what the fuck happened?
What the fuck happened?
Cultural Marxism
>Colonies in Space
Not quite there yet but ISS is good first step.
>Solar Heated Homes
Possible to do, not economically viable for mass production
>Amazing Sports
Cup stacking
>Wristwatch TV
Apple Watch
The Soviet system failed to get us off this rock
We became "tolerant" and "progressive" :) .
governments started focusing more on peoples feelings rather than the furtherment of the species.
Progress records?
That's just a Tesla that looks like the car Homer designed
Remember how first world nations gave billions (or is it trilions, by now) to shitty third world nations for "aid"?
Well that could have been put to much better use.
>tfw leftists damage potential progress more than the church did in the middle ages
>tfw we live in the dark ages 2 electric boogaloo
not a good feel, I want to live on a white colony on Venus in a cloud city
The world has always had an optimistic view of the future. If these things were truly wanted they would have already been done. See
>Colonies In Space
Taking longer than anticipated. Social Welfare programs and constant warfare initiated by the weak-minded and Neocons/Neolibs have been the culprits for why more funding hasn't been given to space exploration programs.
>Solar-Heated Houses
Natural Gas proved a better alternative for our contemporary era. Eventually when Solar is more viable it will replace it. Either why, our homes are heated efficiently with the usage of electronics, I would say this marvel has been achieved.
>Amazing Sports
I mean, crazy future sports like Battlestar Galactica's Pyramid or Blitzball in Final Fantasy X won't really ever happen. There's no demand and no feasible way to go about it. Now, E-Sports, Trading Card Games, and the likes have really taken off due to the advent of modern technology. While not really sports, Yu-Gi-Oh and Halo tournaments are contemporary counterparts to this idea I would suppose. If you're into that sort of thing.
>Wristwatch TV
Apple Watch, Samsung has a watch too I believe. Probably lots of third party alternatives as well. Marvel achieved.
Personal Aeronautic vehicles won't ever be a feasible idea in America until the Free Market is allowed to produce one affordable enough to market to consumers. If and when this happens, this article's prediction of Americans living far away from cities in the countryside will be true in some cases, but more likely you'll see the already growing Subrural communities flourish even more. Suburbanrural will be a thing as well, if that makes sense.
What is Tesla. Marvel achieved.
Skype, Online classes, hybrid classes. All have proven to be shite ways of learning, might I add. Marvel achieved.
We chose to import 3rd worlders who drive the IQ of our smartest nations way down.
Niggers, and their other assorted welfare filth.
Imagine if instead of paying through the nose to fed all the niggers in the world we had instead spent that money on useful things.
That is Tens if not Hundreds of Trillions of Dollars, we could be shitposting from fucking Calisto if we had just done the right thing in the 1700s and killed all the niggers in africa and everywhere else.
>doesn't realize it's Jews radicalizing and lobbying to give the niggers gibs
Not even a joke. Just look at the track we were on from 1946 - 1965.
At least we have the internet.
Although normies and liberals are getting closer each year to ruining that.
Jews can't lobby for Gibs if all the niggers are dead.
Checkmate Atheists
you mean corrupt money hungry race traitors and their (((ally)))
>KKK types kill JFK/MLK/etc
>southern strategy & retard tier conservashits
>50 years of no progress
they'll just lobby to import more spics, who are close in IQ to niggers anyway, then give them welfare. They need more people dependent on the system.
Unless you mean kill all non northwestern Europeans
I said "Liberals" didn't I?
I completely agree with you, we need to focus on improving our species.
Leftists, kikes, niggers, Muslims and military budgets.
People made bizarre predictions for the future that had limited practical application or weren't an improvement on already existing products.
Why the fuck would anyone want a hover car?
Hey, I had one of those books! Pic related. Those were pretty good. I still have it somewhere, I got when I was a little kid. The book came out in 79, I got it right around then, I'm 44 now. A lot of the predictions were pretty spot on.
There is a chart of predictions for the farther future where a little farther down the road we will be linking human minds with computers and it will be "the dawn of a new super race". They were talking about transhumanism. That was kind of creepy.
