Reddit’s ‘The Donald’ breaks with Trump over his support for killing internet privacy rules

>Reddit’s ‘The Donald’ breaks with Trump over his support for killing internet privacy rules

>Trump’s most enthusiastic supporters are breaking with the president over privacy.

>President Donald Trump is sitting on a political landmine, and it’s already turning off die-hard supporters.

>Members of Reddit‘s r/The_Donald—a community known for its exaggerated support for all things Trump—is tearing at the seams over the president’s support for legislation that kills Federal Communications Commission privacy rules that would have prevented internet providers from selling a vast array of personal information.

>House Republicans passed the measure on Tuesday after the Senate’s passage of the resolution last week. The measure now heads to Trump’s desk for his signature, and he is expected to sign it.

>The House’s passage of the resolution, known as S.J. Res. 34, sparked backlash among some Trump supporters on r/The_Donald, where taking positions that contradict the Trump administration is extraordinarily rare.

>In a top post published on Wednesday, one of r/The_Donald’s moderators, shadowman3001, aimed to bring order to the debate, stating clearly the arguments for and against the legislation, as well as his own take.

>Prefacing the argument by saying, “I would have no issue with a bill to prevent all companies, ISP and websites, from collecting your data,” shadowman3001 says killing the FCC rules for internet providers is only fair considering that web companies like Google, Facebook, and countless other sites and apps are allowed to collect user data. “In my humble opinion, the government shouldn’t allow some companies access to your data, while restricting other companies access to that same data,” he wrote.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Responses to shadowman3001’s post run the full spectrum, but the most popular comments echo the moderator. “I am against anything and anyone that can track and sell my internet browser history,” reads one popular comment. Another commenter adds, “It makes me uncomfortable.”

>“It’s taking us in the wrong direction,” writes one user in a popular comment. “We should be limiting the kind of data, not just saying ‘Hey those apps get more data then I doooo Not fair!’ Then say here you go Comcast, Verizon, and other companies that have been known to screw us over all the time. We’re going to give you power over us even more.”

>While there is evidence that Trump or his staff pay attention to activity on r/The_Donald—the president has shared photos on Twitter after they became popular on the Reddit community—it is unclear whether anyone in the White House is listening to the concerns of Trump’s most ardent supporters. While it is unlikely he will reject the bill altogether, there is a glimmer of hope that he’ll move to make some changes.

>In Wednesday’s White House press briefing, Press Secretary Sean Spicer respondent cautiously to questions about the president’s intentions regarding S.J. Res. 34.

>“The House and the Senate have just passed that. When they enroll it then we will have further updates … I know we have a statement of administration policy on that bill out,” Spicer said. “When we have further updates on a signing ceremony I will let you know.”




Who the fuck cares

>claim to be news
>literally just reddit posts
kill yourself

Bullshit, we always wanted Trump to free up the internet. This only gives us more Freedom of choice, why should the government tell the ISPs what they can and can't do, we're not living in communist China/Venezuela.

I still think it's hilarious people are freaking out about this considering nothing we've been doing on the internet has been private for fucking years
>b-b-but muh ISP has all the power now
If you have Comcast or TimeWarner you're already fucking cucks so it doesnt mean anything

Prism exists.

>Why doesnt Sup Forums give a fuck?

Is it 2012?

>Obama gives internet privacy
>Trump takes it away
>B-b-but it was made by Obama we got to get rid of it!

>Duuuude just move to another side of the country if you hate your ISP so much!


>We already have social spending so what if there's another 3 trillion welfare program?

very true. upvote this man!

>Obama gives internet privacy

Fake and saged, leaf. Existing regulations obligate ISPs to oblige by the same privacy rules as google or facebook. Try again, and learn to shill better.

>Hehe it's not TOTAL internet privacy it's just regulating the breach of privacy by private entities that is the most encompassing and not preventable by the consumer!

>being retarded

Trump shill getting desperate LMAO

At least they aren't full with cuck and nigger dicks. This dump is 10 times the shithole reddit is.


Go back then.

I am magically in 2 places at once.

