/Swepol/ Make Sweden great again edition

In this thread we speak about Swedish and Nordic politics in general.
>Center party is surging according to polls.
>Liberals have declared that they also want to topple the government
>The SD train is still going strong with SD now stastically secured to be Swedens second largest party.
>Greens still getting btfo'd and expect to get kicked out of parliament next election.

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Först för Hell seger


Do you reckon NordFront will get any support in the '18 election?

I know SvP got jackshit along with the Swedish Front. I feel like NF can get at least a bit more support due to all the refugees and general right wing consciousness

If they get any steats then it will be the best day ever

They probably could mass about 5-6k votes but not more, SD eats up most nationalist votes which makes it hard for any other nationalist or conservative movement to pop up as SD pretty much have the trademarks for that.
The only way for Nordiska motstånds rörelsen to gain power would be through coup d'etat.

Nothing bad is happening in Sweden.


The only decent party to vote for is Fi. Tillsammans kan vi!

Meanwhile Kind refugee lauch grenade toward the police

It never was great. Only reason why you managed to keep your empire was because we fought the battles for you.

I doubt that. But Gustav Kasselstrand will probably start a new party that would be harder on immigration than SD and they would have a chance to get parliamentary seats.

kys faggot

You will go to the oven.

I wish you the best of luck. May the leeching roots that damage thy nation decay, and thy country shall thrive.

When Sweden eventually commit a genocide who will it be against. My vote is for the the faggot and feminists

Probably, muslims don't like them aswell so that is plausible.


Oresund bridge was a mistake, yes no?


Good luck lads

Remember, we're all counting on you.

Yes it is, A majority of rapefugees came over that bridge.
without it the 2015-2016 invasion would not even be 1/20 of what it was for us.

Yes it was built by danish niggers and it will destroy our country

I'd say faggots and feminists that are very active. Most of the normie cultural marxists will just stop being degenerates since there would be no one to virtue signal to.


1523 shall rise again oooooraaaah.
top kek.

Danes are the mud between the nordic countries and the aryan countries

One of our politicians wants to close it for Swedes because you guys bring bombs and guns over to Copenhagen

I saw on a recent millenial woes video that there was a law recently passed dealing with Danish immigration saying that it can't threaten the national identity to the point of making Danes a minority.

Is this true? I can't seem to find anything about it online.

gå till sverigetråden på Sup Forums så kommer du ångra dig att du vill kämpa för detta land

Fuck you vikings, you're the scum of the earth, just land invaders and rapists. You can't even understand what a farm is, you just burn the barn, eat the farmers and fuck the cows. That's why you have horns on your head, you cucks.

Literally the niggers of Europe.

Nigga you live on an island

Ja jag antar att pic releated är standard användaren av Sup Forums Sverige tråden

Fel bild

I know, it's fucking awesome.

Every time I get into my car made in Trollhatten I think about it's homeland being pillaged

Nästan. Allt bara bögar och transor som sitter och shitpostar hela tiden om deras patetiska liv

inte värda att slåss för.

I would get in my longship and rape and pillage you, But then i realized my longship is only seaworthy for rivers.
Fuck you motherfucker we will be back for you.

/svt/ är bra runt 20.00-02.00

So, is KD and MP going to lose all their seats in the next election?

You're probably talking about this


May be the law that will prevent Danes from becoming a minority in our 98 municipalities. It means nothing though as you only need citizenship and one of your parents being born in Denmark to be considered a Dane

Most likely and everyone will be happy when they do except for KP they are pretty nice actualy probably only the docent party in the blue block

FY FAN. Fy fan vad jag hatar svenska tjejer. Degenererade jävla horor som bara bedrar och ljuger. Det enda dom bryr sig om är sig själva och sin jävla "lycka" vilket innebär en lina från en pundares kuk eller varför inte resa in till ghettot. Jag gillar faktiskt terroristerna för dom dödar iallafall bort skräpet, nbögarna, från samhället. Hell fucking Seger.

/svt/ är cancer dygnet runt sålänge dom där hjärnskadade bögarna postar där kommer de aldrig vara bra

Du låter mer som en vidrig sand-apa än som en Svensk, ta livet av dig, tjockis.

oh noes, the vikings are coming !!!


Fy fan vad jag hatar svenska tjejer. Degenererade jävla horor som bara bedrar och ljuger. Det enda dom bryr sig om är sig själva och sin jävla "lycka" vilket innebär en lina från en pundares kuk eller varför inte resa in till ghettot. Jag gillar faktiskt terroristerna för dom dödar iallafall bort skräpet, nbögarna, från samhället. Hell fucking Seger.

nice rare

kek'd, I mean would you want to get raped by these fearsome anal cavity warriors?
I sure would not.

Ta livet av dig själv din ociviliserade grodätande önegger.

Jag är ledsen för hämska svensk
Jag hoppas SD vill inte förstöra demsjälva liksom PS gjorde här i Finland
I sista val PS hade 20%
Nu är de bara 10%
PS var dålig när de fick makt

Om sd fyller sina krav så skulle det vara bra. Annars kommer folket bara bli argare och då kommer dom äntligen resa sig. Så vi vinner hur som helst

This is just a socalist hell hole.

Blir så när man går med i en koalition och är mindre än sin samarbetspartner, Vi ser samma sak i Norge där FrP är renodlade cucks som inte har något mot att importera noggers.
SD är större än alla potentiella sammarbetspartners så dagordningen borde vara SDs ifall inte dom gör en Norge eller Finland.

conny... asgeir...*puss på snoppen* >dkn ingen pv
bög/r9k brevare måste dra åt helvete till tumblr

There's no frogs here... and i prefer lobsters.

