Trump will not be impeached.
We praise kek and pray for happenings
Trump has betrayed the Great Frog, and no longer benefits from His protection. Impeachment soon.
Trump will win
an earthquake destroys Commiefornia in April
Trump is going to be the best president this country has ever had. Praise kek shadilay
Trump will reign victorious for 8 years and begin a dynasty that lasts for centuries.
More memes oh mighty kek peace be upon him
I will become rich, and all of you will become poor
Please say hi to Jesus for me.
doubles are herby to be taken very seriously.
I'll be rich, and most of you will be poor?
Praise be
How about me just getting rich
jokes on you, im already poor faggot
Trump will be god emperor for all eternity
Science will find the solution for immortality and Trump will be our savior forever
Praise Kek
Hillary will dissolve into acid.
Nothing for everyone?
Trump will be impeached.
The left will attempt to secede from the US.
They will secede, and fail almost immediately
keks plan was to impeach trump all along
Op is an aids infested faggot, digits confirm
Well, if Kek wants memes, I have to oblige
Spiderman Homecoming will make more money than Justice League.
Also Don will be fine.
Someone will poop their pants though on TV.
Me and this guy get to be rich??
May this offering of a rare Pepe appease you, oh mighty Kek.
You're Irish, you don't get to praise kek.
Open carry leftists will be mowed down by the thousands when the civil unrest starts happening.
I will finally be reborn. Praise Kek.
doubles mean anything
gets and you die this month. (its the 31, incase ur too stupid to get it)
>1 post by this ID
All the anons sort themselves out and save Western Civilization.
I fucking hope they do. I'm a Calfironian and I'd love to cleanse my republics of those scum the fun way.
>pray for happenings but dont want him impeached
Impeachment would be THE happening. Don't ask kek to prevent it. Or did you forget the whole point was chaos?
wew lawd
Hillary sudden heart attack
niggers tongue my anus
Trump has lost his way. He's trying to be presidential, instead of Trumpidential.
When he finds his way, he will line item veto everything until the wall is funded. He will not sign a single bill until his agenda is passed. This is what the real Trump will do. This nation will be our nation or it will be no nation.
I pray that Lauren Southern will star in a BLACKED video, if digits kek wills it
KEK works in mysterious ways...
Le Pen will win in France. Petry will win in Deutschland. Praise it be!
The bloodline of ancient Egypt had Irish royal blood, thus KEK is part Irish.
Oh boy
Trump will be impeached
Mike Pence will be president
Praise kek death to the commies
KEK is not to flaunted like some fucking whore, you normie scum.
Everything is written in time. KEK is simply correcting the record.
Clinton and Obama get assassinated by a katana wielding assassin.
I guess that's why he's a chaos deity
uh oh
Then Kek wants war.
The next american civil war will start with trumps impeachment.
The democraps will all suffer for their evil ways.
Ireland will leave the EU.
fags everywhere will be shocked beyond beefleaf
These are trips created by the false prophet moloch, these digits should confirm
Pence will become president and he will kill all liberals and gays and make Ireland the 52nd US state.
that is literally my go to blacked scene. best is when he rips her panties off.
EU will be disbanded within 5 years
get ready for civil war
Tell me, Kek...
Will Canada be rid of these foul Liberals and refugee scum? Show me a sign. I surely hope it won't take the entire collapse of the country for it to happen, but I fear the worst.
Europe will be completely Islamic in 10 years.
kek has spoken
To the gallows with you, for aiding the enemy.
All of the portends point to civil, racial-religious war. Possibly triggered by the ousting of Trump?
Happening soon in either Ireland or the UK.
The truth will be revealed that Obama and dnc ordered a wiretap of Trump.
Follow up on that thought, I wonder if this will fulfill the prophecy that Geert will rule the world.
It's been a while since I've given my energy. But I sense a huge death blow to the Left in the form of a very important figure dying.
Pizzagate is real and podesta will be arrested after new solid evidence comes to light.
Shadily, brethren.
George Soros is kill
If Digits...California gets BTFO by the "Big One" along the San Andreas Fault line soon.
Does kek want Marion to get BLACKED
Shareblue will burn.
Trump will be killed
The EU dissolves by 2020
Get your guns and call out /k/ it's civil war 2. In 3d.
no sir. media lies and fake news every day. I have a hard time believing that this many people are actually retarded enough to believe this narrative.
Season 5 of capture the flag will begin within the week
Merkel will be arrested.
African population is cut in half within 10 years due to AIDS, Ebola, starvation, and nogging