What the fuck can actually be done about this disgusting terrorist organization? How can we realistically destroy it?
What the fuck can actually be done about this disgusting terrorist organization? How can we realistically destroy it?
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Terrorism is just a buzzword crowd sourced intelligence work.
We dont need to destroy it, we just need good leadership and analysts recruited from military instead of academia.
t. spookfag
By finally waking the fuck up ameritards to the blatant and obvious corruption behind your government and media and do something about it. You're dragging us down with you
It cannot be destroyed now. It is too entrenched and too powerful. If people knew the full extent of it's power, man I dont know.
This makes sense. Hire people with actual experience and know how to deal with stressful situations properly instead of a bunch of "intellectuals" who only know how to theory craft.
instituions stay in power from a perception of authority. The an incredibly important truth is that NO institution has authority over you. Look at the MSM, they have "journalistic authority and credibility" but ultimately they are the ones who lie the most.
Through this election we have found that the MSM not only had no integrity, but never had it in the first place and now people are rejecting it as fake news.
The ultimate red pill is that the only authority and power these isntutions have over you are money and perception of power. The intelligence community doesn't know how to solve the tough questions, yet they scare you into believing they do and that you need them. The truth is large power structures are just targets for parasites and corruption. We need free movement of power, we need a change of cards.
What we're seeing on Sup Forums and all over the internet is the beginning of crowd sourced intelligence taking place. The same way alternative media is crushing the MSM, soon we will be begin chipping away at the CIA, NSA, and other intelligence group's authority.
They control most of the drug trade in the World and use it to finance their black ops.
Shit, their budget might even be bigger than the US federal budget.
> disgusting terrorist organization
Gee somebody is mad.
Nice proxy Vlad
I bet you would defend the nigger that beats your wife after sex.
Haha well we all know the CIA is in bed with hollywood...
>central incompetence agency...what's up spooks?
Correct you have every right to beat her after I fuck her. Bitch deserves it.
You're not the one fucking her mate; this is the CIA after all.
just do what the mormons did: infiltrate
Exposure. Keep calling them on their bullshit.
Same goes for the MSM.
It cost them money to spread their bullshit and we can do it free of charge.
Is there anyone talking about these types of things in public? Links to blogs, op-eds, etc., anything we can plum for ideas.
How do we keep administrations--all of them!--from abusing these powers and systems?
>soon we will be begin chipping away at the CIA, NSA, and other intelligence group's authority.
They'd find a way to shut us down.
>What the fuck can actually be done about this disgusting terrorist organization? How can we realistically destroy it?
Defund them as being a danger to national security.
Defund them because they no longer work for america.
>releases the largest criminal enterprise humanity has ever seen into the without any governmental oversight what so ever.
We need jobs for them elsewhere in our intelligence apparatus before we can do that.
Honestly a lot of them should just be put to death. Nothing flashy about it just shoot them.
Also the most ridiculous thing about the CIA is with all of their intel and power groups such as black OPs, freemasonry etc.. They could clear up crime in the united states alone within 24 hours if they wanted too but they don't. All it comes down to is feeding the beast. More money and more power. They are enemies of humanity.
>We need jobs for them elsewhere in our intelligence apparatus before we can do that.
Digging ditches.
Well, the criminal ones, yea. Hyperbola asid,e they're not all criminals. There is wheat to separate from the chaff.
I agree. Have them dig their own graves then shoot them in the back of the head.
>They'd find a way to shut us down.
That's why we need to get smart and go private but one of us needs to be able to fund it.
inb4 CIA will hack it, maybe but the shareblue shills wouldn't see it and desu that's (((their))) main weapon right now, they can't just shut off a website so easily.
Sometimes it feels like a bloody revolution is the only way for things to move forward.
Y'all are just butthurt that the Russian connection is being brought to light and your meme president is going down in flames.
>There is wheat to separate from the chaff.
Those who just follow orders, from those who make the orders, eh?
I'd say put them all in Guantanamo, and let god sort them out.
Literally all the CIA does, is rape children, blackmail our politicians, and create intelligence briefings that are sub par to what Sup Forums creates for free.
The CIA is not supposed to be operational within the United States.
They have overstepped their mission statement, and need to be disbanded.
>They have overstepped their mission statement, and need to be disbanded.
Think of all of the money we would save the American Taxpayer.
>Literally all the CIA does, is rape children,
This is the one the biggest ironies I have come across. The CIA are clear pedophiles. Like ACTUAL real ones. Yet they hire idiot goons off the street for their dirty work, lie to them and actually have them think the CIA are these great guys who are here to serve our country.
