Time to drop redpills.
Omegle Thread
Breddy gud :DDDD
Thanks Brazil
Did you do this op?
Yes this one was mine.
I was hoping others would go and do their own.
Sounds fun, I've never actually ever used omegle before
>you are relying on stats too much
>rather than evidence
Be sure to put in reddit or tumblr tags to trigger hyper-normies.
i felt pressure build-up in my skull from reading that
You can't let it get to you if you plan to drop redpills.
Ive felt such anger from visiting Sup Forums and reading about the nonstop barrage of attacks on western civilzation and the white race, im starting to feel disheartened
ive already redpilled my sister and have gotten my friends to joke about jews all the time, but its slow going. next step is redpilling the girlfriend.....but we'll see,, i like pussy too much to rock the boat
How long have you been here brother.
is there a difference between statistics and evidence or is he being retarded.
He's being retarded user
>you are relying on statistics too much
>rather than evidence
kek, i think stranger overdosed on the redpill
when it comes to redpilling your gf user, there was thread on this actually the other day, but can't seem to find it in the archives. So i'll post two screenshots I took, that really makes you think.
and this one
I don't agree with that Aussie.
If the woman you choose isn't based from the beginning, based on her upbringing and also her own convictions. Then she isn't worth "converting". Because it shows a lack of loyalty. It means she would easily betray you if things get hard, and things invariably will get hard.
The wife is the weaker of the sex and needs to be guided. But the women who are worthy of being wives must be strong in a certain way themselves. Feminism makes the mistake of discounting the strength of Femininity and trying to become men.
True divine femininity is strength through genuine loyalty to her husband. This is why Christ said that we are like the bride, and God is like the bridegroom. How can we be a good bride for God, if we are not loyal by our own convictions?
Lmao. I got my friends to say kike and goyim in a matter of minutes. Though really, there is no Jewish conspiracy and your redpills are likely delusions without evidence.
T. Goyim
Is this evan?