How can white bois compete ?
How can white bois compete ?
By watching
White guys are just as big we just don't brag about it because we have more going for us than our dicks.
Also porn is fake and they use angles to make dicks seem bigger than they are
>white guys are just as big
most girls hate slongs like that. is founded/owned by a Jew who deliberately seeks out the biggest nigger dicks he can to try and force meme this into the goyim consciousness.
Meanwhile the guy with the biggest dick in the world is a white NEET who lives with his mom in Brooklyn.
All the guys in blacked use a dick pump and injections to add an extra few inches for a few minutes.
Long enough to get a scene done. These videos are shot over the course of a few weeks because they can't give the injections that often. It really isn't as impressive as you think.
>14 inches
Fourteen inches?
Surely that's not even enjoyable for the woman
too bad that's as hard as it can get
The leaf strikes again
" Man with biggest penis in world registered DISABLED as HALF METRE member needs OWN PILLOW"
I imagine anyone with a dick that big can't really use it for sex. Probably kill the girl. I'd just brag I have a giant cock.
It's shopped.
>mods let nigger porn sit on the front page for 20 minutes but I get a warning for BRAAAAAAAAAAAP posting
Probably anal after too much precaution, or girls like broken doll misa
Having a dick that big must actually be really annoying.
Yeah goodbye fucking leaf
>when god gets sick of you complaining about your dick size so he reincarnates you with a dick too big
do blacked pay people to shitpost their content on Sup Forums?
This thread is not about politics. Please sage/don't comment and move on to Sup Forumstier threads.
Seriously dude. Sup Forums undeniably has the worst mods of any board.
They did win awards for their marketing strategies.
mods are kike niggers
i've got banned for some stupid shit
How come these niggers you cucks always post never seem to be able to get hard and their rubbery dick just hangs there?
that was a terrible scene
she wasnt into it at all
Nigger posts don't get deleted within a couple minutes now?
>How can white bois compete ?
by existing in reality?
i hope you get killed for it. you 12 year old faggot
god you make me angry! you stupid dense cunt
He probably can't get fully hard either, maybe a semi, but it'd take a lot of blood to get that thing erect.
Might make him pass out or something idk
Seems like it sucks tbqh
Because that's not the average black guy. Go on xtube and look at the real amateur black guys. pedogate thread now
seriously way too early for the blacked threads, gorofarms
It's fake, look at her tongue.
Daily reminder that girls nowadays are whores and they probably compete on how much of his cock they can take.
Just stop being insecure. Not all black men have huge dicks. It's truly a hoax. The fact that they post these shits is evidence of their own insecurity.
what all you have to do is scan some porn to see whites and blacks can have big Ds. Never see shit from the other races tho
so ya, blacks can have big cocks, whites can. most blacks have average cocks, most whites have average cocks ect.
again, back to my original point, only reason blacks brag about that is because they don't have anything else to brag about
Latinos can definitely have big dicks. No homo.
this is true too, but thats true of most big dicks. If you have a big dick its hard to fill it completely with blood and its kind of lose/limp even when fully aroused, girls confirm this online.
So in porn where you need to be hard for 20-50 minute scenes. its not possible wihtout drugs and gross injection shit and whatnot.
If the average man had a dick as big as a porn star that would be a problem for porn companies.
Big black dicks are a fetish, and a meme. They are designed for black women which are often fat, and have large asses. In most cases, women can only naturally take 4-7inches of dick so the remainder is irrelevant.
Mods fap to BBC porn. That's why it stays up for so long: they have to finish first
With actual intelligence and more money, fuck off monkey
alafantis is connected to the rothschilds
That's not 14 inches, someone just added that to the image. Looks like 8 inches, tops.
Also what happened to the dick head? Why is it so shruken and small? Also, where are his balls?
That dude Castro definitely pumps his dick. A lot of them are blessed but It's greatly exaggerated. The dude in the pic is probably about 9 inches in reality which is huge but not as huge as they make it out to be.
pizzagate investiaget
lolno. That's 9-10" at best. Insecure black beta feeling bad that the only recorded 14" dong belongs to a white man.
Have a job
the most annoying shit is that most of the graphics and cuck bullshit is actually spread by cucky middle aged white perverts and closet faggots. literally our own people are trying to undermine us. i doubt many black guys sit around making a sissy info graphic about bbc lmao
uh ya I forgot about them. i mean they are just a mix of white and indian and black anyway
It must be so humiliating to have a nice body and a small dick.
were are the testicles?