Har försökt att få dem att inse att ingen vill ha dem där
lite svårt när 80% av alla inne på tråden är fucking beta hanor

Jag lovar att det är sånna jävlar som runkar till traps men vägrar erkänna att dom är bögar

SD will be the biggest party come election 2018.

It won't really matter though.

The next government will be a coaliton between S and C. It has already been decided.

>bli argare
haha, nej.
folk kommer snarare gå tillbaka till blockpolitiken då det "nya" inte funkade.

När du har tagit det röda pillret kan du inte gå tillbaka. Om sd bara är ett till bögpartie så kommer folk bara sträva mer efter förändring

>The next government will be a coaliton between S and C.

So, Annie Lööf has to eat her shoe then.

Hon kommer snarare behöva äta potatis kuk om hon inte vill bli helt utestängd

He already did.

It's called 'Alternativ för Sverige'.

Vote for him if you think SD is too mild instead of chucking your vote down the SvP/NMR drain.

Is it official now or is it still in the works of being made

Hur länge tills alla jävla senila som röstar på S dör?

När dom dör kommer vår nya generation som blivit indoktrinerade av skolan att växa upp. Undrar vilka dom kommer rösta på

tills en ny generation av pensionärer kommer


lel Annie löf var årets slayy bitch i sverige 2016

Malmo is Danish Clay

We should purge all swedes. Think about it. When you find madcow disease in some cows you play it safe and butcher every last one of the fucking cows. It is for greater good.

t. only knowledge of swedes is inside stockholm

Friendly reminder

What are the chances of a race war happening in near future in Sweden? Asking because I got a job offer from a Swedish company and I am really afraid of going because visiting Sup Forums seems that a race war is imminent.

Ta hand om dig själv,
Ta hand om din närmaste familj,
Ta hand om din förlängda familj,

Allt annat är sekundärt och skall ignoreras innan dessa är uppfyllda.

Misslyckas med detta är altruistiskt självmord. Ty vi vet naturligt att familj och starka band till närstående är vad som håller ihop vår vardag men vi har i en generation blivit intutade att den naturliga känslan vi känner för familj är lögn och att alla människor skall njuta samma lojalitet & respekt oberoende vad dom har för värde för dig.

Detta är den stora lögnen som i slutändan kommer välta civilisationer som inte är på sin vakt.

Vi är påväg dit, kanske inte i min generation, men i mina barns? barnbarns?

Spela spelet men bli inte beroende av det. När tillräckligt många människor inser detta då kan vi bygga ett land.

Stopping there won't be enough.

You are infected aswell.

what kind of job is it?

and no there wont be a racewar but we're not sitting here hoping it wont happen though.

Mixed terrorism and spurious riots: High.

Outright war: When we cut their gibsmedat.

>job offer
Pull the other one Jamal, it's got bells on.

min neger, bättre än Sven Hedin.

It's a C++ programming job for niche, safety critical applications. I have a good job here, it's only that their salary offer is very good.

Are these only limited to some areas or all over Sweden? The job is somewhere in Stockholme. Is it a good city? I'd like to avoid muzzie shits if possible.

Depends on how long you are going to stay, Permanently would be very dangerous.
But for a couple of months 1-2 years then you are most likely going to be fine unless something very big happens quickly.
If the economy crashes then it will become very bad.

Get real Swedebro, if you live inside tullarna in Stockholm you are not going to see a single degenerate (except for Sergel's Torg) and it is arguably the best place to live in Sweden.

t. carl axel that lives on norrmalmstorg

You know I am right.

If you live inside of tullarna that is literally degeneracy central #1 in Sweden.
Just look at Södermalm, Östermalm.
I'd rather anywhere else than there given how fucking many cucks and fags there is there.
It all comes down to if he can afford living there though or if there even is places available for rent.

Jo precis som USA...

This is delusion. The only places worth living in Stockholm if you want to AVOID degeneracy is inside tullarna or Danderyd/Lidingö. Östermalm degenerate? Get real, this is how I know you haven't actually been to these places or hang out with people from these areas.

I can agree that Södermalm is semi-degenerate but it is MUCH better than living with poor degenerate muzzies outside tullarna.

I'll give you a quick rundown.

Holyshit thanks.

This is very accurate.

Protip: The blue areas are the GOAT areas of Stockholm but are rather expensive. I can however guarantee that they are the cleanest and most non-degenerate places in Stockholm and that you will like it there.

Vad är felet med solna och hässelby?

White-trash, although AFAIK those areas are being gentrified at the moment.

Daily reminder that any claim by the Alliance parties that they will try to "topple the government" is bullshit. They don't have the balls because a snap election would benefit only SD.

you seem confused

>Missing literally hundreds of billions of SEK for their "everything for everybody" budget
>Have literally made claims that managing an economy is irrelevant
Only 18 year old girls and bitter lesbians vote for FI.


Sweden is already lost, we can only hope it destroys itself quickly now so other nordics can realize what's going on before it's too late.

vet några som bor i denna områden, klagar om arabjävlar som har flyttat dit
de tänker att flytta bort någon annan stans.

Det jag menar, går sällan utanför tullarna och ännu mer sällan till Solna men tycker det ser förjävligt ut där.