baptize this bitch and throw her out with the bathwater please
Crypto-Right shill, kill it with fire
not your personal army kid.
god i would fuck her so hard
the way your army performed in the war that mattered, i don't think we need you, lads
this is why Sup Forums is dying.
It isn't about the issues or the ideology or discussion anymore, it's about 'le epic memes xD'
These people literally think being right wing is a fashion movement.
>this is why Sup Forums is dying.
How do you kill that which is already dead?
fuck off back to r9k u insipid little sperg
honestly it's not as if she's gonna get that sweet ubermensch dick anyway she's a spic
Sup Forums isn't right wing, sure 80% of it has been but for years we tolerated but ridiculed everyone rather than wanting a safe space. keep it that way I say.
Still good tho. It's desensitizing the general public to extreme right wing ideas. Being seen as "hip" and "cool" is how the fucking leftists got into power in the first place. It's always been about memes friendo
Looks like a dream girl to me you beta fuck
i didn't know abos posted on this board
Hey faggot, we murdered 110,000 innocent people in a single night of firebombing.
Burial Ceremony
>anime right
never stick your dick in spic brother
>create fake account
>overlay a bunch of Sup Forums memes on a picture of a cute girl, so it can't be reverse image searched
>try (and fail) to get Sup Forums to PA your fake facebook account so you prove some narrative
yeah but we kicked you out, destroyed your tea, saved your nation in 2 world wars, and now currently allow you to exist while muslims rape your women, children, and dogs.
basically this
I'm looking at her profile right now
Wtf Sup Forums
Life wasn't supposed to hurt like this
>tfw no qt3.1488 gf
that's fucking it, I'm moving to russia soon
fuck this country and its roasties
she's commenting in a thread that i'm posting in and still writing shit so i can post proof it's not me
>n..nobody's that pathetic right?
How do you bury that which cannot be covered?
How about no faggot
Render it to ash
Not your army bae
you're right, she does look like a bogdanoff, and that's all she needs to be a dream girl
i know you're a leaf so you don't understand but please don't insult our fathers that way you will reap the consequences
Good to know there are like-minded people in my city.
> WE kicked you out
Hey now, rude
actually the opposite. it's desensitizing the extreme right into being more accepting of "normies", redditors, shit-skins, and leftism. the alt-right was already a meme tier cuck party, but the true extreme right, the 1488'ers, the "race realists", the ethno-nationalists, will be reduced to a husk of their former selves. some Sup Forumsacks think by that becoming mainstream, that they will be closer to achieving the extreme right's hidden agendas, while at the same time ignoring the fact that every time this has happened, it's only become corrupted and twisted beyond all recognition.
funny isn't it?
This, just stop it.
I knew this chick irl ama
before you ask, 90% chance her opinions are heavily influenced by her mother (who is essentially a hardcore Russian lady who doesn't take shit. Like vlad with a pussy).