Now where's that Australian?
When I fuck girls with my dick they say "ow too deep" and i'm not even pushing 8 inches. Why the fuck would I want 14 inches when they are already saying ow? I like to get in deep and only being able to use half of my dick doesn't sound like a good time...
Porn stars always have tiny testicles. Probably from steroids and cumming way too much.
ya i mean some guys are insecure and they really don't believe dudes can have 9-10-11 inch dicks, which they totally can. But the point is large dicks like that are very rare so who gives a fuck and most girls cannot take that size comfortably (even if they get horny and "expand" or whatever). Every girl has some dumb big dick story which means statistically that they are running into 7 inche dicks and thinking they are the biggest thing they ever saw (which they probably are) and adding 2-3 inches in their head
>the quality of posts is extremely important to this community
Mods are cucks
cumming makes you balls shrink? wtf?
It would be no competition. This white boi has no gag reflex.
I mean I know for a fact this shit is bullshit cause I've seen black dudes in the locker room and they're not all swinging monster dicks. Go on Xtube the black dudes are not that big. There's huge white dudes on there too. This shit is just fucked up and I'm sick of being harrassed with it. I've been mind fucked by this shit since I started coming on/b/ at 13. A black dude paid me to suck my dick. No homo. Sometimes they get huge dicks from sickle cell. Their dicks get blood clots and it makes them huge as fuck.
>gathering all those black dicks and save them in your hard drive
What a fag.
in greece like this.
Responding to a post debunking black men all having huge penises. Gay Jew spotted.
by existing
remember to type sage into the options field
like I said its being pushed by white faggot cucks, jews and blacks themselves. But I can't blame the blacks they are just taking advantage of the jew gave them in terms of media exposure
>make porn with black outliers
>spend fortune on production
>market the shit out of it
It bothers me that your posts are being ignored, it seems important, so here's a (you), but really you need to start your own thread and post up links and information
In Sweden theres a tradition of getting your dick locked in a chastity cage when you become an adult. Watching BLACKED twice a day at least and licking creampies. If you dont do that you pay x2 taxes.
T. Sweden on vacation
>being this insecure
You had to debunk some dicks of other men on a Chinese cartoon website by gathering black dick pics..Sure, faggot.
>Dick almost 7" circumference
>Women see it and NOPE the fuck out
Turns out the prospect of having your cervix hit repeatedly by a probable criminal isn't all that appealing.
White ones look better and are not tiny. Nice mutilation and propagandas btw. Half of these are stick-on plastic penises
I'm not even the one who posted it you cuck bitch. Maybe he is insecure. He's getting told he's inferior for being white and he wants to disprove it. So what?
lol the fake dick is covering his balls
Seriously, that the fuck are mods doing?
>ID is jenis
You clicked on a thread about black dicks.
For those who want to call out the kike behind blacked here you go...
Anything over 7 inches is overkill. Studies show women prefer girth over length anyway.
stay classy pol mods. fkn idiots. 90 replies 60 ids. fkn idiots
Studies show women smell funny and give tooth jobs
>being this insecure over a picture
Gee, no wonder why White women are sick of White """""""""""""""men"""""""""""""""
>have massive dick like that
>live a life of fucking misery since you will never be able to go balls deep
Wow, so jealous of only being able to use half of my dick.
No it's a real dick. I watched the Video and on the member site of there are a few photos where you can see the balls as well.
Why has Sup Forums become so shit? Sage.
With love
There is, in fact, a limit to how much girth they like. I've fucked women who have given birth before and their face looked like they were in more pain than pleasure...
I am 7.25 inches long and 6 inches circumference and still feel inferior. Watching porn can destroy your self-esteem.
By getting a girl who isn't a nigger loving bitch.
I see you are on a different proxy you Aussie cunt
>Inb4 I'm a fag
Back in the day I was so bombarded by this black dick shit. I met a black dude off grindr who had a 9 inch dick. His dick was pretty huge but it wasn't nearly as big as you imagine when you're thinking of it like black men are supernatural or something. And he was a huge feminine faggot. I was not into it at all. And he even wanted me to fuck him. He told me he met a blonde guy who was a gay porn star who was even bigger than him. And he was into opera and shit.
Not surprised you're a black cock expert, Hans.
>lives with his mom
Son or not, no femanon lets that just walk away