>a nigger can't be a naz-
A nigger can't be a naz-
says who?
the black person we need.
We love our African Nazi's, don't we folks?
heil demetrious
yeah, much love to all natsoc negros that want to or went back to their african homelands and make them great.
>you know 6 million jews were killed
>i have no comment on that
Who said that?
>Battlefield 2 (2018) sneak peaks
If they stay here and promote the nuclear family in their communities while screaming and hollering at dumb gangbangers, who am I to judge? It would be great. A nationalist surge in the African-American community would be deadly to the left. They are not afraid to name the Jew.
Kek. Probably the campaign is going to feature a tranny jew as the main personage killing nigger nazi's.
Ironically it's a Black Nazi that are more likely to embody the spirit of liberal "equality" ideals than the entirety of the left..
He truly believes blacks could thrive without white people. It's an ideal libs pay lip service to, but not a single one would dare put the ideal into practice.
Fash uniforms are by far the most aesthetic AND functional.
I always thought what the founders did with Liberia was the optimal solution. Send the ex-slaves to Liberia and have them enslave the inferior Africans. John Wilkes Booth fucked everything up
odo from st:ds9?
Fuck dude, that guy completely breaks the lefts narrative, the only angle that have on us when we wage that angle is "racist" or "make america white again right?"
They literally have nothing to say to him. If more blacks came onboard the left would be in a complete fucked up spot.
Dude looks p sharp in that photo desu
Who is this honorable man?
Holy shit, this guy is great.
>tfw there is at least one nog who says that whites have a right to stop race-mixing
He is not a nigger you piece of shit.He is a black man
And if you believe that Hitler hated other races or a non white can't be a N/S i have bad news for you
Let me give you the point of view of a non white.
>You know your weaknesses, you're aware of IQ, you're aware of the fact that somehow along the generations, some of your parents fucked up and mixed or migrated to a territory in which they didn't belong. That trait is now yours, you don't belong.
>You don't hate whites. If anything, you think you had a big chance to live here and receive "western education" in its limits
>Some non whites decide that they don't fit in, so they want to change it so it suits their supposed past, or just want to destroy out of simple rage, with the usual "we live badly, so we get revenge by behaving like total tools", they are the ones people identify you to. You don't think so, nobody cares, you are on your own and still decide to not be like those ungrateful ones.
>You decide that they may never fit in, they then decide to adopt a view that is not supposed to be yours in the eye of everyone
>You then become "white nationalist nazi" which is a simple way of saying that you think that your past culture is irrelevant, you sometimes don't share any point with it, you only know the past of the country you live in, so you get attached to it, you see the good parts and want to contribute to it, you are now a "mean uncle tom/trying to be more white than the whites", call it like you want
>You are isolated, your white friends are leftists and you are now more aware of racial tensions, you are now more aware of inequalities, you are now more aware things your white friends don't get.
>You can joke about racism but people don't take you seriously.
>You want to befriend the real racists with whom you share opinions.
>You lurk on Sup Forums and silently laugh in your room to racist jokes and collect data
>You will never be accepted either by Sup Forums nor by society.
>You wonder what you can do to do your part to save your declining society while still being perceived as an enemy.
>Only thing you can do is to not breed to not racemix further
Please delete this
Malcom X basically was a Nazi, he hated jews for funneling money out of the black communities and wanted his own ethnostate. It's funny how liberals try to hide this or are too stupid to know that they say how great and inspirational he was.
holy shit uncuck yourself stupid faggot. Based on your beta attitude alone, you shouldn't reproduce with anyone.
This! Some Sup Forums hero find him please!
You're right. We will always hate you. Kek hates you too
Nogzis are great. Don't ever race mix with them, but don't kill or belittle them either. Nogzis fight for the white race and the black race.
I never thought I would utter these words but that nigga is looking suave.
