>tfw I finally took the weed pill tonight
>got high and realized that everything that Sup Forums stands for is backwards and wrong
>tfw I no longer subscribe to the conservative viewpoint
Tfw I finally took the weed pill tonight
Funny, I only become more conservative as I smoke pot
Keep smoking and try Lsd then get back to us
How old are you, user?
>>got high and realized that everything that Sup Forums stands for is backwards and wrong
Not many people who are worth a damn smokes weed past college. This probably just means you'll be like me and revert to being a conservative when you graduate college and stop smoking weed.
Try not to make sure your future self never thinks about how much of your potential you wasted by "experimenting", OP. That's the train of thought that makes me the saddest
every man should try LSD at least once
yep, the paranoia will do that to you
I'm scurred
>Every man should suck dick at least once
correction, you took the (((weed))) pill
Same f4m
It's different for everyone. I shudder to think who I would be without pot or psychedelics. I would definitely be more of a conformist, less analytical, and less capable of examining contradictory viewpoints simultaneously
Daily reminder soros supports pot legalization
I smoke and I am very very Sup Forums
I agree with the once part not habitually until you fry your brain by taking a 10 strip and end up in a ball crying and puking on the floor thinking you have alzhiemers because a youtube ad popped up mid trip
Is your family history clear of schizophrenia? Do you have a friend who can be a sitter? If you answered yes to both of these questions you're ready for a good experience.
Too late for me. I'm barely making it by in college. I wish I could go back and stop myself from ever trying pot.
the bad trips are the best if you're not a pussy. most people just can't handle ego death and so become their own worst enemy. and the funny thing is, that's been their problem from the beginning, psychedelics only intensify their experience of it
The herbal Jew claims another victim.
Ever since the first time I took acid I've been starting to think that maybe I'm the only one really alive and everyone else is just not real. Like a simulation. The more I do acid the more I belive it. It dosent affect my everyday life, I treat everyone the same but I still can't shake the feeling
Weed will help open up your inner expressions
Looks like you were a faggot all along OP
>troll thread
He's probably 14
The fuck kind of weed are you smoking? I sit and watch a documentary and eat some food. Get a little jittery. Isolated physical experiences bring nothing no bear on my political thinking.
Get back to us when you come down faggot
Out fucking standing OP!
Now you can go fuck right off to /MLP/
After the puking stopped and my girl helped me clean up i swear i had an epiphany of every question i couldnt figure out over the last 4 years like the smallest things and i wrote it all down when i sobered up it blew my mind how i pulled all those answers out of nowhere. Downside was everytime i tried to think it felt like my brain was twitching. Protip dont do hero doses
I'm a local politician, I'm 25 and I smoke every day.
I'm also very right wing believing drugs should only be used as medicine. We don't need dr. Feelgood giving anything to anyone for anything.
Keep it medicinal user. The more I smoke the closer I get to the right.
Well, bye.
Slide thread.
Sage and move on.
Same here
Weird, weed did the opposite to me.
Bad trips are the best leaf just be honest to yourself and be ready for some changes
z I'm afraid that you're the simulated one. We're all real. you are actually an Android. You were introduced to us only last year. Your history is fake and you'll be decommissioned in two years time.
Makes sense. When you're high you are illogical and stupid.
i smoke weed almost daily and it's true that i was a complete blue pilled leftie when i started it but i became more libertarian over time and since about 3 years i've turned right wing as fuck... still blazin it...
how do you explain that?
Enjoy the herbal jew, its not meant for everyone.
This, it makes you spot the degeneracy and think twice, but ofc depends on the person. Some get more liberal.
>because a youtube ad popped up mid trip
am i the only one still using an adblocker?
its a leaf what do you expect?
