Why do many atheists treat eternal oblivion after death as fact when there is no scientific proof that you only life once?
Why do many atheists treat eternal oblivion after death as fact when there is no scientific proof that you only life...
Buddhists are atheists yet they believe in some form of rebirth.
No afterlife, no accountability.
>good/evil is relative
Where the fuck does atheism imply relativism
Because you are your brain. When it ceases to process information, you cease to think and you cease to be.
Because it requires the fewest and smallest assumptions of the unknown.
what about biocentrist philosophy though?
>no scientific proof that u only live once
>doesnt mention no proof you live more than once either
Will you be my gay lover
>Why do many atheists treat eternal oblivion after death as fact when there is no scientific proof that you only life once?
Because atheism is the highschooler's first attempt as philosophy.
If there's no proof for either then why not actually seek a meaningful life that goes outside of simply trying to make peace with nothingness and become a sad depressed pathetic nihilist.
at* philosophy
They're not really atheists in the modern sense where they don't believe in any metaphysical or spiritual truth and just scientific mechanical and logical truth.
They have faith in a model of reality
I know, but they're not theists in the Biblethumper sense either.
“to call the world God is not to explain it; it is only to enrich our language with a superfluous synonym for the word world” -Arthur Schopenhauer
As William James said
To be a real philosopher all that is necessary is to hate some one else's type of thinking.
I agree. I stand by what I wrote before too.
atheism is just not believing in a god, geeze what's wrong with just believing there's nothing more to the sun rising that the fact that its just rising..
fuck the atheist community for treating the rest of the world like the vegans treat it.
cos there's no evidence that you do live more than once. Science dictates that something doesn't happen unless you scientifically prove it does.
The theory of an afterlife is, ultimately, unfalsifiable. I hope you understand that this weakens it as a theory.
I agree with you wholeheartedly, Im just expanding on how such mediocre rejection of theism/agnosticism actually is considered something worth talking about
Atheists, like theists, claim to know more than they can reasonably be expected to know. Agnosticism may be an unsatisfying position, but it is at least intellectually honest.
Is that supposed to be an argument, my Hindu friend?
I'm an atheist and I respect everyone's beliefs long as they aren't Muslim, almost my whole life, ive been treated like garbage because im an atheist.
But I'm still not gonna bash them because they do it to me.
Occam's razor. The simplest explenation (without miracles an divine intervention) is usually the correct one. The burden of proof lies with the extraordinary claim.
Most academic philosophers lean towards atheism rather than theism though: philpapers.org
>not believing in meme magic
>there are christcucks browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who believe in demonic possession and ghosts and exorcisms but consider themselves redpilled and smart
How do you know your brain is what it says it is?
Does your brain have special self-aware chemicals?
Science doesnt dictate shit, it only observes and describes reality as far as it can be observed and described.
I mean, there is obviously so much more out there, remember the CIA documents showing remote viewing works?
What annoys me is that these retarded atheists consistently confound rejecting dogmatic, outdated, religious thinking to a completely a utter rejection of anything that doesnt fit their pre-baked view of reality.
They are as dogmatic in their worldview as the religious nutjobs they criticize, always rejecting anything extraordinary and almost as if taking sadistic joy in transforming the world in a place where there is no gods, no magic, no powers, no destiny, just a bunch of monkeys fucking.
what exactly does atheists claim to know? i often hear that other religions claim atheists claim something they never claimed more than them actually claiming something. all i claim is that i personally dont believe and that's it.
>there are fedoras and larpagans right now that think they're right-wing
In time, with enough instruments, and theorical understanding of different dimensions, it would be possible to test these theories, we might even be able to contact the dead, but theres also nothing to say the afterlife is gonna be as 'promissed'
Friendly reminder that one cannot be truly moral if one is an atheist, and that all true atheists (such as those described in OP's pic) are nihilists.
>life has no inherent meaning therefore creating expectations and order in society is oppressive
>red pilled
>there are christcucks who think they are white nationalists
They know evolution of species works. I think thats it.
>Why do many atheists treat eternal oblivion after death as fact when there is no scientific proof that you only life once?
Atheism means you don't believe in god. There is no statement about what happens with you after life since there is lack of knowledge.
The burden of proof is on the people that claim knowing what happens afterlife.
He said "why do many atheists treat.."
Learn to fucking read
>he made a board on cripplechan for the sole purpose of being assblasted about christianity
I think it's more about retaining your consciousness and memories after death rather than there being a life after death. In a sense, ALL OF US are living walking afterlives of the things that had to die to put food on our plates. The energy that was in their bodies have now become parts of us that we carry with us, essentially giving their body a life after death. I think one of the great ironies with humans is that we deliberately have rituals that prevent us from entering that cycle of letting our life force pass on into an afterlife. We cremate, lock up, and make all sorts of efforts to preserve our bodies, afraid that we'll get eaten up by worms that may get eaten up by birds that will literally allow parts of us to fly in heaven. I see a certain kind of beauty in that kind of afterlife, but I guess most people just don't.
Edward Fesser
CS Lewis
Their is another answer to modernity my friends. Seek it and ye shall find.
oh yeah, and this does ultimately have nothing to do with eternal oblivion after death.
Atheists essentially claim the opposite to theists. A theist says there is an afterlife, an atheist says there is no afterlife. A theist says there is a god, an atheist says there is no such thing etc.