I noticed that black people who aren't lazy who want to work but can't get a joke usually are woke AF and know about the Jewish problem. A college buddy of mine who is black nonchalantly shared the protocols of the elder zion on facebook after he was unemployed for 5 months and mad about it.
so it's BBNC now?
Dumb ass Greek nigger,
Niggers are a beast of the field, that's what the bible says he's an animal that's why we can't mix it's a sin. Read your bible
i like that guy
Sounds scary
Just advocate for your country be colonised again, then you can go home and still be french
>exposes the Jews
>wants race-mixing to stop
>wants to ethnically seperate blacks from whites
>hates lefties
>wants niggers to stop acting like degenerates
I support this man, he's one of the very few redpilled black people out there
Finally one of the few I can call a man - we need more like him!!
What would a truly modern national socialist flag be like?
The swastica is a foregone symbol and cannot be used again.
He is not a nigger he is a proud black man of upstanding moral character. THIS is what civic nationalism is really about
That sounds terrible. Non-whites should probably go chill somewhere else so they don't have to feel this way. Just awful desu.
Fuck the shills in this thread this guy is fucking amazing
I'd buy him a beer right now but he'd probably decline and call me a degenerate for drinking alcohol
This man is awesome
Bow to your Kang fool
normies indeed freak out too much when they see a swastika
a modern flag could perhaps include the nazi eagle or the fascist axe
Are we approaching some kind of fash-point?
Look schlomo it's time for you to leave
And take my tax money with you
> Every race has the right to exist
When I say "fuck niggers" it's mostly to trigger the shit libs. Altough there is a difference between a nigger and black person
The best you can do is to order in your life and slowly red pill people
No there isn't you stupid left faggot, a nigger is what they're called, just like how chinks are called chinaman that's the name for their race. Black is the colour of their skin
a white flag ?
they said that about the pentagram and look at metal bands now
we can reclaim it.
stfu faggot. you don't have to pretend on an mongolian nazi suit sewing forum
"make african great" top kek. you just want them OUT so own up to it instead of pretending you care about their welfare
Adolf Hitler’s Armed Forces: A Triumph for Diversity?
Non-non-white here.
France is doomed, people like you, rootless hopeless mongrels, are the future of France, the Third-world is the future of France.
And the ones able to make that stop, like me, are GTFO out of disgust for the subhumans and greater disgust for their kin that either allowed or voted for it.
Note that while obviously hostile due to the ideas contained in it, my post is descriptive in nature.
heil hitler
fuck so close to trips
no he's actually right.
Nigger is not their race, as there are white niggers and latino niggers and so on.
It means ignorant, unaware, stupid, misinformed, savage, uncivilized, etc.
It IS an accurate description of many blacks, but it is no way 100% true.
The NAXALT fallacy works both ways.
You people would gladly let his kind outbreed us just because he understands the problems the world faces.
He should be working on finding a homeland for likeminded blacks, away from white countries.
>the swastika is perfect
If you're afraid to use it, you're afraid to fight.
The best thing you can do gentleman is to be the ones talking about these problems.
When Whites do it, we are called racists, xenohobic and can even lose our jobs but if a minority starts speaking truth, especially to Whites, you can be a red pill bomb. Especially if you talk against race mixing for example and its consequences
Nazi niggers are the best. They rip a hole in the liberal butthurt continuum. BTGOW
red pilling in the process here, is there any info behind these men? I've never seen these pictures before
unironically like aesthetic black nazis, would help remove undesirable elements (of all colors) with
I'm racist and I'd be your friend, black person. :'(
Perfect black bros dont exist-
don't you realize you're a living weapon against their ideologies?
>better posture
>better clothes
>better opinions
>pose filled with strength and pride
Its true, being a natsoc makes a man even out of a worthless nigger.
>you agree it was a poor business decision to wear a swastika?
>yeah, I'm not supposed to mix business with pleasure
My favorite line.
