YRYL - Webm Edition

post your best lads

vid related is from German refugee camps

what the actual fuck did i just watch




back to you heathen degenerate!

Get out

I recognise that thumbnail don't worry lads its nothing bad.

Is it strange not even this makes me feel queasy at all. How fucked am I?

Kek, $1000 beauty mascara

I cant watch on phone. What is it? Duetsche scheiss und glaube spielen?


Really makes you think, doesn't it.

so, did that make his hair look better?

I don't want to live on this planet anymore...

>what the actual fuck did i just watch

The logical conclusion of leftism.

Just the smell of these things would make me gag and possibly puke, how does this guy (?) not pass out from this shit (no pun intended) ?

Literal aussie shitposting

I can't unwatch it

>There is nothing wrong with being a homosexual xxDDdD!

I imagine he's quite used to it.


wtf i hate refugees now

>literally aussie shitpost

that wasn't a pun, pierre.

>mfw never watch fucked up gifs and just read everyone's reactions


Its not that bad user.

Nice try cunt lmao
ur not imparting your trauma onto me

You Retch You Lose?

Consider me lost.