You're either with Israel or you're with the Muslims. Choose wisely Sup Forums
DAILY REMINDER that Sup Forums is a PRO-ISRAEL board
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how about none?
how about we dont care?
Speak for yourself eternal brit
Not caring and not choosing is a choice.
So I choose to do some good and choose Israel
Muslims are the symptom, Israel is the cancer. If you are pro-Israel, you are by definition pro-refugees. You are pro-removing Europeans from Europe and replacing them with Muslims.
>Speak for yourself eternal brit
>mfw kikes and sandniggers killing each other
Holy shit Sup Forums actually supports Israel.
Good post, mohammed.
Take out as many other dirty racmeixed anglos when you go kill yourself.
Great rebuttal, Shlomo
>look up how to become an orthodox jew
>years long process that many people give up on
>must memorize thousands of texts
>must get circumcised
>if circumcised, must provide blood from the penis
what the fuck
just because we have anti-semite laws in the UK doesnt mean you have to like them u cuck.
Just doing go round saying,
"gas the jews"
"gas the jews"
"gas ze juden"
"gas the jews"
Just think it instead
Gotta be the Muslims
Round up the kikes, the feminists, the faggots and let the fun begin
Sharia is our only hope for this degeneracy - and getting womyn the fuck out of politics, and off the street; and if they still are, its okay to stone them
Hail Sharia!
Daily reminder that the israel islam conflict is an orchestrated event and when you're rooting for these 2 groups to kill eachother, the globalists win
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion
forgot quote
not if we nuke them both...
OP's faggotry is over 9000
>doing the moloch worshipers a favor
Albert Kike!
People say its a hoax - the "first time" it was published mainstream.....was 1959. Either its an elaborate hoax, or people are really that fucking retarded they cant see it
Wikileaks during the election released something that detailed Israel wanting to attack Iran - the same country Hildebeast? And Barry gave Uranium too and did deals with - to justify Israhells paranoia and lay the ground work.
To hell with both of them. Let them kill each other, it will benefit everyone.
>just noted the happy circumstance of kikes and sandniggers killing each other
Just go back to your country, you're lowering the average IQ there and they don't want you anyway
%80 of Jews hate Trump and Conservatives why would we ever be Pro-Israel?? Fuck Israel. They can get melted in the next internecine nuke wars.
Nice try Eternal Anglo
Earthquake in Israel soon.
Druids in Wales have seen it.
yahweh is a myth.
a shitty, shitty myth.
fuck you op, dumping my jew hate folder
I support the Israelis purely on the basis that they're white and that we, as Christians, are instructed to do so by God himself.
If you're anti Israel you're pretty much anti white and and anti God.
Nuke them both
Congrats for being pro-refugees and removing Europeans from Europe, useful idiot.
Israel needs a good nuking.
Yeah... okay...
Are people that retarded theyd defend people who coudlnt give a shit about them? Whats next, defending IS?!
There are good jews and bad jews.
The cultural marxists pushing that agenda are atheists.
> Israel - is a country
> Muslims - are a culture
Noice. You're completely transparent.
No, you dumbass. Israeli Jews are causing wars in middle East that forces normal Muslims to flee their own countries so Israel can have it for themselves while Europeans that had did absolutely nothing suffer.
You are, by definition, useful idiot.
Aids or herpes, I choose herpes (muslims)
Erase all of them from orbit.
Jewish-Turkish friendship
1492 best day of my life