However, some people use agnostic and atheist interchangeably, so the above may not apply. In this case I'm assuming atheist refers to somebody who claims religion in false, and not somebody who is just skeptical.
you are the one who lacks reading comprehension, based on my answer you can understand why many atheist believe in oblivion after death since it's the default scenario that would happen unless someone can prove otherwise.
Now go back to the jungle.
>Deus vult! Let's kill some Muslims!
>Oops wrong turn
>Oh well, let's kill some Christians!
Atheism means one thing and one thing only. Disbelief in god.
Disbelief or dissociation from religion is called irreligion. Buddhism is an example of an atheistic religion.
>life has no inherent meaning therefore creating expectations and order in society is oppressive
life has no inherent meaning but creating expectations and order in society is nessesary to achieve more safe and prosperous level of life.
And "creating social order" really is opression anyway, even if there is god. In most religions god opresses humans
>finding a meaning in life means ONLY believing in jewish sandnigger fairy tales and nothing else
I've always wondered this. We are conscious. Before this, there was nothing. So if consciousness sprang out of nothingness once before, why can't it happen again? How do we know that we weren't conscious before this existence? There is still so much to learn about consciousness. That's the key to understanding the world.
Except democracy isn't truth.
While that is the literal definition, most people who consider themselves atheists today don't believe in any type of spirituality whatsoever.
Exactly. This is why it puzzles me why so many atheists are convinced and assertive about nothingness after death.
>hittin' up the studio
>lives off of welfare
>makes videos in his car
Kek, Varg acts like a typical negro.
True, but regardless, the philosophers polled are not "high schoolers", as you put it.
truth be told as a disbeliever, if i actually had to be scientific about afterlife the best answer i can provide is "i dont know", i mean my opinion is .. its probably rather unlikely that there is one, mainly because i've died once (yes literally) for 3 minutes but was revived with defibrilators, din' see anything. but this just raises another question for after-life believers. How long would one need to be dead for a new life to begin?
idk man im just theorising
atheism is full retard.
>t-t-t-they're not TRUE christians!!!!
All atheist movements have been perpetrated by Jews.
(((Atheism))) was the downfall of western society. All (((atheist))) leaders are of Jewish blood. If you are (((atheist))) you are probably a Jew.
You know who is not a true christian donald trump
If life wouldn't be unique, it would be relatively worthless.
Also: I don't demand to be everywhere. Then why should I demand to be every time?
Kek. It's pretty true tbqh.
Buddhists believe in gods but think that one shouldn't try to understand their nature or worship them as it is an obstacle to reaching enlightment. Also a god can not reach enlightment
I dont know what happens after you die, but I do know that under stress you feel like time is slowing or speeding up more than it normally feels like, so my assumption is that once about to die, your brain enters a state of shock that slows everything down and you possibly manage to dream for what feels like a very long time. I dont know of there's an actual afterlife in another body like holy texts suggest, but what I do think is some variation which seems plausible to me.
Well how if being dead is like you've never lived. What you said would only make sense if after you died you would still have memories or the sense of accomplishment of living a fulfilled life.
Religion is smart, it's easy for leaders to take control over normies in a specific area and make them follow crazy laws. Great political system
I have a quite clear opinion of death: To me it's the same as being unconscious. NOTHING. No thoughts, no fear, no time, no space. When I am unconscious it doesn't matter if I revive or stay dead for ever, because there is no will, no suffer, no need.
Where's the proof that i wont come back as a giant unicorn with a massive cock and fuck the dalai lama to death?
Its almost like the burden of proof is on you.
Really made me think...
Ocham's razor is literally an excuse for not giving arguments.
Not chemicals, but a whole system of biochemical processes.
Yeah i really love betting on which of the 10 million religions will prevent an eternity of torment in the afterlife. So sorry you were born to a Jewish family and raised on those values so you get to burn in hell because some obscure 10 person religion on the other side of the world you never heard of for your entire life is actually the correct religion. whoops
Because the belief of atheism has no basis for morality, atheism as a belief has to borrow from other religions to substantiate some moral groundwork to stand upon.
Since atheists deny the existence of God, they use that as a platform to deny things that come with religion, like morality....so, yes, moral relativism is part of what makes up the belief system of all atheists.
...conclusively, no atheist can make the claim that child pornography or cannibalism is wrong. Why? Because they don't believe in a right or wrong. Or a Good or bad. They have to borrow that reasoning from Christianity.
Religious morality is even more vapid by that logic, you essentially only think something is wrong because a big man in the sky told you its wrong. Atheists at least require arguments for why something is bad for society and hence wrong.
being this deluded by materialism that you believe the concept of God is about a man in the sky shooting lightnings at people
You still believe something is wrong purely because somebody told you it is.
I don't actually.
Then explain to me why a biblical basis of morality is more solid than an atheistic one.
well.. in life everything gets recycled, nothing gets lost. if you want to call it "rebirth" go ahead
Because they make sense to me when I look at everything from a different angle. You probably wouldn't get my sense of thinking because you probably see everything in mechanical interactions.
Atheism doesn't preclude an ontological religiosity. Buddhists are technically atheists. All it means is you don't believe in a divine creator. The presence of the human soul is reconcilable with the absence of an intelligent god.
Too many of them believe in Anunnaki to be taken seriously.