A decent thread? Other than "Generals" this board has been a mess for a solid minute

>A bunch of faggots on reddit are upset

This is news apparently.

>implying we're the people who flood it with that
Lurk more newfaggot

And just as much of a faggot nigger no matter where you are, kys.

into the trash you go

I love Trump more and more everyday

Go back then you fucking faggot. Reddit has never been welcome here

How nice. The Donald says one disagreement with the president and some shit journal is claiming that they hate the guy now.

No sweetielumps. They don't.

>omg, someone does stuff outside of Sup Forums, they should kill themselves.
alright you pathetic bastard i'm drinking my way there slowly.

All of this truly is BS. This legislation is going to fuck us in the future. They will know your path the moment you develope curiosities and start moving.

This is our personal information, we should have a choice in this, yet we get no input due to supply/demand and contracts. In the future we will be fucked due to this legislation.

Bill Gates made a good point with robots having to pay taxes. The work and activities we do online will be(kindve are) equivalent to actually doing them in real life.

This also means verifying ourselves "online" and being anonymous will slowly become a more criminal act. It's going to be crazy waking up and "being online" in a physical manner. I already notice the lack of acticivity from some users on the net, most do on /pol.

If someone posts a video to YouTube everyday and then they don't one day, it becomes a talking point. Looking at this mass of data on a grand scale must simplify this structure and make it so comprehensible to the beholder, they don't care if you cut your dick off, trick guys into fucking you, and then kill these guys and wear their dicks. They just a number and they're done with you, the world will show you your place.

Stop being such a fucking cuck. He should be promoting privacy not taking it away from the people.

With everyone trying to get dirt on him and him wanting strict libel laws, I don't get how this didn't go the other way. They're all the same. He ran against the system, now it's having its way with him. I might feel bad for him, not sure

Why isn't the Media covering this instead of this Russia shit? Jesus fucking christ everyone is cucked by Big mega corps.

>198 demoshits vote against a controversial bill
>0 vote for it
>news cycle from every angle portrays voting for this bill a 100% bad idea with no good that can possibly come of it
>newfags, libertarians, and republicucks bite the false narrative bait being presented to them hard

This is why the right has gotten it's ass kicked for 80-100 years.

That's exactly it, I can't believe how much people don't know. I am a very informed person and I'm a highschool drop out who has spent half of his life doing drugs and couch hopping. Wtf?


Fuck off faggot

Point being-I'm no one special and I am not claiming that all of my information is valid/correct. I just can't believe when someone does "go there" and they just parrot the dumbest headlines that I scrolled past when I took my morning shit

>Reddit’s ‘The Donald’ breaks with Trump
MSM has said the same thing about us before. I don't believe them and I don't care enough to actually go to plebbit and see for myself. Now fuck off and tell it to people who actually care about that shithole.

Nice, an anime weeabo nazi hates me because I'm not autistic presumably.

>Pro-Donald Trump Sup Forums group reporting illegal US-Mexico border crossings 'using network of webcams' Forums-group-illegal-crossing-network-webcams-blueservo-a7641031.html

Who's doing this?

>All of this truly is BS. This legislation is going to fuck us in the future. They will know your path the moment you develope curiosities and start moving.
The govt has had this as long as they cared to. The Snowden leaks should've made that apparent. All this does is put ISPs on a level playing field with the likes of Google and Facebook.

It's a sad attempt at sowing division desu

>Verizon users might want to start looking for another provider. In an effort to better serve advertisers, Verizon Wireless has been silently modifying its users' web traffic on its network to inject a cookie-like tracker. This tracker, included in an HTTP header called X-UIDH, is sent to every unencrypted website a Verizon customer visits from a mobile device. It allows third-party advertisers and websites to assemble a deep, permanent profile of visitors' web browsing habits without their consent.

"Regulations" are just there to make you feel better and use a VPN, so the NSA could tap you at any time.


posting these clickbait buzzfeed tier websites should be a bannable offense

*not use a VPN

Good desu
They're doing what us fags couldn't do.
Internet privacy is key

>Trump rolls back regulations that have literally been in effect less than 4 weeks

No this is much worst than Google and Facebook. Google/facebook only do it for their specific services. An ISP will not only get ALL your web browsing data but everything else you use the internet for. I can't understand why people keep making this argument.
>Google collects your data so why can't everyone else?
As far as I know, Google isn't even selling your data just using it to make their advertising more suitable for you.

inb4 you can buy everyone's data but public official's data is considered too secure so cannot be bought. lel

OP who do you work for?

