Why does Sup Forums hate libertarians who hate commies but take real world action?

Why does Sup Forums hate libertarians who hate commies but take real world action?

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Im ethno-nationalist and somewhat libertarian in economics.

Come at me, bitches!

You are either for the sovereignty of your people or for their subjection. This isn't difficult.

>I'm ethno-nationalist... come at me, bitches.
With that type of lingo... I'm calling bullshit.

I've dabbled in it but the fact is a nazi won't get anywhere in america and I know people just like to be nazi because they feel so isolated.

When people object to even using the english language, and nazis are universally despized, the fight cannot be about ethno nationalism. The time for that in america was the 1960s. Right now it has to be a fight for culture and prosperity.

Some snow nigger said in the previous thread that the time will soon come when the climate is suited enough to push for ethno nationalism.

How in the fuck is that even remotely feasible if the US is already 45% nonwhite and whites are expected to become a minority by 2050?

That's not even taking into account how off putting racist and evil the idea of ethnonationalism comes off too 98% of the US population.

What the hell makes you think any sane white person wants to exterminate another person because of the color of their skin?

And yes, I say exterminate, because there is no other option in the supposed fantasy scenario white nationalists have in mind, seeing as how the 45% population of nonwhites are legal American citizens protected by the constitution.

>Reddit spacing
How can anyone take this serious?

Who said anything about extermination, we're talking peaceful ethnic cleansing user. Balkanization.

We're all for real world action, but pic related blurs the lines of what that nationalism really means. Our extinction is secured if this is allowed to continue.

You gut welfare, you kill or exile at a fucking minimum half the brown people right then and there. No need to go in guns blazing.

>le reddit
>le shareblue shill
>le ctr shill

How can anyone take fagggots like you seriously when instead of composing a proper argument, you resort to this bullshit?


This thing reeks of mud

There is no real world need or application for "balkanization" in America.

You are talking complete nonsense user. How do you not see that?

>Proper argument
Come on now, let's cut the shit.

I've been saying this in the last thread but these fucking spergs don't get it. There's just been way too much change to push ethno-nationalism. It's unrealistic.

>That's not even taking into account how off putting racist and evil the idea of ethnonationalism comes off too 98% of the US population.
That's the obvious problem.

But people are coming around. It's becoming acceptable to defend whites or say you prefer american (white) culture.

Here in the bay area it's brave to even say you voted for trump.

Yeah it's a reasonable position. I think the shills are extremely bothered we pushing back.

Ethnonationalists in America tend to be unwitting fifth column agents that want America to balkanize in the belief it would somehow make things better. They arn't very intelligent, as such a thing would ensure Chinese domination of the Earth.

See Bannon is a good example of what ethnonationalists need to act like, rather the typical vocal retards you find here.

I just like him because he hits antifa.


>that want America to balkanize
>Implying it's not already balkanized

Because libertarianism involves people doing what they want instead of what Sup Forums wants


The only way to be in the right place for the inevitable balkanization of america.

Balkanisation is inevitable. Or you will become Brazil 2.0 where Whites pay for welfare for subhumans.

This should be the main thing. Antifa uses cowardly intimidation and violence. Even democrats are against them but they're like the moderate muslims. It takes motivated people to actually fight back.

Loved stickman till I saw this

Fuck civic nationalism. It ends in the death of the white race, might as well just become a fullblown SJW commie and speed up the process than to support civic nationalism and have an elongated death.

Yeah it's weird, they want the same thing as antifa. The antifa site is "itsgoingdown". They both want the US to fail so they can take over.. unaware that the military, or china would take over way before they'd have a chance.

Friendly reminder that he doesn't care about being overrun by niggers and that if we "don't conform" to his way of thinking that we'll be killed off like South Africans.

You know nothing you filthy snow nigger.

Please tell me how balkanization would me implemented. Are you going to rip people straight from their homes? Who is going to do that? Who is going to pay for that?

The entire country's economy and social stability is going to collapse just for the sake of "balkanization" because a few inbred insecure hicks don't like people who aren't white?

Do you not fucking see how stupid that shit sounds? What are you 13? Balkanization? Racewar?

What the fuck is thay bullshit? Those things are never going to happen. Are you retatded?

Give me a step by step process on how this would all happen.

Exactly, the slow death has lead us from 35% of the global population down to just 8%. And if you didn't like that picture you probably won't like pic related either.

Unfortunately, he's probably correct.

Black fucks a blonde, a white man has been cucked.
White fucks an Asian, a white man has been cucked.
I don't get this.

>or sexual identity aka muh 6000000000 genders and tranny toddlers

So basically the same SJW shit ANTIFA says? looooool, nice hero you have Sup Forums.

