What went wrong?

What went wrong?

>What went wrong?

you where born, I am pro abortion now

nothing, it was all totally predictable

You're not dead yet

hahahaha shill delusion always cheers me up.


>President of the United States
>Smoking hot daughters
>Loving family

Clearly everything

The day your father ejaculated in your mother was wrong. The fact that you even live is wrong.

probably all the treason stuff


Shill shill go away come again another day

Nothing. Trump is doing a fantastic job so far with a couple of exceptions.


top kek

You wouldn't do that, would you? Just believe a random Sup Forums post without anything to back it up?


Flynn's testimony will see him in prison.

Sup Forums is to blame for supporting a retard.

Donald "I'm going to make Watergate look like cheating on a 3rd grade spelling test" Trump

>when people thought Sup Forums has actual influence and is now being raided or whatever all the time, but they don't realise there's a (-) button

And with Trump it went wrong from the start. It's not his fault, it's stupid Americans fault. Again they believed "change" and again nothing will happen. US politics are way to intertwined with business. Everything is paid for. As long as that huge corruption isn't fixed, nothing will change because it favours the status quo.

The world is filled with retards, and Sup Forums is no different. Only positive thing is that the amount of smart people is also higher.

honestly i think that the media just consciously destroyed the presidency. really it is an act of war against the american people.

Nothing. How else could we get President Mike "LGBTQ BBQ" Pence elected in modern degenerate America.

In soviet russia president destoyed media. and parlament. and courts. he literally usurped all the branches of power. But it seems any of the branches may usurp the rest. Now we need to see how court can walk all over those three.