I will date a black albino, like it or not. I will pretend she's white and we will be happy ever.
I will date a black albino, like it or not. I will pretend she's white and we will be happy ever
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probably your genes will correct her albino genes and you'll have brown offspring. saged.
I must admit, that skin shade is more appealing than usual in pictures of black albinos. Maybe because her eyes are normal?
Nothing will stop me from loving my black albino!
if you think about it black women have good shapes and are almost hairless
so if she has white skin it would be a top tier wife desu
Do black albinos have that particuliar stench regular nigs have?
Came here to post this
Yes. I wonder why.
That means it's not related to melanin.
Probably something about their sweat.
I had a black albino girl chase me around in undergrad. She was like 6' tall, 300 lbs., loud and stinky. She would not leave me alone for like three months straight.
When I worked in the dorms fixing residents' computers, we used to make the new guys handle her help requests as a kind of initiation.
Could be diet, could be grooming practices, could be the soaps they tend to wash with or deodorants they tend to use, could be they don't wash their hair enough.
You're maybe right but my intuition tells me nigger smell is genetic.
Asians too have a particuliar smell.
And according to blacks, white people have a distinct smell too.
It certainty has something to do with the bacteria that inhabit their skin.
what the fuck is this thing? how many nogs even are born like this?
it doesn't look human at all, more like an ayy lmao
>what did they mean by this?
Is it racist if I wanna paint her black?
>white albino
>superaryan with white hair
>black albino
>a miscolored nigger ayylmao
Idiots... Do you even know what A/X ratio Is? They are comparing levels of admixture.
You sure it wasn't a Yeti?
White albinos are cute as fuck
X/A ratio.is the ratio of frmales to males in a population... Nothing to see there
I think that is Iggy Azalea.