's where I go to relax, just DON'T engage in any crypto Sup Forumsitical threads and report them, or else you will just be making it worse. You can also go to /lit/ or any other board that fits your preferred artistic indulgence. Better yet, take a break from the site, grab some paper and start drawing something or watch a comedy movie.
inb4 never leaves kern co
These trigger me senpai, I'm in Phoenix and there are Euro levels of Somalis with hijabs. You can tell which ones are Somali too cause they have those disgusting deformed heads.
Fuck off already, no one is buying your bull shit you disgusting kike.
only one way to find out
And a civil war will occur. Did you not read my post? We're in late-stage capitalism, about to be finished off by AI. Once that happens, the economy will be thrown into chaos, because you can be assured that the elites aren't going to just give unemployed peasants free shit.
Masses of jobless, hungry, and disgruntled men = powder keg.
I know what ya mean man, they're like... black space aliens. I don't know how the fuck they got like that, even inbreeding can only make ya so ugly. They're even uglier than kikes and the Christ Killers the most inbred people on the planet!
Northern California. I went by a building today in the next town and a big sign was on the side of it. It read "Keep Stomping Trump Ass." What kind of world is this? I live in a very affluent area and they have things like that on a main road, where kids can see them? These are responsible adults? I do not think so. They are encouraging violence. What the hell is going on?
My depression is morphing into pure rage and it gives me motivation
Fuck you, you not going to do shit pussy.
But people distrust us if we move to another state. They do not understand that there is a big difference between a native Californian and a person who came here, shit it all up, (usually from the East Coast) and then moved on to their state.
this sounds like a troll or plant
I also live in one of the places that was literally ruined by actual nazis. And let me tell you no one here is thankful for the country's ethnic homogenity that came out from this war as an unintended byproduct.
The fact that your blacks are still not properly integrated despite living in your country for centuries is a testament to your country's failed integration policies more than anything. That is unless you're simply triggered by any skin color thats not pale as a ghost, in which case - grow up.
I think you got the wrong idea friend, what I'm trying to say is that you should take a break and get a hobby
This. The guy sounds like a plant trying to get some info