Today we successfully reused a spacecraft booster. We're going to get off this planet and start a town on Mars before this earth gets the nuclear fire cleanse it so badly needs. Who the fuck cares what governments do, just kick back and relax dummy. We have the best cars, the best shows, the best food, and also the most of those things too. CIA can keep doing CIA things for all I care. I might want to meet a nice Russian lady and make babies for the colony ships though. I'd like to think of my offspring being interplanetary settlers, even if they have a short brutish life.
Oh ps go fuck yourself OP, in case you didn't glean that from my ramblings.
>Yet they hire idiot goons off the street for their dirty work
Who the fuck else would be dumb enough to believe the CIA's lies?
If they hired INTELLIGENT people, they would be undone within a week, and they KNOW this, man.
It's largely self-funding, I would think.
>It's largely self-funding, I would think.
That's why they keep the drug war going, because the CIA would be finished without it.
Also, Arming our enemies.... ISIS
Technically, the CIA is an enemy of the state.
I know man. The situation is just really fucked up. It just really bothers me when even people I used to respect fall into their hands. I didn't want to believe that artists were actually such awful people for instance. And they collect all the negative karma for the CIA.
Lol "we". Anyway in the future you'll understand that you're stuck here with the CIA fucking us and you'll either have to fight against it or die with it.
Technically speaking, because of the patriot act,, Trump has the power to arbitrarily define every CIA agent to be an "Enemy Combatant"
Project Mockingbird/Bilderberg Group agents didn't just target "Hollywood" to command and conquer.
It's a problem of leadership.
Don't forget Obama had a muslim running the joint after he gutted it following W's torture scandals. The CIA was pro-torture until Obama got in there.
We can reclaim it, we just have to drain it first. Most people who join it are patriots. The leadership is the problem.
>It's a problem of leadership.
The CIA is compramised, you fool.
They need to be disbanded and jailed for cocaine smuggling.
>Make more meme's like this and make them go viral
The mainstream media must be destroyed and boycotted.
>They have overstepped their mission statement, and need to be disbanded.
Part of what allowed ISIS to form was the "no Ba'athists in government" law we imposed. All those bureaucrats had nothing to do until AQI put them to work.
We have to avoid making that same mistake: we can't cut all our intel operatives loose with nothing to do. We have to create jobs for them elsewhere in our apparatus, meaningful jobs that keep them engaged and put their talents to use.
We'll separate the criminals from the non-criminals. That's why we have DOJ.
>Most people who join it are patriots.
I only have one data point and no confirmation that he actually made it into the CIA, but that was his plan and he had a personality that made me think he probably would make it. He had his path all mapped out. I would describe him as a hyper-patriot.
idk, they killed JFK for thinking about breaking them apart and they spy on literally everyone. I think it'd need to be infiltrated and destroyed from within.
>mainstream media
It's now "legacy media."
It's all in the branding.
>The legacy media is dying.
pic related? I don't really do the social thing.
Someone send it downrange, see if it hits anything.
>I think it'd need to be infiltrated and destroyed from within.
Yeah imagine if we had some like gremlins or little creatures or something that could swarm their HQ's...
yeah, that's exactly what I was talking about
I don't matter, and neither do you, and neither does the CIA. Did two random Romans matter? Did the Penitus Oculatus? No, they're dead. They didn't go to space either, lazy bastards.
That's perfect
Would you kill yourself if you knew space wasn't even real?
Is mein hero Tay Tay real ?
Hey Comey! hows the weather over there?
they already hire ex-military and military intelligence is a bunch of spook wannabes
Or we could arrest them all for killing JFK and the countless other crimes they committed.
Yes and she's very cute! Cute!
Needs to be pared down too.
Maybe help support Lefty Sup Forums and it might happen
hehe, looks like someone is afraid, and asking for solutions right here
What a fun piece of paper that is.
The CIA legalizes all the illegal shit they do, AFTER the fact.
And then erase history.
The CIA is OWNED, btw.
Let the frogs rain upon this single
Oh please you clowns and wannabe spooks do not frighten me. I'm just finally tired of putting up with your shit and I'm ready for a fight. I'll give you something to be afraid about though: The most powerful person in society is the person who has nothing to lose.
>Part of what allowed ISIS to form was
Corporations lobbying the U.S. Federal Government representatives.
i think many of the analysts only did college
>The CIA is OWNED, btw.
It's an uncomfortable recurring theme in our system, isn't it?
They're pretty good at maintaining an illusion, but everyone has just grown exponentially greedier. Greed makes the cracks show to those who take nothing for granted.
Patriot Act, Citizens United, and the Smith-Mundt Modernization are all just flagrant cockslaps on the population at large.
analysts are just researchers.
Field officers are hardcore best of both worlders. Smart, capable in a fight. These are the people who get people to kill you.
