Should obese people get goverment assistance, including police protection?
Should obese people get goverment assistance, including police protection?
>Should obese people get goverment assistance
They should either be taxed out the ass, or executed.
Addicts plain and simple. Diabetes should have never been cured.
just execute them and take all their shekles, there is no hope for them anyway, even if they lose all that weight, they will have tons of loose skin and/or scars from removing it
though i suppose it keeps alpha doctors pockets filled
Sauce me
They should get taxed higher. Technically they're occupying more space, if I get taxed higher for owning multiple acres of land why shouldn't they be taxed for the real estate their thunderous thighs are taking up?
Egoraptor really gave up after JonTron left
the intelligent ones should be given hover platforms
I love feet so much
Satan agrees
>Should obese people get goverment assistance
yeah, government assisted suicide
their taxes are higher because their consumption is higher. they have to purchase two seats on flights.
isn't that enough? (I don't think it is, but I have no arguments to enforce my beliefs)
Government gas
>isn't that enough?
taxing them wont work.
they go broke and start voting bernie to make us pay for their shit.
Once you're above 500 lbs, and you're obviously not some 8 ft tall bodybuilder, you should be killed. You're a hazard.
They should be thrown into ocean since thats where whales belong
The worst kind of drain. People like that are going to simply consume food, consume medical assistance, and die.
They're steven hawking if he was a dumb fuck.
I mean the really beyond hope ones though. Not chubby qts
this is my cousin
she is clinically obese
and a fucking liberal cunt
What does someone this size smell like?
I used to know this, but my nose has been obliterated ever since then so now I don't remember and I couldn't tell you even if I was next to them.
>goverment assistance
yes, its a mental illness and they need help, nobody wants to be fat
>including police protection?
That's you on the left
I'm fat and I pay more in taxes than all of you worthless niggers.
I thought it must've been user on the right with his cousin at their feedees group meeting.
They should be rendered down and made into biodiesel.
Is that a trap to it's right?
Whats worse to look at the fat one, the shemale, or the drone taking photos in the back
Stale piss, poo, and whatever they're shoving in their fat fucking face at the moment.
I'll be honest. They all look like a bag of rotten assholes but the best is the shemale.
God damn it. Never put a shemale next to fatties.
Hi user I want you to lose 40 pound by next week.
That's a tranny, to be a trap it'd have to be possible for it to be mistaken for a female
i just watched that episode that fuck needs to be shot in the head along with his dad. he basically bitched about his weight just to get more drugs and his dad is a jackass for enabling him. The guy is what 33 and he acts like kid. i hate the fact that in some way our tax money is going to fat fucks like him who zero self control. It's like that episode with james k or whatever his name was; every other word out of his mouth is "ow muh legs".
Well as an autistic person with a preoccupation with technology, I have to say that I identify pretty strongly with the asexual figure in the background.
Worst -> Okayest:
Fat one, shemale, one in the back.
The one in the back is just a regular ugly human
... Assuming it's not also a tranny
Do you think she is disgusted or just amused
Why are you such an ugly trap user?
I honestly have no idea, I don't understand the thought process of people who willingly hang out with obese people, especially obese women
And you're going to die young too saving us hundreds of thousands, well done user you are a good slave
There should be assistance for those who are obese for medical reasons and have difficulty controlling their weight even with healthy eating.
People who are just lazy and eat a lot should be denied government assistance though. No reason to coddle those kinds of people even more than they already are.
I like to imagine that this guy grew up in some shit filled Indian village surrounded by starving pajeets
It's sad; if Steve was at a normal weight he'd probably be a hit with the ladies. He'd be a total chad judging from his face's bone structure, nice hair, lack of morality and generally insufferable personality.
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>Anonymous (ID: YBYiTx0Z) 03/31/17(Fri)00:45:16 No.119021293▶
> Should obese people get goverment assistance, including police protection?
We're all slaves in one way or another you retard.
if you're fat, you can pay for being fat
Land-whales like that should be forcefully starved in special facilities till they reach at least 70kg mark.
I'm a direct slave, I live and die and kill for this country. I can't help but be fit.
They should drape the flag over the casket of every fat piece of shit who succumbs to heart disease, alcoholism and lung cancer
All of you fuckers watch and learn
Now THIS is how you shitpost
>tfw no princess Leia to belly dance for you
Was getting diabetes part of your plan?
If I pull that sleep apnea mask off, will you die?
govt assistance in the form of euthanasia, yes