>I’ve never had this actually occur to me, but I sometimes imagine what I would say if an African person walked directly up to me and asked me how I could hate them simply for being African, an idea no doubt many have had planted in their minds about those who identify as white nationalists. And I would respond like so:
>I do not hate you as an individual, nor do I hate you as a collective race. In fact, I think you and your race, like all other unique races of man which populate this Earth, are capable of incredible and beautiful things. In particular, I love your food and much of your music and you have had a history of enduring hardships which has made your current position in society and as a person incredibly admirable. And all of those things are exactly the reason why I am an ethnonationalist, because I recognize the true beauty of your race and culture just as I recognize that of my own and that of the East Asians and of Natives and all other, simultaneously similar yet incomprehensibly different populations of mankind. I do not want to see us all thrown into a big melting pot where none of us have a sovereign country from which to act as a unified community. I do not want to see a forced playground of diversity where inevitable conflict, division and strife stemming from our inherent biology interfere with your race’s ability to unite as a nation and to work together as a community, just as I don’t want it interfering my own.
You're a dumb cunt, even in the 1960's in Canada they were called niggers. If you don't call them a nigger you've fallen for the dumb leftists revisionism.
They can't change our language it's nigger it always has been and always will be.
Well a nigger can not be nazi.
Thing is he is a black person not a nigger.
Honestly, it would be better for both us and them if we were separate, but if it comes down to it, there is no need to be nice when we tell them (or force them) to fuck off.
>I’ve said before that if an African ethnostate established in a portion of modern America were proposed, more Africans would support and be excited for the idea than any other group despite the fact that it would be universally beneficial. I think minorities know the concepts I’ve talked about better than anyone; being a minority in a nation can easily make you feel outcast, lonely, misguided. And why wouldn’t it? You’re surrounded by a much larger population and culture of people who do not share your ideas or wants or history or tradition, and are ruled by a government who mostly doesn’t resemble you or have your needs in mind.
>Of course, on the other side of the coin, an ethnic group who founds and is the majority in a nation suddenly sees a large and evergrowing influx of people who do not share their culture and ancestry. How do you not expect them to feel threatened? Terrified? Their way of life is being slowly but surely removed and replaced by something different before their very eyes, and it’s not like it’s just a war they can fight in and win; nobody is being actively violent or trying to take you over as if it’s an armed conflict. And yet the threat still remains. This is where the inevitable and eternal division which infects all multicultural societies comes from, and that disconnect with the country, the constant sensation of being at threat, in danger; that is why multicultural societies will never have the prosperity, the happiness, the willingness to help each other that an ethnostate comprised of people whom an individual can easily project themselves onto has. That is why I fundamentally believe that you will never have a government which serves the people without a populace that wants to as well. And a populace constantly at its own throat, through the fault of nothing but nature, will never wish to serve itself as a collective. Greed and selfishness of the individual becomes the status quo.
Shilling is a kike's job.
If you need shilling, it means you're doing something wrong and are probably wrong and in a need to convince people.
Truth does not need shilling.
The problem is that it's not my country. I went there like 5 times when I was a kid, and since then, I don't know anything about it.
For the ones who don't feel like they belong to the country they live in, it's relevant because yeah, they still identify as "Algerian" or "Moroccan" or "Tunisian" or whatever.
The "non white nazis" don't.
You consider yourself as sort of an adopted son of the country. You know you're not 100% blood and you know that you're not either a foreigner. You're in the middle.
There is nothing worse than being in a transitional state forever.
The everlasting liver eating of Prometheus.
The everlasting rock rolling of Sisyphus.
The everlasting trying to eat and drink while it gets further every time he Tantalus tried to reach for food and water.
