BRAVE Jewish Children Gather to Sing "I'm Not White, I'm Jewish."
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The Jews always project their insecurities. They really do wish they were white, thats why they always want to race mix with them.
>referring to whites as they
That seems to me like you're a shitskin
Get out
They're finally admitting it.
That user is clearly referring to Jews, leaf.
I was referring to the kikes as "they". Reading comprehension not your strong suite? Are you a kike projecting non whiteness onto others? Hi shariablue spreading division.
Read it again
>they want to race mix with them
In this case, he's referring to Jews and whites
Clearly, since there's two "they"s with support for one group, whites fall into one of those "they"s
Hence, seeing as he's referring to whites from an outside viewpoint, he's likely a shitskin
But they are white they're German or Russian mainly and even Dutch
Seriously this is stupid
Muhammad stop shitting up our boards you fucking pig refugee.
>Constantly remind their children that they aren't white so they don't rebel and assimilate into the western culture with white gentiles
They are only white when its convenient.
Rabbis and ultra Zionists always tell themselves they are different and they are persecuted (they aren't) to keep themselves from assimilating in host cultures. They false flag hate crimes to make Jews perpetually fear gentiles and never associate with them except when it is in their best interest.
Fuck off 60%, I'm trying to point out sand niggers or chinks LARPing as being white
If he were white, he would have said something like "they want to race mix with us"
>He thinks the G-d chosen people are even humans
lel @ u
Hi newfag, using "we" and "us" is forbidden on pol you pig fucker. This much projecting makes me think youre probably an indian street shitter, kike or shariablue employee. Street shitters are only second to kikes in their use of projecting their insecurities onto others.
the sad thing about jews is everything in their genetics demonstrates they are not a race at all. no dominant mtdna nor ydna haplogroup and phenotype which is inbred and typically most similar to that of the host populations.
so "not white" basically means "anti-race" that is, they literally are just mongrels. neither one race nor another.
which is fine to be inbred mongrel. but they should not be proud of their "race" and put their noses up to everyone when literally they are not even a real race in any natural sense. they are a false race. built on interbreeding with themselves and only added as needed the genetic material of host populations... in order to blend in.
which is fine and all.
but "not white, i'm jewish..." what does that even say?
"i'm not white, i am an inbred mongrel"
which is confirmed by FACT of genetic research. undeniably.
and since their old testament follows "seeds" that is, bloodlines, and there is no exclusive male bloodline... well then FACTS PROVE that the REAL jewish bloodlines are not exclusively even in the hebrew population.
for example haplogroup J or E are predominant among nonjews. so if abraham or david were a real person, then their bloodline does not belong to the jews.
FACTS. so please all of you read what i wrote and do the research for yourselves.
literally science fact proves the davidic and abrahamic bloodline is not exclusive to Jews!!
therefore, by fact, we have to ADMIT that if there really were a david and abraham, then we have to accept that the jewish bloodline is not really the blood of modern jews. it is property of many races.
and some jews belong to this bloodline, but NOT all. and most in those bloodlines are NOT JEWISH! this is SCIENTIFIC FACT.
>we wuz Europeans
>we wuz Semites
>we wuz white just like you goyim
>we have claim to middle eastern land
When will these people make up their minds?
Are you fucking stupid? Do you just make shit up to justify your idiocy?
>inb4 (((wikipedia)))
Cam one of you explain to me how jews aren't white?
Because they say they arent themselves?
How can they be white and middle eastern at the same time?
no, you are stupid because you do not really understand the genetics.
because jewish population has similar autosomal DNA is due to interbreeding. but this does not real it is a REAL race coming directly from a single, exclusively jewish bloodline.
of course ydna has subclades exclusive to jews, the actually haplo GROUP is not exclusive to jews. yes, there are subclades, but the original bloodline is not exclusively jewish.
you don't like me saying this likely because you want to say it is a RACE. but it is not really a race coming from its own bloodline. instead it is many bloodlines passed through autosomal jewish groups(which ahve their own DNA due to interbreeding. but they do not have a paternal jewish lineage all jews are descended from. instead the haplogroups exist more in other races than they do in jews.
for example haplogroup E1b1b1 is found in ~1/3 of all jews. but jews claim a common lineage from fathers line as well as mothers.
ydna and mtdna never change in meiosis. ydna and mtdna are unchanging except for minor mutations.
but even with the mutations, the bloodlines are NOT orignally jewish. only thing jewish is the autosomal DNA, which is retained due to isolationism and interbreeding.