Will a civil war ignite and cause the collapse of the kingdom?
Will a civil war ignite and cause the collapse of the kingdom?
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probably Europe sooner than the Middle East
Yes if digits.
Praise KEK
Love dead sand niggers.
Kek has blessed you
I'm sorry I meant to tell you to kill yourself you saudi sandnigger.
'''Kingdom '' ''
Yes please god let every saudi burn in hellfire
Don't you want to suck his dick, cuck?
just try and stay out of the way m8
israel wants your northern land for greater israel,dont get sucked into the conflict
there is a uk and usa vs eu war brewin
what will cause this civil war?
Kek save us all.
He speaks!
Praise Kek!
The world in flames. Chaos.
Sunni vs. Shia like all shit hole muslim countries.
Yes + yemen will destroy you.
Good luck and praise kek
If digits repent and accept christ into your heart
Way to go fuck nugget.
I hope not. The Saudis do a lot of dirty work for the US. Besides, the word is that Iran and the Saudis are set for a "cold war" in the middle east.
It's a distinct possibility.
The true God
Sandniggers deserve nothing less than death.
Kek please allow me to cheat on my girlfriend
When the oil runs out. So maybe in 50-100 years
It'll be when Iran becomes openly hostile.
Mege Muzzies
I believe you are correct
praise kek!
Kek has blessed me
I am a prophet of Kek.
no you're not
>epic kek maymay LOL XDD
OP, tell us about the situation in your town. are people happy? are they poor?
Yes i am faggot.
I was close
I hope not Saudi Arabia is kind of based desu
You hurted my feelings..... :(
Sorry pal, digits have spoken
Most of the saudis are inbred. 67% of marriages are related when average for muslims is around 50%.
That's what you get for fucking your cousins. It gets worse after doing it for generations.
Inbreeding explains why muslims are so retarded and inbred looking. I would not be suprised if inbred retards start civil war.
just a tiny correction
most of the inbreeding happens between the big tribes, not the city folk.
people living in the cities (especially the hejaz region) are vastly diverse and extremely multi-cultural.
Fuck the house of Saud. They are the most degenerate, hypocritical people known to humanity. They snort coke, drink alcohol, fuck sluts, fit out their yachts with gold fittings, suck jjew cock and then behead anyone from Arabia who does the same.
Imagine if you were a Saudi prince living that life though? Would be fucking awesome
I didn't say that all saudis are inbred. Just most of them.
Children born out of incest will still have much bigger change to give birth to retards even if he/she marries someone who isn't related(but could be inbred too).
Muslims are literally destroying their gene pool.
It also explains why saudis and other muslim are so bad at advanced warfare because they are mentally retarded from generations of inbreeding.
fuck you saudi scum. Islam will fall and Assyria will rise in its wake.
The kindom sure will, but Islam will live on and thrive after the collapse.
get your ass outta here leaf
Story time.
I once went on a Tinder date with a girl from Kazakhstan.
She ended up telling me a fucked up story. About how her sister's fiance (a turk) trying to fuck her. But it only got worse. See, he showed her a collage that he made. A collage of him fucking her sister interspersed with images from the girl's Facebook album.
She then proceeded to tell me she would have done it if she knew him better. After all, she told me, she had already fucked her sister. And she followed that up with,
"But where I'm from, it's not that weird, you know? I'm from a village with a few hundred people. You're a kid, you get horny, you fuck whoever is around. My sister was around. So we had sex. So I have no problem with my sister's husband, except that I had only just met him."
Borat is real. Ugh. That was a weird night.
The middle east belongs to us! You fucking ugly nigger looking Muslim stinky piece of shit. Stakes will rise around your cube with your dirty bodies on it.
What the fuck kek. Damn that's weird. Stay away from that girl
NO SHIT? lol