That is kinda what I meant by all the welfare filth yeah, but without niggers being around in the first place the jews would have had no place to put their hooks to begin with.
Glass Africa, South America and the Middle east. And then we will have to spend some time sorting out India cause I refuse to believe that more than half of the street shitters have an IQ north of 75
I see a lot of kids learning algebra using YouTube
I check tutorials on AutoCAD and Solidworks from time to time
This has been surpassed as you don't need to leave your house (basement)
>what is ultimate in suspension
OP, those pics you posted weren't out of that book in your first post though.
well we got 1 out of 5
Official theory - Literally a Commie.
The only remotely conservishit conspiracy theory would probably involve the John Birch Society who are libertarians. Maybe.
How did killing him halt scientific progress. Accepting his ideals resulted is precisely what killed progress. Just a giant parasitic welfare state for sub-normals.
>Southern Strategy
I'll agree that Bible Thumpers were a problem. Congratulations on replacing them with Koran Thumpers though, Liberals.
To get places faster.
faggot posted
oh hai
How would a hover/flying car get you to work faster? That is, given the realities of everyone having a flying car.
Not sure how Bible Thumpers impeded progress, they never demanded for 70% of the nation's budget be spent on welfare. The worst things they have ever done is
1. not want Evolution be taught in schools
2. not want the harvesting of human fetuses for research.
the first has no actual impact on anything and the second is the only moral stance that can be taken.
Singularity tards.
There have been and still are people who actually believe that scientific progress will exponentially fasten.
The rapid development in technology has only happened in relation to computers, that's why eg. the TV wrist watches have become reality, but not the space flight which is much more depended on things different from information technology.
And even the development of computers has nearly stagnated and there isn't much faster we can go without a major breakthrough.
In his defense, MLK wanted the negroes to get a grip, but being a negro himself he didn't a very good job at it...
The cold war ended. We stopped competing with Soviets to make bigger and better shit.
70 years of communism in half of Europe.
>that pic
That's where we where going before the statist took over.
>muh roads
First step? Skylab and Salyut were first steps. We have barely moved.
>muh lolbertardianism
If 50% of the DoD's budget was invested in the stock market from 1946-present (still maintaining the largest spending on the planet by far) then the returns would be several trillion dollars per year, enough to pay for the entire government with no taxes on anyone for anything.
The only welfare problem we have is the parasites at the top: bank bailouts, $10,000 toilet seats in iraq, etc.
Official theory = opposite of the truth
JFK killed by bircher sorts, yep. Lolbertardians / pretend conservashits destroyed America.
The world can't have nice things when there are niggers that need their gibs
>1980: "There's literally nothing wrong about being homosexual! Why, my wife's best friend is a homosexual Jamaican!"
2017: "Fuck, why is everyone busy being a tranny snowflake instead of building flying cars? And why is my wife's son so dark skinned?"
niggers and leftards
>tfw you realize that it was the whole time just propaganda
>earth is flat
we are so close with 3d printers and the reusable rocket launch that just happened today. If we can keep the brown horde out for another 25-30 more years we can have paradise on earth
its a race can we make the perfect world before the shit skins out breed everyone
You can heat your home with solar, sort of. In that you can have solar panels installed and sell energy back to the grid.
It's pretty common here but mist people neverbmake their money back.
possible =/= practical. Furthermore, much of the stuff in this thread seems to be predictions of a /somewhat/ plausible future based on knowledge of what was then current technology and extrapolation as to it's possible developments.
I reckon that all of those things in the OP are possible-- whatever "amazing sports" is-- but clearly only the one (maybe you could say two) are practical, and even the computer watches we have these days don't have a receiver to pick up TV broadcast.
Unfortunately, money is king. Look at what we have today out of these things listed in the picture. It's the watch. Why? Not because it showcases our ability to conquer not only the Earth, but also the stars, not in the name of some bright, wonderful future, but in the name of money.
Do they in the back have a catalogue of thier other books?
i hope its them.
VERY rare flag
at least we'll have wristwatch tv's soon! yay future!