It was on my phone i switch between data alot and its a pain to turn my ad block off all the time
The conservative brain, on the other hand, has greater volume in a region called the amygdala, an almond-shaped structure implicated in emotional and fear-based learning. In one study, researchers found that when conservatives hear shocking noise stimuli, such as a blast of white noise, they exhibit more fearful instinctual reactions as measured by blink response, an indicator of amygdala activity. These findings have led some to speculate that larger and more sensitive amygdalae in conservatives may cause them to be more driven by fear and emotional rewards.
It makes sense that a drug known for causing paranoia and schizophrenia would contribute to someone going further right.
Agreed. Once a year is a good frequency for acid. I like to take it on AFL Grand Final day around midday. It's always SPECIAL.
Never use your phone, watch videos or consume media while on Lsd listen to music your brain can produce better stimulus that those videos can
There's LSD in India? That might explain the toilet witches.
Ha you haven't even entered the hole.
You smoked weed once and had a "spiritual change" (your mind is week)
You expiarenced something new and without question through out all your beliefs. You are not opened minded your life changing apifanie was nothing more then a, weak mind being spouting self dout (due to personal insecerites) and falling in line with what people want reality to be. And more importantly what they want you to believe.
No lsd will only fuck his shit up.
Start by asking yourself why you think whatever it is Sup Forums thinks is wrong.
Think long on it then look up facts then think more let go of your pre assumptions
Then as hard as it is from your own thoughts disregard what feels right and see reality for what it really is
Then take 2 hits of lsd and watch the world melt
Crazy visuals
>street shitter giving advice.
This is adorable.
>tfw we literally don't give a shit.
soon you'll be taking the dick pill,
and will believe a tight butthole is backward and wrong.
Delusions of Grandeur
I smoke weed all the time. You're doing it wrong
illusion of candor
Clearly less than 18
Kill your fucking self!
Wrong we're libertarians. Have you seen the Austrian method?...
>pic related
Are you me user? I became way more right wing once I did. Still libertarian at heart but conservative values work far better.
>delusions of humanity
Agree with this if you mean going to a national park etc for your trip. You don't want to sit at home and stare at the wall.
I used to enjoy sitting up all night watching Rage (ausfag).
Spot on.
Sorry to tell you man, but the other poster that responded to you is right. We're all in on it. You're the fake one. It's a bit experiment to see if you can do real person things and if you will believe you are real. It turns out it worked, and you will be decommissioned soon.
So since you've already wasted my time telling me what don't stand for, what do you stand for? Since the world is back and white only and all must conform to their parties.
>do drugs
>become a liberal
Sounds about right.
Kill yourself
I enjoyed staring at the wall with some music and red lighting, to each his own
Why don't you ask your retarded, cross-eyed, chimpy president to do it instead.
That's because you shouldn't have taken acid and now your aspect is weakened you dope, most if not all man made drugs are poison unless taken for a tangible ailment (and you are willing to put up with the side effects)
you'll mature. you will come to the realization that we are just as conscious as you when you meet someone doing better than you in every facet of life.
Can vouch for this. When you start loosing your high after 20 mins it's time to quit though like I did. Quit weed it is a crutch.
just because you can only get weed from niggers doesnt mean you have to act like niggers when you buy it from them
You're a bitch it's literally nothing just don't dose like an idiot and test your dose you'll be fucking fine
sir, you need to calm down
It's not nothing. Even at a moderate dose it can be a challenge to handle for some people. Do it with someone experienced for your first time.
have fun diverting back to your high school years with that perpetuate. fucking jackass
>le former trump voter here
gas yourself faggot
Dropped 'cid first time. Kicked in an hour later.
Wondered what to do with the high.
>Pink Floyd's: The Wall
Cried like a bitch through the whole movie.
Life changed forever.
Dedicated to working hard and achieving goals.
"And that one looks Jewish!"
The crypto Nazi fire rises.
Highly highly recommended. Drove car and went grocery shopping high on acid.
Couldn't do that on shrooms. Definitely start with a medium-rare dose; Don't well-done your brain.
Acid/LSD is essential at least once.