There's nothing wrong with either pic. A stronger right-wing nation gets shit done and not muh skin color. You two sound like niggers right now.

Lol stupid nigger. Someone either will hijack a state or two or USA will turn into a shithole. Secession followed by repatriation from 95% White states is possible. If US to deport all illegals and those families that exploited the 14th, it's still way too infested with subhuman races
The only way to prevent inbreeding is to keep European bloodline. Pic related

>skin color

Get out.

Or lack of color. Whatever.

2 things are going on here:

1: Potential white children aren't being born.
2: White genes which have given us the advantage are handed over to rival tribes.

Yes, both of these relationships are harmful to our people, and those who have them are traitors.

That makes no sense.

Someone is going to "hijack" a state? The fuck does that mean?

Secession and repatriation from 95% white states is not possible.

You are underestimating our government and our people. No one wants a white ethno state except fringe minority groups that make up 0.01% of the US population.

I'm not sure the point of this thread. Maybe I'm just projecting my personal thoughts onto Sup Forums but I feel like 90% of us understand this. I wouldn't go to a Trump rally and turn to the black next to me and say "run away nigger." Let them get redpilled, do away with the gibmedats and suddenly they're more tolerable. I'm for natural segregation not this forced mixing. 90% of blacks are for natural segregation too. My philosophy is we can all get along if someone isn't trying to mix our cultures.

If there's no common heritage to bind the people together then it will inevitably fall apart.

Some people ask why the Roman empire fell, it was because there was a loss of identity, there was so much mixing going on that people simply lost what it meant to be "Roman".

The first step is to destroy the enemy, and we have an opportunity to do so NOW. Our enemy is vulnerable and you want to attack allies?


I don't think we should attack him, but we shouldn't idolize him as some sort of hero. He betrayed our people and therefore doesn't deserve my respect.

I'm not sure I agree... at least when it comes to asians. I have a friend that's half Asian and I had no fucking clue until my senior year in high school when I met his mom. I just thought he was a white kid that happened to be really good at math.

Round 2, nigger.

No one wants niggers in their expansive neighbourhoods, but here we are. It's all about the effort and network. I'm sure your diverse nation would prosper in 45-48 states.

In 1940s not much Americans wanted to give niggers rights, yet here we are.

(((Libertarian))) is literally the "status quo" party.

Prove me wrong

Protip: I promise you, you can't

Is the alt knight a psyop or arg? This is gaytits

He denounced us before we had a chance to make something happen. He made his bed and now he needs to lay in it.

This is certainly where it gets tricky. You should read about the phenomenon called "passing". Your friend might be able to pull off being white (though I highly doubt that) and if that's the case then good for him. Most will not though, and if we have to include a few people like this then we have to include everyone with one drop of white blood in them and that includes abbos and blacks too. This is what's happening to us now and we're losing our identity, culture, heritage, everything.

He's just some cucked race mixer who loves to run his mouth when he doesn't need to. What we've posted is what he posts on his page on Facebook.

I don't understand. Am I the white guy in front or the one standing? I'm only half Jewish, non practicing, but I don't know how you would guess that.

Do pic related faggot. Or better yet kys.

Again with this nu/pol civicuck faggot bread?

You're the wojak in the front. I had no idea you were a yid until you said so on here.

Is typed out for a reason

He was never based, he's a lolbertarian or some shit like that. According to these faggots it's okay for our race to go extinct, hell it's inevitable. Better give up now lad.

He made a few shitty posts on facebook. He played the PR game poorly and should have stayed silent.

But do you know about his childhood? It was fighting mexican gangs in san diego. Mexicans and la raza are a real fucking issue in california, much bigger than asians. They want to retake california and the retarded government doesn't attempt to oppose them.

I'll be honest with you 2% is really not that bad. I'll bet you Ivans have more ghengas khan in you lol.

Not an excuse.
He made the choice to open his mouth when he could've just been silent and waited it out.
Quit shilling for this faggot.

They're both not good.

>They want to retake california and the retarded government doesn't attempt to oppose them.

That is complete bullshit. I've lived in San Gabriel Valley all my life. I've never once witnessed anyone like that. They're a fringe minority group.

The REAL problem are the gangs, although ms13 and latin kings also operate extensively outside of California, in states like New York and Illinois.

Do you find something wrong with joining with allies to fight our common enemy of marxism?

If you do, you're a shill.

I'm not. That wasn't as fun as I thought it should've been.
I still think mixing with an Asian usually results in more predominant white genes. Has nothing to do with stick man, I could give two shits about him. Maybe I just like the Asian wedge. No worries, my wife and I are both Scottish/Irish decent.