>ID: DLef+T94

easily triggered 14 y/os

Because you lot are famed for your ISPs having a monopoly on rural areas.

>Shills keep saying this
This Bills makes it legal for them to sell your data dumbass. This did not exist before.

Google sells your data by selling ads based on data aggregated on you through Google analytics, which is on 99% of websites. Google analytics is more egregious because HTTPS doesn't hide your data from it.

These rules change absolutely none of the current rules on ISP data collection. It merely removes a future rule from being enacted that would have required your "consent" for collection to take place. "Consent" meaning that the ISP would bury a notice in the ToS somewhere.

They have a monopoly in cities too. Its disgusting.

Reddit le Donald is all the fags, traps, race-mixed, attention whores, niggers, and Jews who wish they were white men but get told to sit in the oven or show tits every time they come on Pol.
So they colonised Reddit with a bizarre 1488 Zionist faggot hugbox.
Of course they're fucking conflicted. If cognitive dissonance was a form of energy RlD would get mankind to the stars.
But here at the elite corps of God Emperor cadets we already assume that all our data is being sold by Jews (t. Google) and being stolen by NatSec (t. Echelon).
Either take countermeasures, get off the grid, or stop fucking whining cunts.

This bill revoked rules that haven't taken effect yet. ISPs are selling your data right now. Hell, even the new rules wouldn't gave prevented them from selling it, they just had to get your consent before selling it.

This is fake news but ....
>"Cards Against Humanity" creator wants to buy Congress's browser history

It's fake news because there 8 creators of this card game, this just refers to 1 like he's the CEO of a corporation. This isn't how data purchasing is works. You have to buy bulk data and then possible de-anonymize

Aren't the ads from googles services though, so they collect your data to see which of their sponsors have ads that will relate to you. Different from selling your info to other companies. I could be wrong.

>they just had to get your consent before selling it.
And this is bad because? Like seriously they are already butt fucking us, why should we give them more fucking authority? I can't see a normal rational person supporting this only shills.

They collect your data and then use it to create a user profile, which the use to deliver targeted ads based on which demographics an advertiser is marketing to. They make money because their demographic information is so accurate, thanks to Google Analytics being on ever site from xvideos to Sup Forums

That's a good idea actually. I might look into it.

Because "consent" means it will be buried in the 6 gorrilion page Terms of Service document that nobody reads. It's literally nothing.

I don't support the idea in general, it's just obnoxious that the media is acting like this is substantial when it doesn't even change the status quo.

>This did not exist before.

Yes it did, are you retarded or being intentionally deceitful?

Most decent adblockers block Google Analytics and other trackers by default. The only way to stop your ISP from seeing which sites you visit is by using a VPN. Also, they have information about ALL of your internet activity, not just what you do in a web browser.

This changes quite a lot. Currently the FCC is regulating these ISPs restricting the sale of your personal info. The FTC did this before but the FTC primarily conducts investigations rather than the preemptive regulations like FCC. This would mean that the burden of proof would be on the consumer to show that ISPs are illegally selling your data after you opted-out. That is, if this bill reinstated that the FTC would again regulate ISPs, which it doesn't It allows companies to now legally sell your data in a number of ways without informing you unless you.
> Senate Joint Resolution 34 and House Joint Resolution 86 are companion bills that would nullify the FCC’s rule. However, they would not return jurisdiction over regulating ISP’s back to the FTC, as they were previously.

And since this is a congressional bill, once passed it will be unconstitutional to return to the way things currently are.

>give privacy

The media isn't acting though. If you call this acting then its very weak, stop focusing on what the media does and focus more on saving what little privacy you have left. The media is up his ass with Russia and Trump 24/7.