I read in one of them about moon bases. now nasa doesnt give a fuck about moon.
hubble was hot shit at that time.
VERY new fag
democracy happened
poor people voting for gibsmedats, emptying the treasury and making politicians only think in 4 years terms
Multiple vertical lanes? Faster average travel speed of flight? The major drawback of flying cars is that you're using fuel to get your weight off the ground, so it has to make up for that.
at the current level of tech they had this was all the dreams of what will one day be not will be. Simply put it was a unrealistic goal I mean it could happen in the future future
The good old days from before kikes didn't see renewables as a threat to their pockets.
>clean energy
Solar is already 100% viable in a rural and remote context, not needing the capital to connect to the grid far outweights the capital of solar, which is plummeting in cost anyway.
algerians are not that uncommon
where I can find the full collection? in pdf if possible.
We have 4/4 of those though
Everyone can own or make a plane these days. Its piss easy
We have that too
And that
Those too
Those magazines were spot on desu
I was a little kid probably in 79 when I got one at the Vancouver Planetarium. I only ever saw one other one. About 15 years ago my friends much younger little brother had one.
I saw a shack with lots of panels like that on the roof the other day. Local Green Party candidate has a setup like that. But he's a real fucking doorknob, his place looks like some 3rd world shanty in grown in swamp and he has duct tape on his shoes and pants even though he has lots of money in the bank because he inherited lots of money from his family in England.
any games that have that kinda future style
>Everyone can own or make a plane these days.
Are you mentally retarded?
Unless you are a millionaire you can not afford to buy a plane and learn to fly.
We are hundreds of years away from space colonies or a moonbase.
21st century just started. We literally only lack space travel, bit commercial space companies are just getting started.
Once we have a few mines in space money will start flowing that way very fast.
Can't help you senpai but maybe someone else can link us.
>To own a plane
No hans, thats completely untrue. You can build a plane by yourself for nothing. Just use a car engine and youre set, its safe to fly too. If you dont want a ad hoc plane then a kit plane will set you back few ten thousand dollars at lowest price points.
ISS is a space colony. Not that we couldnt do a moon colony, its just impractical and offers no real benefitd
Forgot pic, a welder put this together by scavenging the engine from his car and it flew fine
You are the only tard here, scientific research is fucking miles and miles away compared to 40/50 years from now. Look at fields like biology or even medicine. If you are one of those moron that thinks we haven't made any progress because you are still bald and cold still exists, then look what we erradicated and cancer survival rate
Progress happens first in research and then it comes into tech, we are in the research phase
How is having something to walk on not a benefit?
Yeah let me just make a fucking plane out of a car engine with no avionic or engineering knowledge.
It'll be legal to fly without a license too.
ww2, aliens, Antarctica, realized it's a bunch of bullshit, maybe, gov. pussies keep it secret from everyone else lawl
Thats completely possible and people have done it before without crashing, in the 80s. Its vastly easier now with internet, its still requires time and effort though.
Planes are simple as fuck.
>Not flying without a license.
At worst you will get a small fine, just do it in secluded area
Honestly, it's what didn't happen: successful socialism. The futurists back then envisaged a highly-cooperative society where wealth and technology was used for the common good and centrally-planned progress. They weren't thinking about baby-boomer property moguls, oil wars, 1% Wall Street billionaires making money out of money and spending it on personal ocean-liners, wage-slavery, an economy based on narcissism, where base emotions like greed, resentment and vanity are perfectly acceptable in the name of personal liberty, and actively encouraged by (((mass entertainment))).
I had an ee course using web-based testing. Basically it means you get no credit for showing your work, and cheating was rampant. You typer in an answer an that is it, no awareness by the teacher of how you arrived at that answer.
Computer-based learning is garbage.
Besides the watch TV it seems, everything else was incredibly idealistic but failed to take into account long term problems, kind of like communism.
>No hans, thats completely untrue. You can build a plane by yourself for nothing. Just use a car engine and youre set, its safe to fly too. If you dont want a ad hoc plane then a kit plane will set you back few ten thousand dollars at lowest price points.
