Is this right, Sup Forums?
Is this right, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hitler invented the Swastika
>Obama invented the O
fuck off with your autism
>prince didnt have his own symbol
Hindus and Buddhists see the Swastika as a peace symbol, as did Hitler. Go fuck off back to you dumb fuck
Thread's going so fast nobody will notice that I'm a faggot
you need some brain cells
You also seem to be missing the point though.
Woah. Literally just noticed the D on Disney is actually a capital D. All my life I saw it as some weird shaped lowercase d with a line through it to be fancy.
Mind actually blown.
Royal emblem.
Australian education
You're the one avoiding the point you dumbfuck, You never denied my claim, you just dodged the point and called me retarded because you can't think of decent argument. You fuckers will never fit in here
I'm simply implying that nobody cares
Hitler's illustration is universally recognizable as a distinct VERSION of the swastika.
So is Obama's of the O.
Kill yourself pseudointellectual.
Obsama invented pepsi logo, i didnt know that
>What is a newly created coat of arms
I think you meant Hakenkreuz
The swastika was the symbol of the National Socialists party in which Hitler was apart of. It wasn't the symbol of Hitler, you fucking mongoloid.
reminds me of angela whites necklace logo
Holy shit, you mong.
>Prince doesn't exist
You must be 18 years or older to use this site.
Uh oh. Get ready for every niggerball player with a shoe deal
now you're just embarrassing yourself
the fuck..
>calls someone else a pseudointellectual
>projecting this hard
What a moron
legit thought this was world of tanks lmao
Elderer has the best monogram.
Well there was this guy.
Jesus Christ user
Byproduct of an unfinished education.
Fuck off.
Was going to post Prince's symbol but my phone is retarded.
>distinct version
>still dodging the point
>unironically using pseudo intellectual
Spotted the faggot from reddit. There are multiple "distinct" versions of the Swastika, what makes the Nazi one so different from the rest?
Prince. Uhh I'm sure there are a bunch. Fucking batman and shit. Superman. All those motherfuckers
No, it's not right
>implying those are real people
holy shit op just kill yourself
Prince the fag nigger musician had his own
> Distinct version
Extremely common version, a multicultural "good luck" symbol popular in the 1920s
I've always knew Americans learn watching TV.
yeah, but he's dead from marijuana overdose
I didn't realize this until I was like 15. Not even memeing.
have I found the missing link? Is Reddit so shitty because all reddit posters have fucking Parkinsons?
As real as those other motherfuckers you faggot. As real as I am to you bitch
>Sup Forums thinks Superman is real
This really made me think
Yes, this is historical fact
...who had his own symbol.
Trump the god emperor is finally getting rid of that horrible Network Neutrality bill that was created under Obummer.
>As if
No. Trump is a Russian agent.
>I'm so anti-establishment that I tow the line of the big ISPs
Go figure.
I'm sure this thread was for symbols for actual historical people and not fictious jewish memes or all sorts of symbols would be eligible!
dat boi, pepe, et al.