SOG guys are out of special forces, they get left in limbo when your secret weapons selling facility gets attacked and you can't call the police because then they'd find out you were doing bad things.
GTO easily the best kek mascot as well
>The most powerful person in society is the person who has nothing to lose.
Nah, it's the person who has everything to gain.
A small, but significant difference.
Most dangerous person is someone with nothing to lose.
Expose them
I want to kiss her on her big red lips!
>Patriot Act, Citizens United, and the Smith-Mundt Modernization are all just flagrant cockslaps on the population at large.
I don't know, considering the average level of "Wokenness" of the population at large, I don't think the term "Flagrant" actually applies, yes?
>analysts recruited from military instead of academia.
I seriously reckon that could be the main problem: massive focus on "the brightest minds" leading to a brain drain of practicality and then a self-fulfilling prophecy (where "the brightest minds" then start driving all recruiting and only recruit other dorks with double degrees and no ability to tell when they're being lied to by smooth talking arabs).
This lot seem to get routinely fucked in the arse by people they recruit/train/supply. At a certain point it stops looking like a grand plan even exists and a reasonable person starts just seeing a pattern of incompetence.
I can't really blame them.
Media is halfway in the bag towards pavlovian programming. Memory holing becomes really easy if it doesn't follow the expected subliminal script.
they specifically go out of their way to avoid this problem. They don't go after 4.0 ivy leaguers.
So what? Leadership issues, or more policy directives that aren't responsive to bureaucratic input? Someone at some level is responsible for routinely engaging with dodgy groups that lose, sell or give away ordinance to hostile militias.
It just seems amateur as fuck.
>It just seems amateur as fuck.
Because you're not looking at playing both angles simultaneously.
>Media is halfway in the bag towards pavlovian programming.
You naive fool.
>Memory holing becomes really easy if it doesn't follow the expected subliminal script.
Depends on how much you know about yourself and how subliminals work, yes?
>Depends on how much you know about yourself and how subliminals work, yes?
Do I sound like a laugh track kind of guy?
specifically the neato airport
No argument there. As with any organization of this size and scope incompetence accounts for much more than malice.
But you can't exactly toss little Johnny America into Afghanistan and have him provide actionable intel.
Officers have to work with what they've got and what they've got is usually some unreliable dirt farming 3rd world fuck who doesn't have enough loyalty to his own neighbors to turn down a few thousand bucks to sell them out to the sky demons, let alone to keep his mouth shut about all this money the americans gave him to hit ahmeds compound next tuesday.
Maybe your first answer shouldn't be to buy people.
Money isn't loyalty.
No offense, but the belief that there is some master plan in the works and that this shit is all inline with it seems more far fetched by the day.
If you actually believe that all these slip ups are workable, go ahead and outline why. Otherwise occam's razor is more attractive.
>Do I sound like a laugh track kind of guy?
Do I sound like a "Ever holding back my opinion for your comfort" kind of guy?
It will collapse under its own weight...
>specifically the neato airport
Barry Seal.
Kek has heard the echoes of your memes. The grass will be cut from under their feet.
Occam's razor says opium boom in the U.S. and Afghanistan aren't coinkydink
Well what other options do they have?
Obama took away their fucking interrogation program and had use outsource it to the fucking Pakis and Egyptians who are real reliable and much kinder to their prisoners than we ever were...
>Well what other options do they have?
The one they never use.
>drug/heroin epidemic
these institutions rely on top grads and are staffed by grads from ivy league and top 20 institutions
these academies mold and prepare them for their role in the deep state
it is also their Achilles heel
students are prone to experiment with addictive drugs such as heroin, meph that disqualify them for a future in the deep state
>using their own tactics against them
grooming would require alot of effort, skill, and talent
there are many unsophisticated strategies that intel uses:
user invites future shills at top university to a party attended by the local crak supplier and video tapes wild sex acts with a male hooker or pig ie David Cameron
>So much wrong in this thread.
t. National School of America worker.
What truth is going to make Muhammad tell us what's going on in the compound across the way?
>it is also their Achilles heel
Have to know the poison your society is plagued by, or else you'll never know how to conquer it.
It's easy enough for a smart person to pass or force a retest of piss (lots of water, will flag for dilution, if you exercise which you should be, not an issue) or hair test (shave head, aluminum oxide from most deodorants will break down oxidases). Won't stay in blood very long.
Problem is, you're punished if you've ever ask for help.
Such is life.
I saw a general going on today about printing out redpilled flyers.
We should do that with the CIA and get a campaign for that. Millions of autists worldwide spamming towns with posters detailing previous CIA operations/scandals.
Especially with Vault 7 going on it could have some momentum. Especially with Trump winning this wiretap claim.
Realistically it will never go away without full public awareness of their shit to support dismantling it.