The kikes have been trying to subvert t_d hard these last few weeks. They've given up on their daily "Sup Forums turns against Trump!" fake news and are now attacking plebbit.

Do you kikes really think you're somehow too subtle to be noticed?

SeeThe only retard here is you shill.

Eventually he was going to do something (or in this case do nothing) that actually affected the shut-ins of the alt right.

They're a small target given their shallow, repressed existence, and ultimately worthless, monetarily speaking, so Trump was bound to fuck them eventually.

You guys realize this is just handing the power back to the FTC, right?
The FCC was never meant to protect your privacy.

Ghostery or any similar extension can block google analytics.
There's no way to completely stop ISPs from collecting your browsing data, not even HTTPS.

But the 'regulation' they're repealing hasn't even gone into effect. By the logic applied here the internet should be unusable right now.
Buzz Feed is not a good source of information.

I don't know what script you're pasting from, but under current FCC regulations, ISPs are selling your data. The broadband privacy rule, which is what would have prevented ISPs from selling such data, without your "consent" (see above), was rescinded before it ever took effect.

FTC and FCC regulations on selling customer data are identical, so it's rather a moot point who is overseeing the ISPs on data collection.

Considering all the fucking sites that track and sell your data, what fucking changes with this decision? ISPs getting to jump on this cash pile?

>horrible reading comprehension
>sole rebuttal is to call people a shill

Looks like you cracked this case wide open, detective

>what are VPNs

Honestly, government agencies have been collecting browsing history for a decade now. Everyone should be taking affirmative steps to protect themselves. Any reliance on government policy to protect you is foolish.

>FTC and FCC regulations on selling customer data are identical, so it's rather a moot point who is overseeing the ISPs on data collection.
Then what is the purpose of this bill?

I really hate this cuck logic.
>Hey because one is already fucking your ass, you should open your ass for a second ramming!

>This Bills makes it legal for them to sell your data dumbass. This did not exist before.
How is it possible to be this uninformed?

Monopolies require regulation for the health of the free market

To permanently roll by the broadband privacy act. Even it was silly. It only required "consent" from the user. Anyone who has ever signed up for anything online knows how much thought customers put into signing those Terms of Service agreements.

>In a top post published on Wednesday, one of r/The_Donald’s moderators, shadowman3001, aimed to bring order to the debate, stating clearly the arguments for and against the legislation, as well as his own take.

Jesus christ I hate reddit.

Fuck having to listen to those faggot lovers for the next month

It's all just theatre. They set up a hill for you to die on when the war is already over.

>Bullshit, we always wanted Trump to free up the internet
Good idea.
Start with the tax-funded lines that are controlled by ISPs like tyrants that prevent a free market from existing.

You can't layer a "free market" on top of a government mandated oligopoly.


>that kills Federal Communications Commission privacy rules that would have prevented internet providers from selling a vast array of personal information

Important note: "would have".

The bill kills a rule that had not yet been implemented.

Literally nothing has changed.

Your ISPs are as free to sell your information as they were last week, last year and 8 years ago. The bill prevented a change from occurring. Things are today as they always have been.

If you weren't worried about it in 2010, why start now.

lol, "the reddit news website" is sure interested in demoralizing the_donald

Where is my waifu

>If you weren't worried about it in 2010, why start now.
Two things:
VPNs scaring people into buying subscriptions
And democrats finally caring about privacy after 8 years of the most anti-privacy president ever.

The Donald already moved on.

>Bullshit, we always wanted Trump to free up the internet.

what does this mean?

the internet is free. your isp can't sell your information and can't legally block you from viewing competitor's websites. you have the """"""""""""""freedom""""""""""" to go wherever you want.

why would you want to lose that?

How is a rule that promotes privacy bad?

It's important to note that the bill wouldn't have prevented the collection or sale if data. It would have only prevented it if the customer didn't "consent." Most ISPs operate as monopolies. "Consent" would have been mandatory.

>You guys think this wasn't already happening.

It'd be cute how naive you all are if it wasn't so god damned sad.


user name is DLef
>D Lef
>Dee Lef
>Dee Leaf

a fucking leaf, of course!

Again how is it bad that they have to ask you even if its useless?