Kek Prophecy Thread
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Praise him
Bring Chaos into this world Kek!
Shadilay - I patiently await Keks blessing
RARE FLAG . What does the Pope think of Kek? Does he know?
Can someone explain this to me? I don't get it. Genuinely asking.
Basically the constellation Virgo currently looks like Kek; the solar eclipse in august will go right through through the St. Louis arch; and apparently all of it has to do with Revelations
Its not the constellation virgo. Its an object near virgo as seen in infrared.
Okay well here's why I'm mindfucked
I smoked DMT last night and was told the rapture is coming.
The rapture is coming, but no man knows when.
It's a fallacy to argue that anyone can predict the end time if the very text that predicted it states that no man will know when.
This thread, sadly is a waste of time.
Praise kek.
Doesn't that just create a loophole where it can be put off indefinitely by always predicting it will happen the next day?
>quotes the Bible but not the context
It's Revalations, not Prophecy. No where does it say this is a future prophecy.
It's describing the sky for the birth of Jesus. He'll go use that sky tool and see how often this alignment happens
>Rev 20
>describing the birth of Jesus
>after He has already risen and ascended into heaven
Theology, please.
2017 marks a time in history where the errors of Protestantism, Secular Protestantism (Classical Liberalism; eg French Revolution), and atheistic Communism coalesce into an era of chastisement.
Are you fucking stupid?
It is no surprise the Jewish Question has resurfaced into society, just as it did in 1890, 100 years after Napoleon emancipated the Jews.
Thus the defining moment in modern history is upon us.
Christ or chaos.
Stop trying to turn me into a schizo, you fucks
The answer? Prayer, penance, and reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Otherwise known as the message of Fatima.
Learn the prayer the Blessed Mother taught the three shepherd children:
>Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, and save us from the fires of Hell
>Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy. Amen.
Just reminding you guys that "SEPTEMber" comes from "septem" meaning Seven in latin.
for what we know, it may have been some serious heresy
who aproved that?
He desires digits.
Post the full infrared pic
The green, blue and red one
But the signs of the "end times" are described which means it does want you to attempt to guess.
Who approved the apparitions at Fatima?
That's the first I've ever heard of someone asking that question. It was unanimously approved by the entire hierarchy of the Church. So much so that every pontiff since has either written in favor of it in encyclicals, sent emissaries to Fatima for the celebration of the miracle of the Sun on Oct 13th, or went there themselves.
The miracle of the sun was so well known that even the Masonic, Communist press in Portugal reported on it. 70,000 pilgrims witnessed it.
that legit looks like kek in the sky. what the fuck is going on
to DMT elves "coming" could mean within the next 2000 yrs-20,000 yrs.
you know how time works there...
End Times !
Holy fucking shit, it's real!!!
Is kek real or a meme? This has been become so widespread now that it's pretty eerie. Have we really resurrected some deity by praising kek
Isaac newton predicted the world would end one jubilee after the jews returned to israel (2017)
It's coming. Be very very afraid.
Interesting. I'll bury that along with every other failed protestant or heretic (he was close to an Arian) prediction of the end.
I do not believe the current year to be the end, but a choice. We either turn away from sin as a people, or we face chastisement.
I do not see the former happening.
why do you just randomly have trump 45 because of the record 45 in there lol
makes the entire thing look retarded as fuck
Fuck off Archaon, Sigmar for lyfe.
why is that area blocked
>mfw I'm shitposting in the same thread as the pope
its moloch not kek
Dingleball dot com?
Why all the heresy?
Because the so-called "Third Secret" of Fatima was suppressed in 1960, it was later revealed to Sister Sasagawa in Japan, 1973.
Humanity's most pivotal moment approaches us.
Cut off one benis
two more shall take it place
Hail Kek
Hey Francis,
What's with all the Socialism? You know that's not what Christ was about...
You just found one of the deepest tricks, goy
And the prophecies are written so open endedly that every christian who has lived has thought he lived in the end times.
The greatest scam, and they loosen us up with the Santa Claus
Yeah, but then you wouldn't really know. You would be guessing.
Meant to reply to
praise kek
Do not wait for KEK we must fight for KEK
Great one day before my birthday.