>Absolute miracle of a drug.
Not some nigger pcp insanity or crystal meth cracker tweaking.
An unexplainable feeling, and you don't lose control of yourself and literally impossible to become addicted to.
ex-stoner here
you'll be back
also this is probably a troll so sage
Similar experience. I felt like I understood life after LSD near the end of college.
No PTLSD here.
you know why weed gets you high? to avoid herbivores from eating the plant, like cows for example. it naturally makes you paranoid with the tha (not thc) thus thc too adds a bit paranoia so the animals who are eating it feel scared and paranoid about their soroundings and don't finish eating the plant....
>but muh medical.. blah blah..
>muh recreational to relax, better than booze
>bu.. t... but... bb... RRREEE
stfu and listen for a second. i used to LOVE the 60's culture and hippie. still do! as an assburger i have methodically studied many substances and their effects and benefits and dangers. also tested with myself with luck from few friends i used to had. including dmt.
so if you fucking fags just listen and (this) my comment may help the new pol struggle against drugs. understanding the dangers and benefits besides the fucking brainless "dude weed" and "weed enlightenment" memes. i have listen / read (and i mean obsessively) many drug studies /reports from hunter s. thompson to david nutt to terrance McKenna to anti-drug theories and even a anti-drug neuroscience book. read many experiences from erowid even drugs you never heard off, like 2cb or mephdrone experiences...
its SIMPLE you fucking faggot jews, every drug, including cofee have their good and bad side effects. (mostly bad, aside from natural hallucinogens, dmt is a natural hallucinogen too, everyone has it in their brain, even grass has it (theoretically).
so the point is(talking about natural drugs (weed, mushies, etc) , like snake venom it can be used to damage if used wrong or as medicine to help or to make a person feel better (even most of doctors drugs don't help in the long run, but that's another subject).
so you my stance is. legal drugs? yes. to relax and it HAS ITS BENEFICIAL VALUES (mostly exaggerated) but it also makes you lazy and think WRONGLY (depends on the person and the trip)... so my point is:
weed makes me think helicopters flying by are the government watching us
Why did you tell him? Now he's going to be suspicious of us... Lets all just pretend we are joking and he will forget about it soon enough. It's so funny how dumb he is lawl!!!
>to avoid herbivores from eating the plant
marijuana needs to be burned in order to activate the thc idiot
eat it then xD and then tell me... you will have 3 times stronger trip. eat 3 g, because the stomach will dissolve most of it. you may or may not like the trip but its much bigger.. . or just go to a state and ask a marijuana store what psico-active compounds are activated in an eatible like brownies. can spoil it for you, it's tha and thc, while in smoking is just thc. or just try, it's not deadly but in large doses can be very scary. positive environment, no fear and good mind-set is a must. cheers mate
>eat 3 g
this will just make your stomach hurt
do not follow user's advice
I know a guy who smokes weed (actually really successful too, funnily enough) and hates commies more than I do, and believe me, that's a l ot..
you sound like a fucking idiot. i love coke pepe tho
>the conservative viewpoint
pol is not conservative. Pol, like national socialism, is left of center
remember that half of pol smokes weed
its because it helps you see through propaganda
thats just why i meantioned weed stores in america. i am not sure of cannabis oral dosage, don't remember and did once home-made brownies(it was surpsingly funny and comfy) and couple of times with yogurt but mixed with hash. not a big fan of cannabis eating. do less then, search on erowid experiences because the vault only telks you oral consumption of pure thc(i checked now) . or ask someone who knows the dosage for a medium trip. a medium edible will give you a trip that seems like acid, in this regard i am correct right?
Whenever I get high, everything seems horribly fake.
what technicality overloaded your dim brain? the neuroscience of drugs or the aspeger "poetry"?
dude weed
Hey, I get that too. I can't even watch movies or episodes, cause I focus so much on how it was filmed instead of the plot, it all seems fake af