You can not build a plane yourself.
Without having an engineering degree you will not even know how to start.
A plane is an EXTREMELY complicated thing and even if you had the knowledge required materials and man hours to build it make it completely unfeasible.
And even if you had spend a few millions and build your own plane flying it would be highly illegal and lead you to certain death.
Do you have any idea how complicated such a thing is? And how ridiculous the Idea of using a car motor is without being a professional mechanic and a trained engineer. And how much time it would take?
>ISS is a space colony
It is not. No one is permanently living there.
It is a fucking research station and we are many decades away from a person being able to survive in space for more then a couple of months.
This is true. Look at academia today, and popular science: it is 100% agenda-driven popularity bullshit.
If the Nazis had won we would already be developing new societies on the moon.
Yeah, let's not construct strawmen.
>In the United States, anyone can build an airplane or a helicopter or a glider or any number of other aircraft. To get it licensed to fly, it needs to meet certain criteria. And to fly an aircraft registered in the Experimental category, the pilot needs a private license or a periodic signoff by a flight instructor.
And of course he wasn't allowed to fly with it and he was a professional who new how to weld.
That doesn't make planes for the general population a reality.
You are really fucking retarded.
>A plane is an EXTREMELY complicated thing and even if you had the knowledge required materials and man hours to build it make it completely unfeasible.
Then how come uneducated Fin has built multiple ad hoc plains without any degrees beyond basic education?
>And even if you had spend a few millions and build your own plane flying it would be highly illegal and lead you to certain death.
How is he still flying then, for over 20 years?
>Do you have any idea how complicated such a thing is? And how ridiculous the Idea of using a car motor is without being a professional mechanic and a trained engineer. And how much time it would take?
Not very complicated when someone uneducated can do it. Time isnt a concern if its something youre passionate about.
I think the problem is that you have no balls. People without any knowledge have prepped up ad hoc planes before. It happened in early 1900s and its nothing impossible given the advanced in engine and materials technology.
Just because you lack nuts doesnt mean others lack them too for trying something abnormal.
Who cares if youre not allowed to fly hans? There is nothing stopping you if you use less used or abandoned runways
They didn't have internet back then so development and technological advancement was so much slower. With the internet we are evolving so fast that 99% of people are dropping off the sled
He is german, boring and blank-minded. Let him be a little mouse he wants to be
It is a stupid Idea and a miracle that he is still alive.
But just because one crazy finn can get a piece of metal of the ground doesn't mean that planes are available to the general population.
He had the knowledge and skills required something that less then 0.1% of the population have.
And he wasn't even allowed to fly with it so why bother.
This has absolutely nothing to do with anything and I don't really understand your argument.
PLANES ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO THR GENERAL POPULATION and they won't be for the next hundreds of years.
>robot controlled aircraft
>looks exactly like a modern day drone
How long ago was this book published?
>And to fly an aircraft registered in the Experimental category, the pilot needs a private license or a periodic signoff by a flight instructor.
So he didn't make a straw man but accurately represented the reality of home made flight in the US and the qualifications needed to create a plane.
technological slowdown, and now we spend a shit tonne of money on keeping niggers and shitskins alive in our countries.
>actually being this much of a German
Its no fucking wonder you lost two world wars. Everything has to have a plan, be set out and lists made for you lot.
The second things dont go according to plan, you all to pieces
Pic related is a glider made by allied POWs in Colditz castle during WW2, made out of bed sheets, porridge, wood and tennis balls.
Made right under the noses of the German guards without them suspecting a thing
Try harder Fritz
People lost motivation. That's what it all boils down to. It is definitely something humanity could be achieving with current tech, but we lack the focus and motivation that was present in the 60's. People just don't care anymore, and that's really sad.
>He had the knowledge and skills required something that less then 0.1% of the population have.
He read books about planes in a public library, thats how he got his knowledge. Its easier nowadays thanks to internet too.
>Its illegal so why bother
jesus christ, do you buy your music too?
>Planes arent..
But they are if you visit a local library and learn to weld, something which is considered rather easy to learm