RWDS, nonwhite battalion when
newfag detected.
nooo... why not make it more exotic?
a black/chinese jewish tranny
Don't you benefit more from all whites being leftist though? Yeah, there are hard biological truths like IQ and racial adaptation to certain climates, but surely you can just forget about it and happily collect your affirmative action privileges while the white man is busy undoing his legacy. You don't have to be a racist just because it's true.
that was the implied joke retard
>The reality is, a society and population works best when its people are fully homogenous. When an individual of a society can easily identify with and project himself onto the greater cultural makeup of his nation, he is invigorated with purpose. He is driven to help his countrymen, to see his land succeed and to prosper. I believe that this is one quality which is universally present within all races. But it’s not just about working best; if there is one truth I have never been more certain of, it is that when a human lives among his own tribe, he is at his happiest and most peaceful.
>I am a white nationalist not because I hate everyone, or wish to enslave or genocide everyone, or anything of that nature. I am a white nationalist because I want to see humanity succeed as a collection of diverse tribes and not a homogenized blend lacking in identity. I want every person on Earth no matter their origin to be at their most prosperous and successful. I want cultures and histories and traditions and races to have a right to exist and to operate with the goal of continued existence in mind, especially mine and my family’s. I want to be able to go on a vacation and experience the cultural essence and beauty of Asia before returning to my own country where those same Asians can experience my own culture, without having to worry that the two may conflict with each other or that one will come to dominate the other as in a single country or that I will be judged as a racist for daring to prefer a place where I can easily connect with my own and what’s familiar.
>You don't have to be a racist just because it's true.
Any man who denies truth because it is inconvenient is not a man, but a boy.
Any boy who abuses the ignorance of others is not a boy, but an animal.
>The swastica is a foregone symbol and cannot be used again
says who? the jews? frak 'em it's our symbol of hope, future and good fortune.
it's not forgone, it's more alive than ever
that's the french flag, you're not gonna steal their flag do you? you naughty man :p
>It is interesting to me that when most people argue for diversity or multiculturalism, they really want the exact opposite. I don’t see a nation consisting of a mish mash of races and cultures being slowly, forcibly mixed together a beacon of celebration for the diverse nature of humanity. It is the exact opposite, in fact; it is the gradual extermination of the world’s diversity, in my opinion a crime just short of actually destroying it through direct force. What sounds more diverse to you: A globe of nations consisting entirely of mixed, unidentifiable races, with no real recognizable history or original culture or tradition, or an entire planet of sovereign ethnostates each operating as their own independent and thriving centers for their identities, histories, and traditions. A world in which we still interact with and trade and connect with those of differing cultures, while still maintaining sovereignty and a sense of connection as an ethnic group.
Keep calling the beast of the field a man then, and when your daughter commits bestiality because she was tricked by you into thinking a nigger is a man don't be upset if she ends up in Hell
oh you're the leaf flat earther aren't you?
or the flat leafer as I call you
Use the reverse one? You can literally become a religion of peace then
And yet we rely on such animalistic criteria as IQ and skin color. Let's rise above our animal nature and open the borders then. No? Didn't think so.
Any man who denies he is an animal is a not a man, but a faggot.
Why not? We have black Hitler in our country.
The problem isn't with the migrants per say as they didn't just let themselves in -- they were accepted into the country. The problem is with leftists. The problem is therefore ideological at its core. If you solved the white leftist problem (ideological problem) you would solve the immigration problem. How do you solve it? Take back control of the education system and take back the culture. This is the only way.
Nazis are niggers.
Their whole existence is being a failure and trying to blame someone else.
Is this what they called WOKE ?
Mocka Master is the hero the world needs
i feel you bro. try to find a gf of your color that isn't a liberal whore and redpill her. I know it will be hard but it's hard for all of us. You should also start a youtube channel and btfo the cucks just by existing. You could even earn shekels and you'll get affirmative action from us
ugh one of these fags again
the term 'animal' in this instance means 'uncivilized'. An animal has no borders, no nation, no culture.
The separation between Man & Beast is metaphorical, not literal
but by all means shit all over everything because you're too dense to grasp philosophical concepts. Now you're going to split hairs like Destiny arguing against Sargon.