The main point is illegal mexicans. They make up 10-20% of the population which gives california an additional 5-10 seats in congress since obama made the census count them at the population. They also don't try to assimilate and are also gaining power in the legislature.

The differences between humans are far more than "skin color".

I fucking hate the "skin color" meme, its as if thats the only diffrence and the facial structure, height, brain size is the fucking same.

>Civic Nationalists
I don't side with someone who denounces their race and mixes their genes with a mongrel. Again, you have no hope. You have none whatsoever. You're clinging to this faggot like your life depends on it.

Yes same, plenty of asian race mixing shills on Sup Forums and I won't do that myself. But in the bay area the white girls are brainwashed SJWs and asian girls are traditional, so I can understand.

>what is a common enemy

I'd rather watch you faggots burn.

Do you denounce Jeff Sessions and Trump since sessions has an asian granddaughter?

You're an obvious shill.

Not even close, but it's nice to see you get butthurt over the fact I won't suck your hero's dick.

Tricky tricky, you're a bad goy. You're also wrong if you think i'm going to shit all over any yid who posts on this forum. I love my people, heritage, and culture, but I'm not an asshole.

It's fine if you don't care if your kid doesn't have an identity. But if you think that's harmless you should go visit r/hapas and decide for yourself what a torture not having a people is really like.

Nigger blood has a specific thing for it. One drop rule that is
>any non-Euro blood other than Finnish

We don't we hate mongrelization

I also hate when they say that ethno nationalism isn't possible in European countries

The common enemy exists because YOU faggots allowed for it to be created in the first place.

So you think a minority white america will be just fine? Minority white countries never go to shit right?
The only way America is not going to Balkanize whey it becomes minority white is if a white minority government takes power

fucking glorious

love the flag decoy

>leave behind the southern areas with the majority of nonwhites that are a net drain
If anything your ability to dominate will only increase

Also if people had listened to ethno nationalists when America was 90% white you wouldn't have this problem and America would be a stronger superpower today

Dumb mongrel. He probably lived through fucking Balkanization

You're preaching to the choir. He's made bad choices I won't get into, but the fact is he's in his 40s and still fighting back which every man needs to respect.

Sup Forums has a lot of man children who like to make excuses why they won't come out to support trump. That has to end.

Ivan, you're our greatest ally.

Allies against a common enemy doesn't mean you agree with someone's every aspect and you'll probably be fighting after the common enemy is defeated

I can support him for coming out, but I don't think he's "based". Also I wouldn't underestimate the users of Sup Forums I'm sure they'll hit the streets when the time is right.

because they come up with shitty nicknames by following the "Based " format. That is Alt-Knight.

I already hear something in the distance.

Yes. But once marxism and antifa is defeated we can have a sensible dialogue without fear of expressing opinions.

The majority of europeans area against mass immigration but they have a difficult time organizing because marxists have taken hold of media and government and disrupt any attempt at consensus. Most americans are the same way but marxists have begun to disrupt the dialogue crying about their feelings. Meanwhile millions of immigrants are pouring in using anchor babies with a media army to defend it.

The Finno-Slav will dominate the Med. pic related - Med acknowledging his place near Slav women

You're gonna have to reconquer your lands first which have been invaded by chechens and sinos.

quad damage

Will be achieved eventually. Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Belarus still stand. Reparations for SPQR barbarity will be in due time

I don't know that much about Russian history, but what did the Romans ever do to you besides give you your religion, culture, and even the word tzar (which comes from Caesar).

This is a fashion shoot. Note the clothing rack and extra shoes... I used to shoot fashion. I know.

The authoritarians of Sup Forums are just as shit as the ones on the left. If you share some of their oppinions but not all they will hate you more than if you had no shared opinnions. Just look at any "Sargon thread ". People foaming at the mouth with rage and envy make 3/4 of the thread.

Authoritarians are cancer, get fucked.

>you your religion
Was nominally accepted. Never been popular. Shaped and subverted by Balto-Slavic Pagan Tradition. See a lot of red color wooden churches and such
>your culture
Synthesis of Balto-Slavic and Nordic
You don't say. Of course it's aSlavic-Med serf factory


>or maybe just blanda upp....?

>or maybe just blanda upp....?
Russian here. Sinos and Koreans are absolute no-no and genetic cancer. They should be all sent back home. Armenians, gypsies and Jews too. Obviously few arabs and nogs that are in Russia too. Caucasus are just mudshit radicals and should be kicked out. I'd prefer the country to be homogenous, but in the end of the day we can mix up local ethnicities like Tatars, Yakuts and Burayts further out of existence. Wouldn't really mind Japs, SEApeople and Indian big time investors