> Niggers have boards in their schools to dis white people without consequence.
Goddamn niggers.
> Niggers have boards in their schools to dis white people without consequence.
Goddamn niggers.
Other urls found in this thread:
? Wut
> Black people
> Pretty
> Ever
Are you a nigger?
No but i'm shitty at english. Too much ES and milk in funland.
>black people will never know what it's like to take pride in being descended from the master race that kicked everyone else's asses and took ownership of the entire world
if all i had to be proud of was mud huts and malcolm x i'd be pissed too
>Black people can say this shit publicly and liberals defend it.
>At the same time they'll scour through years of internet posts and attempt to dredge up old private conversations just to find one instance of a white person talking negatively about a black person so they can use it against them.
go prep the bull francis
If you have shit like this in your school in open view of everyone and you walk by it silently and do nothing, you are an absolute pussy and not white. Rip this shit down. Shout that it's racist. Challenge students and faculty to defend it on the spot.
You aren't wrong. That is a reasonable reaction. Do not let them get away with this.
>Being friends with me does not make you an ally Fighting for people who look like me does.
Nice grammar nig nog.
I've got thicker sound than that. Because I'm white. That sort of emotional overreaction is what the liberals do and I won't lower myself to it.
>dear white people
>Please learn your history, your actual history - learn how "your people" have oppressed, occupied, killed, colonized, and played a critical role in the destribilization of countries around the WORLD before you ciritice "my people" learn what role "your people" have played.
>A Middle Eastern or Arab American student
Jesus Christ, does these people not know anything about Arab history? The Arabs tried to do what we eventually did, but they were too inbred to actually make it a success
>Bernard Lewis writes: "In one of the sad paradoxes of human history, it was the humanitarian reforms brought by Islam that resulted in a vast development of the slave trade inside, and still more outside, the Islamic empire." He notes that the Islamic injunctions against the enslavement of Muslims led to massive importation of slaves from the outside.[118] According to Patrick Manning, Islam by recognizing and codifying the slavery seems to have done more to protect and expand slavery than the reverse.[119]
>Arab or Islamic slave trade lasted much longer than Atlantic or European slave trade: "It began in the middle of the seventh century and survives today in Mauritania and Sudan. With the Islamic slave trade, we're talking of 14 centuries rather than four." Further, "whereas the gender ratio of slaves in the Atlantic trade was two males to every female, in the Islamic trade, it was two females to every male," according to Ronald Segal[127]
White men stand up for themselves. What would you do, make a snarky comment about it and retire for tea?
Nice. I can sleep well now found a new pic of my fetish. Thank you funlander.
it's very unlikely you are descended from one of those cultures. the majority of white people never engaged in active warfare against native peoples. we are talking the 0.0001% of whites who were genuine explorers/travelers/conquerors. most likely you are the descendant of poor farmers/homesteaders. if you've any irish or italian blood then you are most likely descended from nigger-tier immigrants who came from poverty in the 1900's. not much to brag about.
Tell papa I said hi
I agree to a certain extent. However, that's walking a fine line between being a cuck and taking the high road.
Freedom of speech nigger, I would put up a complaint about niggers.
Dear Niggers,
can you save some chicken for the rest of us?!
>don't fetishize me
Thought it said "Don't levitate me".
Fuckin whitey, always magicking the black man up
You only need to stand up for yourself if you feel threatened. If you feel threatened by this then I think you're a thin skinned faggot.
Now, if someone physically barred you from doing something then, yes, get vocal etc. otherwise it's just a case if your feelings getting hurt, you little faggot
Tbh all this just makes me extra happy to live in a small village where there are like 3 niglers that everybody knows and nobody minds. (Because they aren't these sjw faggots or refugees who come here to just leech our country.)