>2014 a day after my birthday my grandpa dies
>2015 on my birthday I break my arm
>2016 day after birthday dog dies
>2017 day before my birthday world ends
Bullshit world
where can I find more info on this?
It isn't the end.
>There are more role playing faggots just like this on that board if you're into that sort of thing.
Fuck off atheistcuck
Aren't they all just guesses and speculation until you look at them in retrospect?
I will be paying special attention to the 13th of each month from May until October more than I will be watching the 23rd of September.
Judaizing protestants watch the Jewish calendar and its feast days. Those are the fellas that brought you the Shemitah nonsense. I do not think it outside of possibility that God will use Jewish calendar, though, to signal for their conversion. I am still very suspect when it comes to that.
>Rosh Hashana Sep 21-22, 2017, Th‑F, The Jewish New Year
>Yom Kippur , Sep 30, 2017, Sa, Day of Atonement
Youtube is infected with protestants predicting when the tribulation, pre/mid/post rapture, antichrist, blahblahblah using the Jewish calendar. It's the nature of Protestantism, to Judaize.
I'm ready. Take me home Kek. Stupidity is breaking reality today.
You know what's Jewish?
Let's bring ritualism and idolatry into play great fucking idea.
Your viccar might as well be an elder of Zion and your rituals and tithes are meaningless.
(I am not a protestant I'm really tired of Catholicucks)
Sorry. I thought I was in a board centered on politics and habbenings instead of "OMG STARS ARE MOVING TO A UNIQUE POSITION AGAIN JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER YEAR AND SPOOKY NUMBERS". My bad dawg. I'll fuck off to Sup Forums since I am apparently on the wrong board right now.
How is the area blocked and how do you see the full thing infrared?
It is the fulfillment of the Hebrew religion.
The current vicar is obviously obstinate Judaizer and heretic. Any Catholic worth his salt knows this from the Dubia debacle.
Tithing is from the Mosaic Law which is not obligatory to Christians. We give freely, according to our state in life.
Catholicism built Western civilization.
1000+ years of Christendom: Western civilization
200 years of secularism: children confused as to which bathroom to use.
Pick one.
It's Saturn.
Double exposed.
/x/ did a big thing on it a few days back.
Fuck off.
>implying Sup Forums isnt a christian board
It's really quite funny,
For 10,000 years I have waited...
His return is finally on the horizon...
That's about all, peace out
Off to bed.
Prayer, penance, and reparation, fellas.
It's time.
>September 23
Hmmm where have I heard this date before? Look at all these fucking reddit newfag cunts that weren't even here when "Shemitah" was supposedly the big happening on Sup Forums and it blew up in your stupid fucking faces so badly that everyone stopped talking about it immediately. It was cancer then and it's cancer now. Fuck you people are so frustratingly retarded sometimes, please crawl back to /x/.
iwasted alot of nights watching the chinese markets and the dam noodle breaks
Connecting all your dots. Google the royal arch of freemasons. And look up Jordan maxwell as most occult research is based off his.
Why does Kek choose old songs to ensure his presence? Are you a Jojo Fan?
Is this all a Jojo reference?
We will never know...
so autists like us could find them.
Are you sayin
*Smacks lips*
We wish
*Praises kεk*
Prophets n shiiiiet?!
*Shadilays 10 times*
Hate to post this ugly garbage in such a great thread but I immediately thought of this, for some reason.
I just randomized some lottery numbers. Is this a sign?
I'll buy every fucker here a beer if I win!
do it
The movie Dr. Strange is about Kek.
It's done!
Wish me luck lads, and Kek be praised!
> Christians are retarded and superstition isn't a sin.
This thread /x/.
it's not an or haha
my king will prevail :D
This is all so sleepy. Go to sleep. I'm asleep.
That approx start line there is Jupiter at opposition by the way. April 7th 2200 GMT. Or midnight Jerusalem time if they didn't have daylight savings.
Where is the current coordinates?
I completely agree with you.
Nevermind, best coordinates right now are
13 48 1.0, -9 30 20.5
dumping my most recent file on this EPIC HAPPENING