What does Sup Forums think of David Icke? Is he based or just crazy?
What does Sup Forums think of David Icke? Is he based or just crazy?
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its really hard to tell.
he was pretty smart to call (((them))) alien shapeshifters
I agree with you. He's acting crazy to tell some truths.
Based if you keep in mind that most "aliens" are not physically real in this dimension. They're inter dimensional, only realized via astral projection and third eye. So called reptilians he speaks of are lower dimensional demons of sorts who feed off our fear and lower vibrational states to be able to survive and live in our dimension.
Vatican gatekeeper, you can usually tell by who they try and finger for all the worlds ills whilst drawing attention away from master, usually Da Jooos but in that case a reptilian queen. Queen Elizabeth I told the Pope to go fuck himself, never forgive, never forget.
David Icke is what happens to a society where you can't name the jew openly, so people get perverted in such a ways they start to call out space alien lizard shapeshifters, while the jew rubs his hands together and laughs how much mindfuckery their hate speech laws are causing for the white people. Same with alex jones and his illuminati shit he had a decade ago before he shifted to gluh-ba-leests.
its really hard to tell.
its really REALLY hard to tell.
Rare? What the fuck is this?
Based. He is smart calling the jews reptilians. Other smart people can read between the lines and it seems crazy to dumb people so the jews don't murder him out of necessity
Hard to tell? The guy has been a fucking nutjob for decades. His method is to look at BBC articles and fiction and 'connect the dots'
Based, using lizard people as a code word, as previous posters have stated
>tfw only responses to comments are for being rare flag, not for content :l
hard to tell
can we get good aliens/reptiles to appear with good vibrations?
In a sense, to you, yes. Practice spiritual reflection and excercising healthy physical habits. You may start noticing synchronicities if you're on the right path... We create our reality, remember?
he's a leftist version of Alex Jones, only even dumber and without the ability to laugh at himself
What the fuck you idiots. David does NOT mean the jews.
he named the pedo decades before anything leaked into public.
A shill, avoid.
>its really hard to tell
No, it isn't.
>t. thinks jews aren't repitilians
He's an awesome story teller and he does speak metaphorically alot of the time. His ideas are unique
he plants false beliefs as well as superstitious theory comic book tier crap in his listeners. don't bother.
r a r e
If you take his "reptile" talk to mean reptilian brain, and the "alien shapeshifter lizard people controlling the world" witha pinch of salt - most other shit he's said - bang on!
But he went quiet for a while; he was pretty vocal about peadophilia in the royal family and british politicians